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About TAH-M

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. Could you pm me too please - my 15 yr old refuses to sleep without his "three season" (i.e. THICK )mummy-shaped sleeping bag at the moment - but stress (forthcoming exams??) = incontinence and that's a nightmare with the current sleeping arrangements!! Many thanks!!!
  2. TAH-M

    Year 11 worries

    My son was diagnosed with SPD/Aspergers earlier this year. Having turned 15, he is going into the dreaded year 11 tomorrow and to be frank, I am am genuinely concerned about how he, his sister and I will cope with the next 12 months. According to others we had a relatively easy passage through diagnosis/DLA award etc (though it took well over 18 months to get all the hoops jumped through for the diagnosis it did prove to be rather clear cut when push came to shove ). It is SO difficult as a parent to equate that your son, predicting A's and B's at GCSE still figures that "being caught red-handed" must have something to do with a leaky fountain pen or a can of red paint!!! How he is coping at all with English comprehension etc is absolutely beyond me & how an examiner is supposed to sympathetically decipher his scrawl is another issue. I would appreciate comments/messages from other parents with children of a similar age or professionals. Despite diagnosis etc I do not feel that we are getting support from the SENCO at school especially in regard to the sitting of formal exams - but maybe I am expecting too much?? What help COULD/SHOULD I hope for (a little extra time on some exam papers?, a "mentor" in school?, some help with transition?, breaktime? ). He sat GCSE exams last summer in French and Science and was placed in a separate room from the main exam hall, but didn't receive any extra time. Apart from this, we have NOTHING beyond one meeting in school and a growing mountain of unanswered e-mails! It would therefore be helpful to have some feedback from others, to enable me to tackle school in a slightly more determined and positive frame of mind this year! He has only just finally fallen asleep under his bed as anxiety has taken a real hold for the coming day - and I can tell you that my levels are none too low either - is it too late for a glass of wine do you think?
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