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Everything posted by lucky

  1. lucky


    Hi everyone. I've not posted on here before, although I've been a regular lurker for sometime! I felt compelled to add something to this thread now, because our application for DLA for ds (aged 5, diagnosed mild ASD last May) has been turned down and I'm absolutely stunned . I used the Cerebra guide to assist me in completing the form, and someone who has assisted others with the form looked through it for me. It seems like, in common with a lot of others on this thread, ds' school has let me down. From what DWP said, the school have made it sound as though he has no problems at all! Although I've told the DLA helpline that I want to go for reconsideration, I don't know if I've got the fight left in me to do that. I've had a lot of problems coming to terms with his diagnosis, and this knock back has left me doubting things again. I've just started coming to terms with his ASD, I've started going to some local support groups, etc but now I find myself wondering where he/I belong. It's almost as if I've said "he does have ASD", but the school and DWP have said "no he doesn't"! I have absolutely no idea where to start in gathering extra evidence - where do I begin??!! I need some help here - I just feel like throwing in the towel when it comes to getting DLA and crawl quietly back to my corner Lucky x
  2. lucky


    Hi everyone. I'm Lucky, from Kent. Mum to 3 - ds aged nearly 5 and recently diagnosed with mild ASD, dd aged 3 and another dd aged 6 months. I'm just coming to terms with the diagnosis which was 3 months ago, although that came after a couple of years of hospital assessments, speech/language therapy, etc. We weren't entirely surprised as we'd always suspected there was something a bit different about ds, but to actually have a consultant say the words to us was still a shock. Lucky
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