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About LIA

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. When I joined this group I was thinking that the aim of this group was helping each other on dealing with Autism, but know I think I am in the wrong group, as many other member whose also already notice by themselves... English is not my first language, I don't know about Mother Natasha, but this such comment is very discriminating. So, if you do not agree with my petition, ok. I respect your opinion. I wish good luck for you all, as I am out of this group, maybe I need to open a group called "Note in Lieu".... or "Legal imigrants with autistic child in UK". by Lia
  2. <'> Hello everyone I was observing the discussion of my topic about the petition "MAKE SEN STATEMENT COMPULSORY AFTER DIAGNOSIS" and I feel everbody has to agree that the problem is the Education System needs to change ! In my opinion we don't need to get angry with other's points of views, as everybody in here (I think) knows that the main point is that the system is falling our children, and often Inclusion is not working for the majority. The petition say: "After a child has been identified with learning disabilities, autism, ADHD or other problems that will make difficulty for them to learn, they should have a COMPULSORY STATEMENT Plan written straigh away. The STATEMENT PLAN first should provide the choices make by parents how they want their child be educate, training for parents, and therapy for children without delay. COMPULSORY STATEMENT after diagnosis could improve meet the children needs with less burden" So, we are not talking just about "money" we are talking about "rights". What we want is that at the time the child has been recognised as having any kind of difficulties which will make hard for them to learn they should have their "rights" recognised straight away, and that the parents don't need to fight for it. The propose is not do pressure wrong diagnoses or given money to school when it is not apply. The propose is to RECOGNISE the children "rights" in receiving the support they need. If the Statement process needs to change, ok. Maybe is the "Word" that for you all means that the LEA need to give more money to schools. Therefore what we want with the petition is raisen that parents don't need to fight, get depressed, die for get what their child need. It should be given automatically. I hope it make clear what we are proposing, and also I think we need to DO something TOGETHER. On 27 of August will be Gordon Brown aniversary, so there will be a march with lots of people in PEACE, we could go TOGETHER and show our disapointment with the SYSTEM and ask for changes NOW ! We cannot wait "10 years plans! our children will be adults there and it will won't work for us. We need special school, we need training for teachers and headteachers, we need people understanble and willing to undestand. We need laws to make the provision compulsory and accountable for schools and LEAS. Let's DO something TOGETHER!! Lia
  3. LIA


    Thank you for signed my petition. I get many signatures by signing in other petitions in their website, after your name type the link of your petition as I did, and will you see. Good luck Lia
  4. LIA


    Hello, I just joined the group yesterday and I also made a petition to the Prime Minister to MAKE SEN STATEMENT COMPULSORY AFTER DIAGNOSES. I have signed your petition already and this is the link for my one: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SENCHILDREN/ Therefore I think, even if our petitions don't get the replay we want I think this is undoubtedly will make a big pressure. Well done. Lia
  5. Thank you for the WELCOME, Flora and Karen I will go to the SENDIST again to appeal for the Statement, thank you for your point Flora. Karen, you made a good point, but in my views is less impossible to get Dx than Statement. Dx you can get from oher boroughs' doctors or specialist but you can't get a statement in the same way. You can also try to get a private Dx, but you can't get a private statement. So, I think I am not completely wrong, and it will help parents those are already struggling in deal to understand the children condition more time to give to them instead of waste time and health for "fighting" for something that are they rights. thank you Lia
  6. Hello everyone ! My name is Lia and I have a 7 years old son who was diagnosed with high funcioning autism and ADHD. Although he was diagnosed on nov/2006 he doesn't have statement and doesn't have any extra support in class. I went to SENDIST last February to have a statutory assessment and I won. The Headteacher is against me, saying he is coping in the mainstream school. She also was against me at the Tribunal. SENDIST ordered LEA to assess him, but one week ago I received the result and they didn't give him statement and instead of believe in what the private reports said they believed in the Headteacher's lies. I made a petition to the Prime Minister to MAKE SEN STATEMENT COMPULSORY AFTER DIAGNOSES, so I would like your help to get more signatures. The link is: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SENCHILDREN/ Thank you Lia
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