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Aspie Mum

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Everything posted by Aspie Mum

  1. 61, some way to go to beat something different
  2. GUTTED - ordered some with the online shop but they were out of stock! AAaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  3. Thanks - afterall this time, I feel like someone is out there, when I have previously felt so alone.
  4. Hi All. I am so new to this, wasn't sure what I had to do!! I am a mum who has two kids, one an aspie with adhd. As with a lot of you, I find it very stressful and hard to cope sometimes. Balling my eyes out, wishing it would all go away, then other times, we have such a great time. So Jekyl and Hyde. I am hoping to share with you good and bad times with the hope of either supporting you guys out there or getting support frm some of you too. It is good to find somewhere where you can rant about it all and have understanding. We all have to keep smiling
  5. Paula, I agree with the previous posts, it is worth trying to get some support and help. Especially now, it is difficult to get at this age as he is nearing "adulthood" but it will be worth it for all of the family. You must push for support too, don't take no for an answer. Best of luck. <'> >< <'>
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