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Posts posted by lisac

  1. I totally agree MelowMeldrew, particularly this bit ' I think integration is basically the excuse they use to force our kids to take 3rd rate education in bog standard schools with an annex stuck on'. 20 yrs ago when my son started education i niavely believed he would go somewhere with therapies and programmes that would 'un-autistic' him / work the autism out of him. Hahaha @ me

  2. Unfortunately, a lot of care homes are not person centred despite saying they are. Jeanne if it was me, I would start focusing on trying to get him into a care home nearer home in Essex. That way at least you will be able to monitor what they are doing and not doing. You could be more involved and hopefully work together if the manger is open to that. That is in an ideal world though. Im my opinion giving Glen what he wants/ needs and upping or changing the medication might help matters for now, i so hope he stops hurting himself x

  3. Hi Jeanne i have no suggestions , im just here to say i understand >:D<<'> I know about having the shakes too, each time my son severly self harmed id vomit. I am sure i might have post traumatic stress disorder.

    When my son was at his worst i didnt know what to do so rang the Nas helpline in the middle of the night and cried down the phone ( fat lot of use that was). His phsyciatrist just upped his dose of medication which seemed to work for a bit. Maybe more meds might be needed for a while. Fingers crossed it gets easier for Glen and you X

  4. Hi Jeanne, i was led to believe that you could only obtain 'power of attorney' if the person became disabled after an illness or accident and that they had to sign their affairs over to you. I was told that if wasnt for someone born with autism or a disability ( as they had always been disabled). Is this wrong and if so, did you have to go to court to get it? Also is it the same as guardianship? Thanks

  5. Hi Jeanne, yes my son is doing this at the moment, more than usual. I have no idea why ( as usual). I am sure it is their way of trying to cope with something/some change, but what, we have no idea. I wish i could give a helpful comment but i am as in the dark as you are. My son lives with me and i still have no idea at all

  6. Hi Mel, Glen's recovery is going well so far thanks. He hasn't hit himself since the operation which is good, I just hope it stays that way. The staff at the care home are keeping a very close eye on him and aim to deter him if he attempts to self harm. Glen's been on medication as his eye is obviously quite sore. Glen has to go back to the hospital for a check up in due course.


    That is great Jeanne, you must be over the moon!

  7. Hi Jeanne as someone else said, maybe his eye will be more comfortable after the operation which might stop him hitting it. If not, is it possible he could be heavily sedated with medication throughout the recovery period to stop him hitting it and allow his eye to heal? I understand the very 'evil' look. My son has this too and it seems like he is intent on causing the upmost damage to himself possible. Autism is very cruel.

  8. Jeanne you are not alone. The exact thing happened to my sons eye. The detatched retina wasnt picked up till too late and the sight in his left eye couldnt be saved. The specialist thought it was likely a weakness he had been born with and nothing to do with the headbanging and punching himself in the eye. ( who really knows though) . I cried for months afterwards and still blame myself and cant forgive myself for not picking up on it sooner. My son was so aggressive i was petrified. Funnily enough, his behaviour improved after the retina detatchment as the eye no longer gave him discomfort. He gets about fine with only the sight in one eye and apparently the only thing you cant do is fly a plane according to the eye specialist. I know what you are going through. Glen will have to leave his eye alone after the operation can you ask the hospital to knock him out with some drugs so he wont keep going for the eye afterwards?

  9. Hi Jeanne i know it might sound either silly or obvious but can you be sure his head or eye werent hurting him beforehand? which made him hit them. My son will attack the part of his body that is giving him pain, which seems bizarre to me, as it then must hurt him even more. Has he had his eyes checked?

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