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Mother Natasha

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About Mother Natasha

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    Salisbury Hill
  1. I am also very well informed though disagree with many views it is not always the majority that are right becaus ethey are the majority
  2. It is in my case and many cases as mine so answer me this why do you and other mothers fight so hard for a statemnt then if they are so useless????I have years of experience and if there was a law which made them compulsory noone would have to fight for tem would they x
  3. So your saying that nothing gets done and the government are allowed to carry on dictating and making people suffer because people cannot agree that statements should be compulsory when everyone fights for one , It seems to me that people with statemnets worry with this proposed law that their children will have less help than they are receiving at the moement by sharing all the funding out allowing children who cannot have any help to have it, with the propsed law we would have more funding given and in many cases if short though we should not be can raise some moeny our selves to insure that EVERYONE has the help they so need. And the NAS has the LEA on their side so they do not want to approve of statemneting and such things to upset the balance when as an established company they cann change so many things, noone has to rely on the LEA FOR money they are established enough and their our fund raising schemes abailable. All the othe petitions and proposals work perfectly along side this one. There is know flaw as most children do need a statemnet and the few who are getting the help they need without it can benefit with having it in future and it is an insurance if anything those go wrong theywill have this statemnet and I do not understand the big deal as the statemnet would be free of charge so why should people complain about something which is not hindering them and can help them if need be in future but benefit many other children who arenot so fortunate
  4. No you cannot if there is an awful headmistress standing in the way with the council and Lea and school governors on her side going against pyscologists and medical advice unfortunately this is not the case in our area and when they place an assistant with my child when they have a person check up on the school when usually my child is at the back of the classroom on her own..,..The LEA sie with her as they want more money and she does not wish to have to spend any fnds from her SEN budget on SEN cases. I have experienced this so you cannot say it cannot happen, headteachers have too much authority for some reason in this country which is why there should be a ppunishment for them if they do not follow rules and regulations which will make them have to comply with giving our children the extra help they need.
  5. Tell us then how would you solve this problem we have all had then fighting for statements........??? How is there anything wrong with more teacher training and teaching others of autism e.t.c, making statements arrive faster.....I am not saying as I have said plenty of times that statements alone will solve the entire problem though it can for people such as myself but it is a step to getting there with teacher training and punishment for not complying with the rules, funding directed more at serious problems as this and not prisoners, war e.t.c and other things
  6. why are people continuously twisitng what I am saying and stressing on the nipping in the budd(early intervetion) saying when I have explained a million times that it is nipping difficulties not a part of themselves thats what most parents want for there child early intervention thats why we work and fight to get our kids the extra help they need and it makes children learn easier by tackling their difficulties early on hence nipping their difficulties as in making it easier for them to learn from an early age
  7. hhhm yes that is the problem as parents it iis difficult to sometimes decide what is best i think if it were myself i would have wished my mother to do so but that is the problem she is not be though a part of me and continual suppression might make the child so sick of being suppressed that it would be counter productive and she would rebel more which is what am worried about as now we are dealing with something different and not how she learns but how she reacts with her emotions..and social aspects
  8. so what would your suggestion be in clearing the whole matter up???? If teacher and heateachers... have punishment i.e they get the boot if they not comply I think that is a very good idea x
  9. That is true but what if my daughter would have wished for me to do this for her herself later on ??
  10. I completely agree and I will be attending the march, thankyou for letting us know about it and I wish you the best of luck with what you are doing and I am here to help!!!! Best wishes xx
  11. I thought about that myself but I am worried that when she is older she will carry on doing it which would make maintaining a relationship difficult possibly and agree that more has to be done for children and individuals themselves to know about things like this to prevent bullying e.t.c... how can the government make an inclusion law without any child or young adult being taught about these things.....But in order for my child to stop waving her arms when on entering adulthood...I am thinking it is better for her to do so now??
  12. taht depends on the school though does'nt it our school does not do anything fro my daughter unless she has a statement , compulsory statements are there to prevent us having to fight so hard for it u see, i have never heard of the suggested idea existing in other authorities but it still has not been made a law+sattements do not have to be as expensive as they are and medics could hand them out instead which would make more sense i feel x
  13. I have ADD myself diagnosed later on in life and I could have done with extra understanding from schools and help to understand what I have and deal with it better otherwise you are sometimes left wondering why do I act in a certain way which many do not or i wish i could stop and focus in my case on something the way i would like to....nipping in the bud is a saying meaning early intervention with early intervention children with autism can have extra help to learn the way they are able to understand and learn things from an earlier age so they are able to understand what children learn at that age but in a way they can understand withoutthis they would not be able to learn many things and sometimes say in the case of my child she waves her arms when she gets excited which is what I am working with her to learn not to do and it is working , children learn things quicker when younger and more easily so if people want to stay the way they are or for their kids to why do they get extra help for the child that does not make sense of course I am happy with who I am but knowing how to deal with what I have has changed the way I am as in the way I deal with things, I am more able to focus on things for longer now as my problem is concentrating. Since I have been diagnosed it has been helpful for me with work and anything I want to do, I have learnt to stick to things I wish to stick at a bit more early intervention would have helped me through life i am sure but have had a happy life nonetheless filled with ups and downs of course but I appreciate who I am but am happy that I can now do things I could not do before. I still have concentration problems but this has helped me and nipping my add at an earlier age would have made it easier for me to sit still and focus more and learn more at school with an assistant specialised in add..... I am not saying they will stop being autistic in itself but children can stop having difficulties altogether in some cases or some difficulties remain by early intervention. xxx
  14. Of course I understand that your son still has his difficulties but i meant with him having his statement it is helping him a lot more why fight for a statement if it will not help at all which is why i thought the compulsory statement idea a good one as so many parents as ourselves suffer trying to get one and am very happy for you and your child that with your strength you have managed to achieve this for him. And you are right I am angry I am sick and tired and drained from these blanket policies and ridiculous laws which is why i think with everyone's imput I belive that we can modify them not over night of course but with my optimism I was hoping for next year. After all these years I am still optimistic and feel that now is the time to act on this and am finding more and more groups on this sort of thing and families who have suffered the same as we. Everyone is fed up with it all. I feel this petition can really change things alongside the petition for more training resources and sen schools I saw are also up on the Prime MInister's website. So many people have been failed by the inclusion law and I believe that with this new implemented law it would prevent bullying or continuous bulling and help in the development of the child with less agravation and no more fighting for a statement as it would be there when we need it. All SEN children would have the help they need with this law and no child would have less help than what they had already if they had any but more if need be. We will force the government this way to provide more funding and the simple manoever of compulsory statemneting will change a lot of things alone. I think this is a possitive way forward and feel the way a lot of people are feeling right now we would not allow any inteference such as blanket policies to occur and feel with this new law it would be difficult for them to occur. A man in the paper died, a father of an sen child fighting for a statement for i think it was 14 years , he committed suicide because he could not cope. I do not wan't to see that happen to anyone else. Think possitive i think I really hope you can consider signing the petition xox
  15. The medic would be specialised in the subject area though and see whats best for the child's statement as he would have assessed the child already to have been able to diagnose him and a statement can provide children with the care they need if for example a school is willing to do so so then the difficulty can be nipped in the budd or just addressed sooner than later at n earlier stage of her development which is more beneficial. In my case a statement would be a magic wand and allow my child to be happy in a school that meets her needs and thus allow her to progress and flourish as she should be able to do.
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