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Everything posted by Allansmum

  1. Hi I've just recieved the 2nd proposed statement following the annual review. The ist one i didnt agree with and asked for other things to be included. Since than my son has been offered a place at an area resource base and starts september. This new proposed statement includes the things i asked for, and has the new placement on it aswell. But I really need some advice on part 3 the provision. It states that the individual education plan will need to include the following provision of resources and teaching arrangements. Then basically its the same as it was before but with the things i wanted added. So happy about that. For example staff working with xxx will have recieved training in working with children with asd. a setting based structured language and communication development programme devised with support from the salt, delievered for up to 20 minutes per day by an adult who has recieved training from the salt. But then it states from september 2011 the individual education plan will need to include the following provision of resources and teaching arrangements within a placement where. Then theres a load of new stuff. Example there is access to appropiate salt advice and liason and any other necessary specialist advice to address needs, there are opportunities for learning within small groups, and an enhanced level of non teaching attention and support. Im confused! Does all the provision above the bit that says from september 2011 still count after september? I hope so, as thats the daily speech stuff, plus a number of other programmes. One more thing the only thing i didnt get added to the provision was music therapy. At the moment his current school buy in music therapy for him. He gets 25 hours of support, but to enable him to have music therapy hes only supported in the mornings. The arb have said they only buy in music therapy if its in the statement. Which is why i wanted it added. It has been added but as non education provision. So am i right in thinking that the arb wont be buying it in? Even though it states weekly 30 minute sessions part 6 means nothing. Thanks in advance for any advice
  2. My son has a statement and in part 3 it says that he will need a planned transition to any future placement. Hes currently in a mainstream infant junior school. Hes got a place at an arb (junior arb) and starts in september. What can we expect from this planned transition? So far nothing seems to be happening. What are your experiences?
  3. Hi Thanks for your replies. I've made a list of the ammendments that i want. Got to go through it again now because i forgot about the weasel words! Thanks for your help
  4. Hi there My son was assessed in 2007 and statement was written up. Its remained the same since. Unfortunity its not a very good statement full of weasel words etc. I didnt know then what i know now, so it wasnt checked properly. We had the annual review last november and asked for some ammendments to be made. We recieved the proposed statement this morning. Not all the ammendments we wanted are on it. So im not agreeing to it this time. Ive printed out the guide from sos sen on how to check a statement and plan to give them a ring later. As the assessment was done in 2007, can i go through all paperwork from then. The appendix from 2007 and all reports submitted to annual reviews since then, to get this statement right? Or is it just reports submitted at the last annual review? The statement is so out of date, it hardly describes my son. Thanks for any help
  5. Hi thanks for the reply. The statement was written when ds was 3 years old. He'll be 7 in Jan and it hasnt changed at all. He was non verbal, but now he is talking. But has loads of difficulties, speech sounds, processing difficulties etc. There is no provision for these. Provision in statement is all for non verbal, using makaton, visuals etc. Oblivously these still need to stay in the statement, but i want things added for the new problems. These difficulties are all in the reports from the salt. The only thing in the reports from the salt was to use the nuffield programme. Can that be written into the statement? Senco says no, specific programme are not named in statements, is that correct?
  6. Hi there When you recieve all the written advice for the annual review. What is it? Is it the reports that proffessional have written following visits to your children? Or is it similar to the form that the parents are sent asking for there views. Is it a particular form? All ive ever recieved in the past is copies of reports that are sent after a visit from the proffessional. Is that right? Our review is less than a fortnight away now, and we've recieved nothing. The school know that i want the statement updated, new difficulties added and provision to match these difficulties. Asked class teacher about the written advice today and she knows nothing about it. I dont have a clue whats going on and I dont want to go to this meeting blind.
  7. Allansmum


    My son has been saying for a few weeks now that he doesnt like B and M because there horrible to him. Thurday when I picked him up he said they had hit and kicked him. I asked the stand in teacher if she was aware of it, she said no. Friday morning told his teacher, told her i'd told stand in and that she wasnt aware of it, she said she'd sort it out. Picked him up, and was told my son had said he'd told stand in teacher. So nothing was done. Once home from school my son told me that M had pushed and kicked him again that day. When getting ready for his bath, i noticed that his thigh covered in bruises,he says thats were he was pushed and kicked. Spoke to head this morning, and he phoned a little while ago to tell me that he's arranged for someone to shadow him in the playground for a week. B admitted hurting my son and has lost playtime. Anyway what I'm wondering about is his statement. In light of these two incidents can I complain about provision not being provided. Or is the wording to vague? The statement objective is monitor his safety and welfare, meeting his needs in activities of daily living and developing his independence in self help skills Provision Close adult supervision and support to monitor his safety and welfare and meet his needs in activities of daily living, building his independence as he matures through an appropriate skills development programme. He has 25 hours per week of learning assistant support. Which can be delivered on an individual basic, within small group or as in class support, available to A as required. The incident friday was in class, thursday playground. Agreed action today is an I'm hurt card.( A has severe speech communication difficulties. He was nonverbal till a year ago, and very poor understanding ) Plus someone will be shadowing him on playground this week.
  8. Hi, thanks for the replies. He has a diagnosis of autism. I dont understand what you mean by what level of sen. The 7 is from the eyfs profile thing. Not p levels. Senco say its a different thing to the p levels, and that she can assure me that really good progress is being made. I'm not to sure. Typical progress within p levels according to our senco is half a p level a year.
  9. Hi there Does anyone understand foundation stage profile and p levels. I understand the other levels, level 1,level 2. Even the a b c bit. But am stuck with the foundation stage and p levels. Can anyone help me work out if my son made good progress last year or not. School say really good progress but im not sure. At the end of Year R he was doing really well in maths. The foundation stage profile thing scored him a 7. According to the bottom of the sheet, 6 is average. So a 7 was really good. End of year 1, hes now p6. So was really good progress made? If he was above average end of year R, wouldnt he at least be on level 1? Got an AR coming up, and im trying to work out if progress has been made. Thanks for any help
  10. Allansmum

    IEP review

    Hi thanks for all your replies. My son has a statement. We dont get on with the senco at all. All she ever says to us, when we question anything, is i have a degree! I'm concerned about his iep. Am i correct in thinking that the 3 targets that are set at the annual review, to be adressed over the next 12 months,are the big targets linked to the statement. And that the ieps should be little targets towards the big target? Does that make sense. If so, then i think i have a problem! As the targets set at AR are little one, so he has a whole year to achieve three little targets.
  11. Allansmum

    IEP review

    I'm having a bit of trouble getting my sons iep reviewed, and would like a bit of advice. Iep was done june 2009 and again dec 2009. On his current iep ( one done dec) it states review june 2010. so far no review has been done, and we've spent the past 4 weeks chasing it up. No one seems to know anything about it. Now the senco has said it doesnt need doing until sept, and that its only suppose to be done twice a year. Twice a year, is that a calender year or school year? Either way it hasnt been done twice! Why is it so difficult to find out if your childs making progress?
  12. I read this a few weeks ago. Ive tried reading a couple of jodi picoults books before, and have never managed to get into them. But house rules was different. I really enjoyed this book, and couldnt put it down.
  13. Hi My son started reception in september he has a statement and 30 hours support. He signs and uses pecs. He is just starting to talk. He isnt using sign as much as he did. TA doesnt sign and up untill now hasnt been using pictures. SALt has recommended they sign and use pictures. They have started using pictures, but teacher and head teacher have suggested i go and teach TA to sign. Now, he has statement, done a couple of years ago, and provision isnt that great. Looking into changing the provision as i feel now hes at school its a bit vague. But TA at nursery signed and used pecs, so surely the statement isnt that vague. Is his new school just fobbing me off?
  14. Thanks Karen. I shall have a look.
  15. Hi My son started mainsteam school yesterday. He is non verbal, and needs constant supervision. The school is open, all the schools round here are. The only thing stopping him walking out of the school is two traffic cones! He has a statement, and he has been awarded 30 hours of one to one support. Am I right in thinking that his lsa is there just for my son, and not the other kids? And that her job is to support him only? I told his lsa yesterday, my main concern is that there is nothing stopping him walking out of the school, and that he was to be watched at all times. Anyway went to pick him up yesterday. hubby left a bit later than me, and hadnt caught me up before i got to the school. His teacher was outside the class talking to another parent, my son came running out the class to greet me, i took him back into the class and he needed the loo, so i took him. I could see the lsa was also talking to another parent. No body was watching him. Whilst son was on loo, hubby arrived and asked where son was, nobody knew! Luckily he was in the loo with me. Is the lsa job just to support my son? Shouldnt she have been with my son and not talking to other parents? Am I over reacting here? Supervision and safety are part of his statement. Sarah
  16. Allansmum


    Hello everyone I'm new here. I'm Sarah, and I live in Cornwall. I have 3 kids. My youngest Allan was diagnosed with Autism last year. He is 4 and started school yesterday. He is non verbal. Sarah
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