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Posts posted by mariaterisa

  1. Well today all afternoon, and evening I have been rather weepy, crying and once it starts it hasnt been easy to stop, I kind of go with it now, and I try and let go, but its so hard keeping it together for me to then let go like this, I cried at the proggramme cotton wool kids, and I cried when explaining how stressful things was with school and everything just built up, but today it broke down, and its knocked me for six, I feel a little bit better now, just exhausted and needing some good old zzzzsss, any free hugs going I would apriciate one.


    Do you get weepy? and what do you do?



    Yes....i understand....totally...the tear thing just seems to flood your whole body..wells up inside then whoosh..uncontollable sobs......and yes...the release afterwards where you feel drained but in a wierd way..better.....but the feeling that crowds you leading up to the sobs and crying is horrible...try as much as you wish to snap out of it or think differently about the probs we have...it takes root and wont go until you cry...makes sense???...what do i do...strong cuppa withas many rich teas to dunk in....but go steady on the dunking 'cos if one falls in the tea..you have another reason to cry...aaaghh well her is a hug from moi... >:D>:D<<'> >:D< >:D<<'> >:D< < mariaterisa

  2. :jester:

    I think they just meant prescription, some people get their gf/wf foods on prescription. I think that is what he meant anyway.

    thanks sg....always helpful as ever....i suppose i should have guessed!!...how is it going....hope things are calming a little for you....what about that posting on the flight...the funny one by...was it baddad or..cant remember now....such a laugh....anyway..you will be okay..i am sure....your inner strenght that has helped you face many hurdles will be with you at the airport!!!...and of course you will be seeing this mr j at the end of it...so go for it...maria

  3. Hi all -


    Recently discovered the EnerG flax loaf in one of the big supermarket chains and it is, as a certain Mr K would put it, 'exceedingly good'...

    Following on from that, two of the other biggies, we discovered, are carrying another of EnerG's new products, the incredibly unimaginatively (but accurately) named 'Gluten Free Loaf', which is also exceedingly good!

    Unfortunately, neither are available on scrip (but if enough people requested who knows?), but if you ain't getting your gf bread on scrip i'd strongly recommend giving these a try... Best yet, the texture with both is better than any gf bread I've tasted (including my home made stuff) without refreshing... At last, 'sandwich' rather than 'toast' bread :thumbs:

    Ben's chuffed as punch!


    BD :D


    hi there bd...have just bought some freefrom prods from sainsburys today for charlie...but was not impressed with the stingy loaf split in 2 parts and costing �1.79 (approx 10 small slices)....now you mention this energ flax and a word i dont understnd..scrip'...what does that mean/ and where can i get this bread.....am trying a gm,gf,lf diet for me and charlie....i recently saw my specialist as on top of everything else i suffer from lupus (SLE) and apparently this sort of diet may be beneficial to people like me as well as aspy folk like my boy and hubby....many thanks for your good advice as always,maria

  4. hi there all...am reading The magic Mind Power" by duncan mcCOLL...a really good read on the power of the subconscious and the potential of training one's brain to be more positive etc etc...through self hypnosis and relaxation teckniques....it also helps to eliminate negative feeling and hopelessness...which will explain why i am quite up beat in my postings. at the moment....just wait till i've finished the book and go back to me whining and wailing full of self doubt and criticism as a useless mum to 3 boys,one of whom has asp and there...is..i am sure a smidgen in the other 2,but never diagnosed...and my wonderful hubby who has defo got it....anway..jolly good read and helps you to feel quite good about yourself and the world!!! maria x

  5. deliciously funny mumble....havent laughed so much in ages.....just a bit concerned though as sci geek has gone quiet...!!!!...you should publish this sort of thing....great sense of humour...thanks,maria x

  6. Pack an extra life jacket just in case. I suspect they do not check that every jacket is moth-hole free between flights (and moths do like a free ride wherever possible) and it would be terribly bad luck if you were to pull the 'inflate' tag, and nothing happened.


    And maybe a welding kit for the wings. If one were to accidentally make contact with the top of Ben Nevis or a new skyscraper the architects built without informing Air Traffic Control, if would be as well to be able to perform a little DIY. You may also find it useful for the tail. Although not important for flying, the tail allows the owners to claim the plane - a bit like the branding of sheep. If the tail were to fall off, no one would know which pen to place you in on landing and everything could get very muddled.


    And perhaps a little solder for the circuit boards.


    And a parachute - I think only first class passengers get them - I certainly didn't, and an oxygen mask may be all well and good, but it ain't going to help as you plummet from 20,000 feet. Also useful as bibs and sick-holders.


    You might also want to pack some flares so if you come down somewhere isolated, people will know where to look for you - although on second thoughts, they might not let you through security. You could make some out of florescent card.


    Don't take any baby milk to drink, that's not allowed because you might blow up the plane with it. Ensure you are not sitting next to a lactating mother - I assume the same would apply.


    And make sure you don't have religious (holey) socks on, because you have to take your shoes off at the airport so security can check whether whichever colour/pattern/cartoon sock you have picked is compatible with the decor of the plane. Plane socks are usually the best choice. And don't be fooled by 'flight socks'. These do not guarantee flight or give you super-human powers.


    Aim for the good looking security person, cause they like to wave their magic beeping wand around you and then pat you down to prove you have to rabbits hidden about your person before they extract one from your ear. If they extract a plane-wing/tail, check your own plane carefully before boarding. If in doubt, take some iron and fashion an extra wing/tail (attachable with welding kit).


    Remember at security that humans go through the tall upright metal detector and bags, buckles, braces, dogs, chameleons (if you can spot them) and grannies go through the horizontal x-ray machine, not the other way around...


    Wear several inflatable rubber rings on your body, arms, head and legs when negotiating the tunnel type things they herd passengers down like sheep to ensure other passengers bounce off you rather than crowd into you. You should be safe from puncture unless the tunnel is infiltrated by the lazy moths, as all sharp items will have been removed at security.


    Pack a spirit level so that a)you can check the wings are horizontal, b)you can check the tail is vertical c)you can drink the spirit when other checks have been performed. This spirit is likely to be a lot cheaper than that available on board.


    Ensure you are not sitting next to a chocolate button stealing rhinoceros. They sometimes come in disguise, so be vigilant.


    Do not choose to sit in front of anyone who looks like they might practise projectile vomiting. If there is no choice, erect your parachute behind you as a splatter shield.


    If you find you are lucky and don't need the parachute, hand it to the woman in ridiculously high heals and over-red lipstick as you begin to land and ask her to hang it behind the plane to aid braking. Failure to do so may result in the need to exit the plane by slide. These slides are not covered by the same health and safety regulations as children's playground slides and should be treated with some caution. Best to stick to the swings.


    When you collect your bags, do not be confused by the word 'carrousel'. This is not the same type of carouselcarousel as found at fun-fairs and sitting on it and riding around is not appreciated.


    When you arrive in Scotland, remember that this is very very North. Do not be surprised if you see the odd reindeer flying around, and ensure you have alpine snow-wear to hand.

  7. I'm flying to scotland on sunday to see Mr J monday morning. I have never been on a plane before or even been in an airport. What is it like? I'm rather nervous about it. Not only the flying but the airport as well. Flying from Bristol to Glasgow international.


    hi there sci geek...okay...dont know too much about bristol airport but should imagine it isnt as big as hthrow/lgw...so your best bet is to act like everone else....ie ants in a work chain or robots!!!...just follow the prompts..ie...check in with all your papers ...baggage etc...make sure any baggage is identifiable by you.....when that is done go through to departure lounge and listen out or look on the flight board for confirmation of ur flight and the gate that u have to go through to board the plane...give urself plenty of time....but whilst your at the airport...grab a book or mag...settle down somewhere with a drink and just relax.....when you are on the plane...you will have been given a window,middle or aisle seat when you checked in so state your preference at check in.....anyway..once on the plane...carry ion reading,have what ever the trolly saff offer you...especially if its included in your ticket price and just relax.....people dont tend to be that chatty on planes these days and i should imagine you will be in the company of business types/students etc being non peak holiday time...hope this helps..maria

  8. My ASD son (11 yrs old) has started wanting some independence in the bathroom which is a bit of a pain because he doesn't manage anything to do with hygiene very well still but it's also sort of good that he is wanting some independence (if that makes sense).

    Anyway, Tuesday night he went into the bathroom, locked the door behind him and found a bottle of bright blue semi permanent hair dye that my daughter had forgotten to take out of the bathroom. I thought he was taking a while so asked him to open the door and when he opened it he was bright blue from head to foot. There wasn't any visible skin at all, he even dyed his eyes. We ended up at casualty to get his eyes sorted :tearful: He hasn't done anything like this for a long time.

    Also in the last couple of days, he's started making a hell of a lot more mess than he normally does. He's decided to start looking for things that he's had no interest in for years but he throws everything over his shoulder as he goes along then walking off and leaving trails of destruction behind him :wallbash:

    Again, this is something he hasn't been so bad with for a long time. I should be clearing up these trails now instead of sitting on the computer but I keep looking at it all at the moment and don't know where to start so I'm just going to leave everything where it is for now.

    Does anybody else have times like this where their children just take a massive leap backwards or is it just me?

    Thanks for reading my ramblings.



    hi there Sharon

    have just read your post with a mixture of laughter,pain,empathy for you and understanding.....for it must have been a living horror story for you when episodes like this happen.....yes..i think that tht is all u can do to preserve your mental state...WALK AWAY....hide.....have a brew.......charlie ,my aspi..is coming up for 6 and so am not witnessing ths yet from him...although when he gets angry he will hurt himself.....he is strong for his age....and so i am worried for the future if his strength continues from strength to strength so to speak......but the irony is sharon...i have 2 other boys..one 13, and one 19 yr old...he is at uni now and what i am saying is that both these 2 have not ever been diagnosed yet as teenagers do strange things and have baffled me with the things they have got up to in private!! and as for mess...well.....isnt that par for course....my middle sons room smells funny,despite my cleaning in there twice a week...a mish mash of wrappers,old food,discarded underwear...ps2 games not working..just nonchallantly tossed in various hidden corners......hair dyimg.......age apt.....the 13 yr old has just done this...schwarzcoph platinim blond....without even telling me...did it at a friends...ye Gods.....is there a parent island where just parents can escape to...maria xx

  9. Hello witsend...just chilling on this great site and just read your post....wanted to say..how well you describe some of my days!!! know the feeling etc etc...you almost feel as if you have to go into hibernation or coccoon yourself cos it just gets too much and each morning you feel like one of those hamsters on a wheel just going through the motions....thing is....i have been honest enough to say this to a couple of people i know with nt kids and they say the same thing...and they go through the same sort of futile hoplessness with their kids and they havent got the probs our kids have and we have as parents...so i guess it is parenting with an extra challenging edge....so that makes us super parents non!!! anyway...keep your chin up and remember...summer and blue skies around the corner....maria xx new girl on the block!

  10. good subject to bring up....i and mark my hubby are always analising charlies pics...they are incredible vibrant but scary...always monstrous types drawn with reliish......he will see a film then as if he is electrified..draw images from his view point from the film and draw them for days...his style is a picasso art with a roahl dahl sense of humour...once ..we asked him to draw WATERHORSE as he had just seen the film at the pictures....without a pic to copy..he drew a phenomenal image of the beast in motion....at the moment ben 10 is his thing and as he is drawing the figures...he makes them move and have actions...hard to explain...but there is something in these drawings in a very contemp abstract way...the motion of the characters is hard to draw but he seems to find it easy...his teachers acknowledge he is good at drwing but dont like the fact he draws scary things all the time.....any more aspy's like mycharlie out there...maria xx

  11. Hi everyone, I wont be around for a few days. Im having a hysterectomy tomorrow 9th April. I havent had much support from health visitor or social services regarding children but thats about par for the course. Someone from social services did telephone me and ask for details and ask what I wanted, but didnt promise anything. I suppose we will muddle on. I am hoping DH gets a nice long doctors note.


    Daughter has got a date for first assessment session in a couple of weeks so thats coming along too.



    Hi there...have just read ur post and want to wish you the best of luck...i too had a hyst. last year..(total Hyst) on a/c of worrying tests and history of ovarian cancer in family...well have got to say...it was the best thing i had done.....life is so much better in many ways and apart from taking it easy for about 4 weeks....life in that respect was not inconvenienced at all......have u got someone to shop for upu or do home delv.....is there someone who can prepare some meals...ie home made veg soup/ casseroles etc.......you mention ss...well see if they can sort out the meals on wheels thing....well...best of luck...and write back when your able....oh yes...you need to lie down as much as poss in ist few days and it will hurt to even use the pc/lap top...so dont bother.....give urself time....bye for now,maria xx

  12. Gosh..have loved reading these postings to do with food shop....a bone of contention for me to up until a month ago when i decided to do what my mum did..in the good ole days!!!...well...feeding 5 of us plus entertaining other peoples kids after school etc...teenage ones at that...i was spending about 150 a week....and also noticing how much i was throwing away....it is those bogof items that i am a magnet for...yet half of them are no good to man or beast....also the packed lunch is costly if ur having to put a big choice in co my youngest with as is extremely picky....ANYWAY...back to my mum...she didnt have a credit card but got her housekeeping on a friday....well i know it is different now and even if we are working...we can get the cash amot ..say no more than 80 a week for family of 4....and i dont use my card...i sit down witha cuppa and a couple of meal idea cook books and plan the wks menu...now for example...i have started buying quorn...excellent..simmered with onion,garlic..diced toms etc...half bag of mixed diced veg...jar of passata/dolmio sauce...a dash of tabasco...and hey one night have half as spag bol or sheps pie(add some baked beans if sheps pie)...and have the other half as chilli con carne (add some chille powder0...the 2 nts meal for all of us costs about a tenner.... since i have done this...am saving quite a bit ....i do agree with other comments about growing your own...but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day to be fully compus mentus....would love to hire an allotment cos our garden is boringly ornamental....and acc to my hubby that is how its staying..humph!!!As for supmarkets in london being pricier......cant say...i would have thought so though.....here in sittingbourne...am surrounded by endless tat and pound shops yet....i dont seem to have more money in m y purse!!!!.....gosh..have gone on a bit..sorry!!.maria xx

  13. Hi there..just reading your post and see that ur kids are back at school tomorrow...well..confusing or what..our kids in kent have just started their easter 2 wk break...so joy,tears,endless hours to fill...beckon!! I notice you mention the 1q stuff...well i started buying that for charlie my soon to be 6 yr old aspy child...it did have some good effect on him...but i had to take him of it as he was ..after a few weeks having no controll over his bowell movements...sorry folks to lower the tone..but it is true...the poor lad didnt know if he was coming or going and i ended up having to ditch so many pants etc.....now i buy the little tins of sardines in tomato sauce..princes and mash into a jkt potato with grated cheese...not his fav meal but he eats it...no more probs....just keep a look out in a few mths time....maria xx

  14. Hi there fellow citizen from sittingbourne...just logged on ...shouldnt be here ..should be in poland but flight was canx yesterday among many others...total waste of a day and very hard on chas....hey so sorry to read your post.....have you tried...anything like self hypnosis or meditation or a punch bag.....what about art...i know it sounds crazy but when chas is overloading...ie all the brainwaves get in a muddle he scribbles and dawbs paint with passion and he seems to let of steam this way....get some herbal tea......sounds like you have a lot on....can you trade with someone to tidy up for you in ur digs and u repay with something they havent got time to do....my eldest is at uni and they have got themselves into a bartering club where one of the resident chaps does the cooking for him and he downloads music onto cd or gives him any vouchers he has got...seems to work okay for him...if i think of anything else..will post...bye for now and take care of yourself..maria



    Hi Lee...am new myself but have to say that this is a great site...full of wonderful people and some great info and advice.....my youngest sounds very much like you....altough he is just starting out on his cobbled road journey full of wolves and nastys out to get him.....he is 6 in may and has asp and believe it or not...some of us are struggling even today to get the right education and help for our kids.....so in that respect not a lot has changed,altgough i believe awareness is much better and certain areas in the uk seem to have better provision for assisting the academic requirements of asd people...anyway..am no expert..just out here trying to make sense of it all myself......there is a guy called ScienceGeek who is really friendly and supportive on here..so give him a post....best wishes and will chat again in about a week...am off on a mini break....maria

  16. Hi my name is Lee i have aspergers i found this site through good old google looking around for some information.. When i was a young kid about 4 in reception class in primary school teachers didnt know what was wrong but they certaintly knew i was different i was into everything turning lights on an off never mixed with other kids in the school always by my self the school couldnt do nothing so i was moved to a special needs class at another school and then i was moved to another school all in all cause no one knew i had aspergers they didnt know what was up with me and put it down to be hyperactivity. All in all the schools where not aware of aspergers.. About 4 years ago (2004) i was in australia and i came across a website about aspergers when i read it i was shocked as it was all about me when i read a little more i knew i found the culprit to my moves in school the way i was in general when i got back to the uk in 2005 i went stright to the doctors and they diagnosed me and ive been much happier knowing that i aint the only one whos alittle wierd..


    I hope you can read the above and understand im terrible at puncuation and spelling..


    Thanks for accepting me admin to be part of this group :)





  17. Hi and welcome to the forum :D

    Hi and thank you all so much for a great welcome...have been chatting to sciencegeek...who hails from my neck of the woods.....such joy...chatting with such wonderful and inspiring people....i am away from sunday for a few days.....popping over to poland to see why theyre all coming over here??!!..so will write more upon return.....thanks so much..maria xx

  18. hi there..am new to this but i can understand how ur feeling....life is really like that box of chocs...you dive in expecting to get your favs and hey..someone else has been at them and left the wrappers for you...humph...hey am not a religios zealot or anything but on occasion i do get comfort from reading this sort of thing...here goes..."I asked God for strength and he gave me difficulties in life to make me strong...i asked him for wisdom and he gave me problems to solve...i asked God for wealth and he gave me a brain and my hubbie brawn to work!!...i asked him for courage and he gave me dangers to overcome...i asked for love and he gave me troubled people to help...i asked for patience and somehow...i have always ended up on the longest of queues...i askedfor favours and he gave me opportunities......this prayer lark...well.....i got nothing i asked for and wanted BUT everything i needed......have a laugh luvvie...maria x

  19. why does everything happen all at once my nans really poorly, having problems at work, partners job is coming to a end, having problems with partners parents and still getting no where getting a diagnosis for reece!!!!!

    whys life so hard at times had enough. dont know wat to do anymore!!!!!!!!!


    just wish things could be easier for a change


    love donnaxxxx

    sorry to be so negativexxxxxx

  20. hi Kelly ann

    thanks so much for helping me to understand the place thing.....hey that is pretty cool...i like it.....this is such a great site...i didnt know there was one for us uk folks...as you seem to find mainly usa links and bloggs....anyway..thanks again,maria x

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