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Posts posted by lisac

  1. I am not sure on this . I was previously told that you can only obtain power of attorney if the person has suddenly become incapable due do an accident/illness and not because of a lifelong disability . Is there anyone here who can set the record straight? I would be interested to hear , x

  2. Hi Jeanne, i hope you're alright. Glen would probably be hitting out wherever he was, there or at home, so it would seem that he is definately in the right place with experienced staff etc. Bid is so right about having to grit your teeth and giving the staff enough time. Maybe it is time to try and distance yourself if you can, for your own sanity, i know how draining worry can be. Big love to you girl X

  3. You all speak so much sense :clap: It is a very hard decision to make. If i could not manage his behaviour on my own anymore then i would have to consider it or if i came across somewhere that would be able to move him forward. A residential school placement is a better choice than an adult care home as then they are learning things and worked with rather than being babysat in a large house with others.Ive always thought there will be plenty of time for that when im dead. Finding the right placement has to be the key and it sounds like you have Jeanne and that is just great :clap:

  4. Hi Jeanne,I hope it all goes well for you both and the transition is as smooth as possible. It has got me thinking. Is it inevitable that our children will eventually live in residential care? I have been trying to avoid this route for my son (now 24) but maybe it is holding both of us back in some ways. It is hard to know what the best thing to do is, i suppose you know when its right? What do people think?

  5. Hi Jeanne, i think you are doing the right thing in looking at residential options. I went through almost identical when son was same age. Go and have a look at as many as you can . Make sure they are the more expert options . The professionals involved with my son were adamant he should live residential and they thought the Hesley Group were very good and Thorne House ( now Autism Plus) however they are in the North of England . In the end I decided he should stay put, x

  6. Hi Jeanne sorry to hear that it sounds as if they havent got the medication right yet? My son has done this too, refusing to go to the toilet and wetting and soiling himself. This went on for months and just when id lost all hope and bought adult nappies he stopped. At the time it felt like he was being 'defiant'. Do you think Glen might be trying to say hes had enough of being there?

  7. Yes it seems to be an exhibition to promote services and products. However the floor space looks vast with sensory and quiet rooms, so for those more sensory, we will be going for the experience alone, x

  8. My adult autistic son doesnt chew his food ( when he does chew it is minimal) and just swallows it. He can gulp back whole meals in minutes . Unless i sit next to him and say 'chew' or 'slowly' and hold the fork/next mouthful away from his mouth he eats like a man posessed! He has always been this way. I was wondering if anyone else has this issue and wondered if there are any long term health implications that anyone knows of , thanks x

  9. Hi Lisa , this frequently happens to my son too ( he is now 23) .I was also told after a referal to the local hospital ( around 8 years ago) that it was acid reflux and IBS . A bit weird in my opinion to diagnose this as my son wouldnt tolerate any invasive treatment ( blood tests). So there you have it . I find he is less vomity if he has more dry food and also if he drinks inbetween neals rather than drinks with meals . The fluid with meals seems to make vomiting occcur more often ( possibly because he is already full) .

  10. In my experience it would be easier to get on a plane with a bomb ( joke).

    Here in London , the person has to go to his/her police station and register it lost/stolen . The person will then obtain a crime reference number. Then the person takes the papoer work to their local council, where they will cancel the old pass and issue a replacement . Good luck .

  11. Blimey not much fun is it. I can identify with everything you all say. I think we are in a constant state of worry .I dont have anything in common with normal people with normal families . I think id have more in common with an alien . Im dreading my neighbours on either side dying or moving . New neighbours next door but one just put up a 8 foot high ( at least) fence to block out my son jumping up and down in the garden yelling with his undegarments round his ankles, i dont blame them it just makes me feel very awkward when i see them in the street but what can you do !? You certainly arent alone .

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