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Posts posted by chris54

  1. My son has a real problem with the feel of cloths.

    He wears as little as possible most of the time.

    We thought we were going to have a problem with new school uniform which is very formal, one thing I was worried about was him having to have his shirt tucked in. But he see the shirt as a barrier that stops him feeling the trouser waist. And the shirt and tie, But being skinny the collar, even done up with the tie is very loos, so not to much of a problem after all.

    He does change out of his uniform the moment he gets in the door and only ever puts anything on his feet if he realy has to.

    And them clothes tags.

  2. A week or fortnight sounds about right. But for anyone who perspires a lot or has powerful BO then they may need to change them more often.


    I did know someone who claimed they changed the bedding ever day. But then its like these people who claim to have a bath or shower every week whether they need one or not, we all know that once a month is quite often enough. :lol:

  3. The hard drive is a metal box with two sets of wires attached (As in the vid clip). They are easy to remove. On our desktop you don't need any tools, it takes all of 2 seconds to remove. As I said, open it up (You need a screwdriver for that bit) and there will be a disk, that's the bit the needs destroying.

  4. When in the supermarket the cheapest stuff is always (Nearly) on the bottom self.

    My wife hate shopping with me as I will ponder, work out the unit price, walkaway, come back, think about it and then go home and get it on line.


    I hate shopping.

  5. No I get the break when hes back at school. :lol:


    As far as the EWO just say it as it is. School not meeting his needs which results in anxiety and school refusal. Show her the doctors letter. (Have a copy for her to take away).


    Yes it is the parent responsibility that their children receive an education, but you are doing your bit by sending him to school. Its then up to the school to do their bit.

  6. I work night so half the time I don't know if it morning or evening, and I totally loose track of what day of the week I'm on.


    The length of daylight affects us all to some extent, some more than others. We now all try to go full throttle all the time instead of winding down in the winter like nature intended.



    Talking about the time has anyone noticed that the time on here is wrong.

  7. When I'm one of these site that has all the ad, I sort of blank them out, I will have no idea what the ad are for. Same with ad on TV. I dare say that someone will tell me that I am absorbing the information subliminally.

    But without the ads we would not have all these "Free" sites. Their what pays the wages.

  8. I ask for my hours at work to be adjusted to fit in better with my home life. The first reaction from HR was NO.

    My line manager then advised my on filling out the relavent form and pushed it through. It seemed that as I have a disabled dependant (2 actually) the company's own policies meant that they had no option than to comply with what I had asked for. They had no ground to refuse.


    Point I'm making, it might be worth looking through the company's policies and procedure to see what that has to say.


    Could you switch to home working.

    Back in the old days, before the Internet and all that, my cousin when she become pregnant, because of traveling she decided to give up her job. The company were so desperate to keep her that they arranged that a courier would deliver work to her each day so she could work from home.


    My niece recently had a baby, she is the manager of her department, she was allowed to set her own hours to fit in with her older child who is at school and was allowed to bring her new baby into work (The staff all take it in turns to look after the baby)(one of them is a photo nut so she has hundreds of photots of the now toddler playing in her office), they need her that much for the smooth running of the company.


    Just to examples of what companies will do if they realy want to.

  9. I'm not saying that reward charts don't work. They do. What I am saying is that my son put very little weight on some future event, compared to the now. We do not have any particular problems with his behavior, so not realy a problem. But the reward system they use at his school for good behavior, work, etc mean very little to him so it dose not generate any incentive..

  10. Thats what I meant to..the reward has to be immediate. But I think something visual is important to enforce it,like my son has the "good strip" which works as a reward chart in that he gets thumbs up for positive behaviour and thumbs down for negative behaviour. He will then get time i.e 5-10min doing what he likes or a sweet/sticker when he is good and he gets time taken away for the negative things. This was what was suggested and given to me by the ASD unit he attends and so it is something constant used at home and school.


    Right, that is not what I know as a reward chart. A reward chart as I know them is were you build up "Point"(Sticker or whatever) that lead to a reward at the end.

  11. Reward charts never worked for us. For own son the idea that if he is "good" today he will get a reword at the end of the week or whatever, just didn't work. What did, does work to some extent is the taking away of something immediately, "Do your home work now or you will not be going on the computer tonight". If I said if you do you home work all week with no fuss you will get a reward at the weekend the homework would not get done. The reward is to distant a concept to work.

  12. I cant say that I have ever suffered from depression. Been depressed but that's not the same thing.

    The change in employment status was forced upon my when duo to central government policy I was made redundant.

    I then spent 20 years self employed doing all sorts of things, from building maintenance to childcare. Often at the same time. I have not made a fortune and will be relying on the benefit system in retirement. But I spent them 20 Years doing what I wanted to do.

    I have for the last 3 years worked as a night support worked (On not much more than minimum wage)(Relying on benefits to make up my income). I still hanker for the freedom that self employment gave me. (But feel I need the security as I have a son who is reliant on my)


    For many being in employment gives them a reason, a purpose, a focus. There job is their life. When that is taken away, they struggle.


    I can only say from my own point of view, if I was in a job I didn't like, and had the meant to survive financially I would not stay in that job.


    But Fluffy, What would be your long term options. I myself would get by, always have, one way or another, but then I'm an optimist. Which if your launching yourself out into the unknown helps.



    PS, I dont see myself ever as having had a career, what I had is a series of jobs.

  13. I think some of the concern stems from storeys that academe's will cream off the best teachers and pupils.

    Academies will not get more money from the government/council but they will be free to get support from other body's.

    I do not support the fragmentation of the education system that we now see.

    My own sons school is an Academy, It is made up of the amalgamation of two school one was historically never under council control, the other, our local school, was taken under its control about 3 years ago as it was failing. Since then it has turned around and this past year despite increasing its intake by something like 50% was oversubscribed.18month ago it became an academy. There are stories that the principal is empire building. They have a building program at the moment, one of the last to be funded under the previous government school building program. Out local school is being completely replaced with a new building. And the main site is having some new buildings.

    The school (The Principal) is hoping to be one of the school selected to run a SEN unit as the council decentralise the SEN provision here. These units will be "Fully integrated into the whole school" as far as we know this means that there wont be a separate building or area for the SEN unit, that it will literally be within the main school. Some see this as good other don't.


    Now I have drifted of topic.


    We son goes to a mainstreams academy school, He has a statement, I cannot fault the provision that the school have put in place. It exceeded that stated in his statement.

    So from my own very personal experience I can not fault academy schools.(At the present time).

  14. chris i were saying that is what my intolerances do to me my doctor already told me im intolerant to gluten and lactose as thomas asked what it feels like. after eaten anything that contains lactoses thats in dairy the sugary stuff and if i eat gluten thats bread, pasta so on thats gluten then i am poorly


    Sorry about that, but to anyone who does have these symptoms it is important to see a doctor to make sure that there is not another cause.


    It is estimated from the sales of GF food that a lot of people who do not have a gluten intolerance eat GF food.

    I have tried GF bread and it was horrible. Maybe other makes are better.

  15. I will confess that I do have a FB account. Part because there are some site that to make full use of you need FB. And partly, It gives my an opportunity to see Photos of my great and great great nieces and nephew. Ill go on there maybe one a month.

    I think I have 6 "Friend".


    But why do people who you don't know keep asking to be a "Friend". Are their live that sad.

  16. Iv looked but not found.

    I'm struggling just to find someone to do day respite.

    Just been let down by some one yet again. Ill find someone who seem all enthusiastic untill they realise what is involved then they drop out.


    Your LA probably have some thing they could offer, but if you like us, we are not considered sufficiently in need to get anything. We don't get passed the telephone conversation with SS.


    Not much help I'm afraid, Just to let you know your not the only one.


    We do access 2 Shortbreaks schemes, one is a mobile cinema once a month and horse riding once a fortnight in the summer. But we have to stay with son so not much of a break is it.

  17. Some research suggest that if you have Autism you are twice as likely to have a gluten intolerance.

    I do not know what proportion of people have a gluten intolerance, but it is small number.

    I would suggest to anyone who thinks they may have a gluten intolerant to seek medical advice as the symptoms are common to a number of medical conditions.

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