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Everything posted by JeanneA

  1. JeanneA


    Hi, I am happy to report Glen went to bed last night once hubby and I started to go up. Glen said 'bed', we were so pleased. Glen has slept right through the night I am about to go up and get him up now. So good to have hubby Carl back to he has been brilliant!
  2. JeanneA


    Thanks for your comments Bid. Glen has been much calmer this afternoon/evening. He has had all 3 tablets now. Glen still wont go to bed though he wants to stay downstairs on the sofa. Hubby and I are both going to bed and will check on him during the night. Hope that this might encourage Glen to want to go to bed you never know!
  3. JeanneA


    Thanks for your kind comments cardiff mum. I would ask hubby to sleep on the sofa but I know Glen will want me down here. He has become very clingy to me again this week. I just hope Glen will soon want to go back to his own bed.
  4. JeanneA


    Hi Lisa and BD Glen has just had his second tablet now. He is still anxious but not as bad as earlier, so fingers crossed! One other thing if anyone can help me with Glen's pupils seem very large, do you think its down to his anxiety?
  5. JeanneA


    Hubby due back late afternoon, early evening thank goodness!
  6. JeanneA


    Hi I rang docs a friend picked up prescription: diazepam 2mg, 1 tablet 3 times a day. Hope this helps anyone had this for their child? Glen is really getting anxious and aggressive again so hope the tablet works soon!
  7. JeanneA


    Its been a terrible nite. Even though I gave glen syndol he wouldn't go to sleep he finally did at 3 this morning. I have had hardly any sleep feeling so exhausted. I will have to ring the doctors again this morning I just cant cope at the moment.
  8. JeanneA


    What do you think? I don't know whether to sleep down here again tonight or try to go to bed, please advice I'd appreciate your thoughts. I thought if I went to bed would it encourage Glen to do the same?
  9. JeanneA


    Glen won't sleep in his room again tonight, I've suggested a few times but he keeps saying 'no' sleep downstairs. Although I have dosed him up today he is very restless at the moment. I just he will settle int he next hour or so.
  10. JeanneA


    Hi no it isn't much fun Lisa, I just hope it doesn't go on much longer! Thanks for all the advice. Baddad unfortunately Glen hasn't got the understanding to know whats going on. When he is ill he is always much more anxious, tends to go on and on about the same thing. It's the aggression which is the worst thing. I am keeping him 'dosed up' today to a cetain extent so that will keep his aggression at bay. Glen can't be reassured about what's happening I'm afraid.
  11. JeanneA


    Hi thanks for all your comments. I tried syndol last night just to make Glen sleepy, Glen has slept through downstairs on the sofa he wouldnt' go to bed, so had his quilt and pillow down here. I slept on the other sofa, didn't get much sleep though. He has woke up much similar to yesterday so not great. I can see he is very anxious and the aggressive is creeping out to will see how the morning goes.
  12. JeanneA


    Hi my son Glen, 15 who is autistic is unwell at the moment has a cold virus. Unfortunately being unwell is making him aggressive extremely anxious, keeps waking in the night. I don't know what to do. I even called out the doctor this morning and he telephoned instead of coming and told me my son just had a cold virus, give plenty of fluids, paracetamol etc. Glen wants me with him all the time he won't even sleep in his bed, he has been on the sofa the last 2 nights. My husband is away I feel like a prisioner. Glen has hit a number of times now in the last 2 days, he is very strong and when he hits you know all about it. I haven't said much to my husband on the telephone as I don't want to worry him, he will be back Friday night. I just wish I could ease Glen's anxiety somehow but nothing I try and do helps. If anyone has any advice please give it, many thanks.
  13. My son Glen used to eat Playdoh so I had to stop him using it. Glen has always loved playdoh and I really hated taking it away when he was younger but had no choice. However now Glen is older (15) he doesn't eat it anymore and loves playing with it, he gets very anxious and I to think playdoh really helps with anxiety in our kids.
  14. Hi my husband used to be a driving instructor, he had his own business for a while and has worked for driving schools. He has had to let pupils go for various reasons, mainly like some else has already said, if he had too much work on he would let a couple of pupils go, it was unfortunate but this situation can arise. He would never treat anyone differently whether there were disabled or not. It is possible that this instruction was genuine and that the fact you are autistic has nothing to do with it. Hope all goes well tomorrow, let us know.
  15. Well I have to say this New Year weekend is much more relaxed and calm we are all enjoying it much more than Christmas. Glen seems happy and much less anxious than he was last week. He does prefer it to be just the 3 of us at home he doesn't like all the fuss of Christmas and seeing other relations, can't say I blame him either! Happy New Year to you all hope its a good for you and your children.
  16. Well the meal out on Sunday did go ok in the end. Glen did ask for the toilet 4 times though (in 2 hours) he always does this when he is anxious. It was a much better day than Christmas Day so that was something glad we went through with it now.
  17. Tomorrow we're going out for lunch including my eldest son Luke, daughter Julie, her boyfriend and an uncle, I do hope Glen will be ok, I'm starting to regret booking it up now!
  18. The problem I have is my eldest son Luke who lives away in Oxford only sees Glen 3 or 4 times a year so isn't used to Glen's ways just as Glen isn't used to Luke so I wasn't surprised how things were. I think because of Luke and Glen not seeing each other much it probably added to Glen being anxious. We didn't even take any photos this year, just wasn't into it somehow.
  19. Hi Not the best of Christmas Day's here, Glen has been rather anxious most of the day but then he has been like this since last Friday when there was no School due to the snow. Glen is usually very good/happy in holidays but not so much this time. The afternoon was particularly difficult to get through, he was very repetitive saying: "home" or "school tomorrow". My eldest son Luke was here, and I think he was surprised how anxious Glen appeared. Still the day is over now thankfully.
  20. Hi thanks for all your suggestions unfortunately, visual timetables haven't worked for Glen so I wouldn't be able to try that. He has been outside on the swing in the garden for a while, thankfully the weather is a bit better today so he could get outside. Glen is always much better with physical activities he is like a different child. Just hope the rest of the week isn't too bad otherwise I shall be totally stressed out come Christmas Day!
  21. Going on from another thread that was put up, I've had this problem forever (thats how it feels)! My 15 going on 16yr old son Glen who is severely autistic doesn't like School but does need routine, so even though he prefers being at home in the school hollidays he still keeps on daily about 'big school tomorrow' even though I try to explain that its the holidays now. Yesterday was particularly bad Glen continually repeated his home/school tomorrow all day. I think he just needs constant re-assurance that it is 'home' as apposed to school. I will be so glad when January comes! Any suggestions would be gratefully received regarding trying to stop Glen continally repeating himself before I go insane!
  22. Hi I've had this problem forever! My 15 going on 16yr old son Glen is severely autistic doesn't like School but does have to have routine, so even though he prefers being at home in the school hollidays he still keeps on daily about 'big school tomorrow' even though I try to explain that its the holidays now. Yesterday was particularly bad Glen continually repeated his home/school tomorrow all day. I think he just needs constant re-assurance that it is 'home' as apposed to school. I will be so glad when January comes!
  23. Thanks so much for your comments. I do wish Glen could tell me how he feels but he is unable to do that and probably never will. His autism is severe yes. I will check the links out, thanks again!
  24. Well you do have my sympathies, I have recently been through similar. My son Glen is 15 and is autistic. He had been doing similar to your son but this was happening at School more than home. Glen was also stripping off at school and wetting himself does your son do any of this at all? We haven't had anyone come to the house but a meeting was held at school with a child protection police officer and the result was there were 'no child protection concerns'. We have been through so much distress with all this which I'm sure you are going through at the moment. Some staff at the school suggested that Glen was being abused at home to be behaving as he was doing, which is totally untrue. The CAMHS should have agree to see you before insisting that social services got involved. Typical CAMHS I'm afraid, I'm not happy at all with them at the moment but I won't go into that. Try not to worry too much, I'm sure it will work out fine and that there will be come to the conclusion that there are no child protection concerns regarding your son. Please keep in touch with me, you can P.M. me any time.
  25. I've no idea why Glen reacted like he did whilst colouring, because colouring is one of his favourite things to do, he is very good at it. The incident soon passed and I didn't react to it as I find this is the best way. Glen has hit himself before its not a new thing. Glen does get over things very quickly though as he's got older. As I said normally Glen hits himself out of anxiety/frustration but just not sure this time. I wasn't watching him all the time whilst he was colouring.
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