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Posts posted by justamum

  1. JsMum, I was were you are now in regards to school 6 months ago. I removed my son from the education system completely and have NEVER looked back! It's not right for all but don't dismiss that option if all the doors shut on other options, as they did with me. It's also easy and rewarding to see you and your child's stress level drop to almost zero.


    As for a stranger chastising your child...just let them try it on mine :angry: However I have a 'look' that tends to send the ignorant scurrying! Although where I live there appears to be an understanding with shop workers, particular in Dundee, of autistics and their oddities in behaviour. I do get funny looks for having a wrist strap on my boy and folk keep staring I have tendency to say 'Can I help you? Do you you have problem?' if the stares continue after giving my 'look'.


    And apart from that I am officially at the age to be a crabbit old woman (grumpy old woman) :lol:


    Also like you I have felt that some replies on this forum from some have been very judgemental whether meant or not. I have also felt some come across as 'being better than others'. Think really you should take what you need from the forum and ignore the comments that offend you.

  2. Got one back saying she thinks she's a bit confused as well


    They very often do get confused when you question something that you don't believe is correct :lol: Even more so if you quote chapter and verse, which undoubtedly they already knew about!

  3. Also, the bit about her not being able to remember if it was the SCHOOL or the PARENTS who had to pay


    Oh I expect she can, but if she can con a parent into paying up all the better!


    Get her to confirm who should pay up, and if she says parent make a nice little phone call the the LEA explaining the 'distress' this causing you and financial hardship..bet they say this is incorrect ;)

  4. The situation would not have warranted a light hearted jocular comment being made, even then I would classed it as inappropriate but returned and equally inappropriate remark to the speaker.


    It was an inappropriate remark made in answer to the child's mother giving across vital medical information. A simple 'ok' would have sufficed.


    I use a walking stick. Would saying to a nurse, or anyone else,


    'I have hypermobility syndrome and I take this'


    warranted an answer of


    'oh your a bit of a cripple then?'


    No because that is offencive. Where's the difference?

  5. YES, report it.


    As a nurse she should have know better.


    My recent trip to hospital regarding me dislocating my finger was COMPLETELY different. I had the boyo in toe and was reassuring him that the word 'surgeon' was ok and don't worry. The nurse cottoned on immediately that he had problems. She went out of her way to ensure he was ok and hurried doctors up, explaining to them..boy with an ASD etc. She took time to speak to him and calm him when necessary.

  6. Warren


    so your lawn looks like a miniture crop circle formation??




    Not a chance!


    I mow over it if it looks like the grass is getting clear 'cut' lines.


    Actually it's looking a bit dry at present as in Scotland we only had 34% of our total rainfall for May. So every thing was a bit dry. We have had a bit or rain now, but still struggling to keep things growing.

  7. So the school craftily want you to buy them computer equipment then?


    I have never heard of a parent having to pay for part of of equipment if it's not a private school. The school are saying he needs one then they should supply one.


    Also �250...you can buy your own one near enough for that price and get to keep it, not have it on loan.


    If I were you I'd make a quick call to the Education Dept regarding the school trying extract money from you by use of emotional blackmail


    Cheeky devils :angry:

  8. apparently the boy had punched him in the head in school


    oh right and that was really good day then?


    3 words




    If he is prone to violence, without any disorder apart from upbringing, and using it then has no place in the school he is at then. He is a danger to your child, and others as well as staff.

  9. Personally I would take JsMum suggestion and get him signed off. During this time sort out some home eduction. No strict book hitting but spontaneous as you can learning ie a spot of gardening and learning the life cycle of a plant, insect or what ever you see. I say this because he sounds a prime candidate for educating by other means.


    I deregister my son just before Christmas. His stress level and plummeted to practically zero. He is enjoying life once more and the proof is in that before I deregged him getting him to dress for school was struggle. He now is dressed 3/4 hour earlier than before WITHOUT being told!


    Oh and he has just asked if we can help his sister get prepared for her High School after the holidays :D

  10. Do you think some form of training for the police into the needs of of asd would have altered the way you were treated?


    I think that PC plod should have realised he was out of his depth and sort someone who had specific training, yes my lad would have been treated differently. But I also believe the pro knew this and used it to her advantage to ensure her vindication and my threat of Child Protection. This was more poignant particularly after I had asked for someone who had training with ASD's. I believe for him it was macho show off to the rooky police woman who was shadowing him. So training to realise there are certain conditions that they CAN NOT handle and to admit they can not and to recognise that if a person doesn't behave in the way they think they should, oddly, then get other help in. You can't expect every officer to know.


    I met him over another incident, intimidation of a witness (me). He was completely different, and knew he could not brush me off so easily...beside the guy had committed an offence and I was not the only witness to the original offence.

  11. :angry: More Big Brother from Gordy Brown then!


    I am with David Davis and his last speech, that he was refused permission to make in Parliament.


    Oh and despite your flippancy there is not enough recycling facilities for folk to use, in large towns and cities you get it door to door with various bins etc. Get out in the open countryside and you don't get a recycle collection nor encouragement to recycle. My nearest bottle bank, for instance, is over 10 miles in a direction I rarely need to go.


    Also already, and despite there being only 3 houses, I found an 'extra' sack in my bin last week. I rarely have more than one sack in my bin as I have a composter and a Green Cone. This scheme will as you have already said encourage fly tipping and many householder will find their bin full of rubbish they did not make themselves.

  12. My son has had dealing with the police as a victim. I can't speak about the case but can about the way he was treated. I requested an officer who has experience with child with autism. The officer said he felt he could deal with it, despite me asking twice. However although he was kind to my son he didn't believe a word of what he was saying because he kept adding to what he was saying...remember more stuff. When I explained you can not get all the information in one sitting this was dismissed. The perpetrator is a 'professional', I can say no more, and basically used that to dismiss my sons probable autism and enforced he was just a liar and badly behaved. He went on further to suggest that I should discipline my son harder and I was failing in my parental duties (the pro suggested this)...the case was dropped as she, the pro, turned it on me as a parent who was abusing my son.


    Basically shut up or we send in child protection!


    The Police did look at my sons bruises and tried to dismiss them as playground rough play until I showed them written evidence of this persons negative feeling against my son. BUT they could get no evidence to prove her behave toward him, and that's when child protection was raised. I had bruised him apparently!


    I believe this officer may well have thought he knew how to handle my son but in reality he had no clue and clearly showing off to his rooky officer he had with him. he readily believed the pro purely because of their job. He dismissed the case as he felt the pro's word was more reliable and that indeed my son was rude, badly behaved, and a liar. HOWEVER he did admit there was obviously a clash of personalty between my son and the pro (an adult who had 'training' in child with SEN and should have known better). My son was short changed and I was 'branded' and my lawyer is now dealing with that!

  13. So they are bullying you then? Only come across one school where this doesn't happen!


    DO NOT question yourself. You know what support your child needs, they know what their budget can pay for simple as that. Do not let them bullying and intimidate you into excepting what you know is wrong and incorrect, because they will try.


    To my mind if you have not suggested they are hiding the facts from you and they jump down your throat saying they are not then there's a guilty admission in its self

  14. if you do get one for him ensure you structure something for him to do with the dog..training, grooming, feeding


    James is very serious about his training as he can see the results each session he goes to. She has gone from a frightened mutt, to a scatty one to one who will walk to heel on command without her lead!


    And James has done that on his own with tutoring

  15. Enid depends on the size or your son and the dog. They do bring out responsibility but also frustration. James goes to dog training classes so he gets the whole care package with help, and it gives him an interest to speak about in social situations,.


    Whippets, Coco is a whippet cross, are very loyal and obedient dogs as well as being very loving.

  16. he is a little 'spaced out' today as he is tired...took a lot out of him.


    He has another show next month then another until September. I think once a month will be his limit at present.


    Just wait until next Saturday when he tell his dog training instructor...she will jump up and down with joy!


    You will have to excuse my typing, worse than ever at present. I dislocated my little finger, doing something I shall be lectured about no doubt later, and it's currently strapped up until I see the plastic surgeon tomorrow..cue lecture about joint care and hypermobility syndrome!

  17. James has been taking his dog to training classes for the last few months. He has special dispensation to do this because it is and adult class, but the instructor was happy to take him in the class.


    Yesterday he entered his first dog show in several classes, 2 of which were serious


    Class 4: Any variety Open Class?..basically dog handling of any kind of dog


    Class 5: Child handler??..see how well you and the dog, but particularly the dog, behave to each other and how well you handle the dog.


    For Class 4 he achieved 6th place out of 16. This is a real achievement as he was up against adults who had show experience and were determine to win at all costs..semi professional.


    For Class 5 he achieved 2nd out of 7. This is a not so serious class and it took the judge some time to choose between him and the eventual winner. The only thing that let him down was his dog got a little excited because he got a little ?flappy?

  18. If you do a monthly shop, as I do, you order online and get the shop to deliver :) A taxi will not be cost effective.


    I have a car but I am very rural so a trip to the shops needs to be cost effective. So I often buy stuff online and get it delivered.


    You then take the stress of yourself and use the bus for those trips further afield and a day out...enjoyment rather than necessity

  19. I have just had my daughters, NT, report through...she needs to listen more carefully :wallbash:


    She wore a hearing aid up until 18mths ago and the hearing in the left ear is not 100%......not bad enough for an aid but still down!


    But still her listening skills need improvement :rolleyes:


    She is going to high school next term, thank goodness!

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