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Posts posted by wishingwell

  1. It's all down to money! He now has room for another child more money for him.


    Did your mum go with him this morning. Keep fighting for the escort for once it's gone you'll have great trouble getting it back.


    Put what has happened in writing and refuse to allow your son to travel unattended. We had a lot of trouble last year with a certain taxi company who could not control the children in his care and the situation ended with a very serious incident. All the parents had complained to the head of transport through-out the year via phone calls, he did noting until we were standing in his office unannounced. His face was a picture when we ask for the chief of transport to come in. Sparks flew!

  2. Good Luck at the meeting try to stay calm. Easier said than done.


    J will have completely forgotten what happened this morning and will probably have more difficulty being punished for something he cannot remember.


    Could you make a chart and put smiley faces on it for when he manages to achieve something which is difficult for him like getting up and out to school. Turn this into a reward system and that on Friday he will receive a treat.

  3. Di, this is a difficult time for all of you,


    I'd be the same awake all night with everything going around in my head.


    You'll be great!


    Take your time and keep your answers short and straight to the point, if they are freindly great but remember you are not their friend you are there for the money your son rightly deserves.



  4. A thought!


    Stress that he needs help and assistance for every individual one of his needs.


    Supervision is absolutely necessary every hour of every day and night to ensure his safety and the safety of others around him.


    He has no self awareness of Danger, can't go out of the home unsupervised ever. Cannot be left alone unsupervised.


    He never has a day that he can cope, without help day or night.


    Keep repeating yourself over and over help, safety, danger, 24/7.


    Wishing you the Very Best of Luck on Monday Di. >:D<<'>

  5. Minxygal's thread (Pride of Britain Award) Off Topic


    Go to post 18 and watch Carer of the Year.

    Go to post 29 for details to vote for Mandy.


    She has devoted her life and career to helping others on the spectrum.


    Vote! :first:


    Results will be live on Monday night.


    PS (Didn't know how to carry the posts across to make it easier for you. If any one can please do.)

  6. Its early days yet, you are very lucky to have found a school that is willing to support. Find information on AS and send it into the school they sound like they are prepared to work with you and your little DD. Yes AS children love routine in their day but if these changes are happening daily and she is forewarned that she is moving to the next class it might not prove to be as big a problem to her, it will become part of her daily school routine. Talk to the head about the statement process, ask about getting her 1-2-1 support as in the form of a class room assistant to organize her and keep her on track and to reduce her anxiety levels during the day and for an educational psychologist to come and do a detailed assessment of her school needs. I hope once all the little things are sorted she has a productive experience in her new school. The school receives funding for children with Special Needs and the LEA provide any further funding which is needed, remember it is cheaper for them to keep a child in mainstream with additional support.


    Good Luck with what you decide! >:D<<'>

  7. :wallbash: your hitting a brick wall talking to this women.


    Ask the OT to make out a written report, write to the education psychologist asking for them to intervene and help a very distressed little boy. Something is clearly not right in school and it looks like you will have to get it sorted. The head has her own way of dealing with things and clearly can't listen in an understanding manner. Writing it is sometimes easier when your feelings are running so high, and it takes very little for them to turn the blame on the parents. Write to the teacher and send a copy to the head that way they cannot say you are unreasonable, clearly point out how distraught he is at home and that you feel school is very stressful for him.

    Has he been diagnosed.


    Take care >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> we have all at sometime been made to feel our childrens problems are of our own making.

  8. He must have been absolutely terrified.


    I don't know much about medication, except a couple of years ago we went to see the pediatrician because DS had reverted into his own world and I felt I couldn't get to the problem. I took my son to see if they could help find out what was causing his decline in behaviour. When we went into the room the ped and a nurse where sitting waiting for us. I was shocked to find a nurse sitting and ask why she was there. 'To help if your son needs to be restraint.' DS fully understood what was said and was terrified. The ped then said it was time DS was on medication.

    I was the one that went off on one and whom he would have liked to restrain, I had taken DS to get help not to be handed a prescription. We left with no help and a wasted morning. A few weeks later another child in school told the teacher that DS was being kicked and punched in the head during break and lunch by older boys. This was what had caused his decline in behavour because he didn't know how to ask for help. When this was sorted things improved for him.

    JsMum think carefully about med if this is the first time you have seem him behave like this, I'm wondering what he thought was going to happen to him.


    >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Take care and don't rush into something long term until you feel it's the only option!

  9. I will never be disabled by anything but other people's opinions of me. I am different, I really am just different and I'm not glossing over things by saying this or pretending for the sake of pretending. Cure me and you cure me of myself. You rob me of my personality, take away my quirky approaches to things and alternative patterns of thought. You take away my ability to use sarcasm easily and readily, but never ever understand it when it is used back :lol: and you strip me of my intelligence and ability to see the bigger picture in the world. All these aspects of my personality are shaped by the fact that I am Aspergers.


    Knowledge is power, understanding is key to cure others of their attempts to disable me with their ignorance.



    Very well wrote. :clap::clap::clap:

  10. I will never forget the look on his little face when at last he could take it and sink it in real disaster style....Makes it all worthwhile


    Ah 'Bless'

    This brought me to :crying:


    You where great in the video Minxygal thanks for sharing it, :D the work you're doing is amazing.


    Wishing You the Best of Luck on Friday. xxxx


    You're already a winner in our eyes!

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