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Everything posted by Wenders

  1. You didn't upset me, I thought that your comment was quite funny I am not sure whether I have any signs AS or social anxiety although I do identify with some of the symptoms. I am a quiet person and not great at socialising but I just though that was me.
  2. No I haven't....YET!!! I think I will definitely ended up with some sort of disorder at the end of this!!!!
  3. Thanks Smiley1590, what a lovely person you are! Well done on you for your determination to prove everyone wrong, I wish you loads of luck. My son hasn't been tested for AS/ASD, he doesn't let his language delay get in the way and makes up for his difficulties in other ways and as far as I can see he is pretty well liked in school. The school have given him an IEP and a support strategy is in place so I am hopeful that all is going to turn out well. My daughter has been on SEN register since starting school and is on school action plus and has a couple of hours of support per week either in a small group or sometimes, if she is lucky 1-1. Her teacher recently threw up her hands in a meeting and said that she didn't know how to help her, that they had done everything that they could think of and they need extra help. I suppose that this has been a relief but I wish that I had been listened to a lot more 4 years ago - I guess my instincts were right, but you tend to doubt yourself and think that the professionals must know what they are talkiing about. With regards to coping strategies, I don't think that the school has a clue. You are right, my DD is very affected by the bullying and isolation & desperately wants friendships. I recently tried to have a light hearted talk about it with her and she ended up in floods of tears. I am reluctant to discuss this outside of my close family and friends especially with parents at the school because I think that this information may be used against her by small minded parents & equally cruel children. I was wondering what you are doing now, are you in college or working? Have you had any support with this? Do you find that you receive more understanding as you get older because hopefully at some point people mature, or am I just being ideallistic? Thanks again x
  4. Hi Sadie, Thanks for your reply it is really appreciated! I noted that your DD doesn't have a formal diagnosis but she attends a special school within an ASD unit. My understanding has been that my child would have to be diagnosed & statemented before she can have access to this type of education. Is this not the case? We are fast heading into the last year of primary school and I can feel my anxiety levels rising at the prospect of moving her to senior school, I have no idea how she will cope.
  5. Thanks Karen A it made very interesting reading. It's a relief to know that our family aren't the only people going through this and restored a bit of my faith in human nature. Thanks again!
  6. Hi there, I have no experience of your particularly situation. However I had to arrange nursing home care for an elderly relative and kept getting passed around. Eventually after many frustrating weeks I contact our MP who was fantastic. Although they can't make anyone doing anything having your MP help fight your corner is a bonus and it defintely got things moving. It is just a thought as the more people you have on side the better and it will get your MP working for his moat cleaning!
  7. Hi, I am a mum of 2 children 10 year old daughter with suspected AS and speech and language difficulties and a 5 year old son with speech delay. It has been a relief to find this site. I can identify with so many other families. My daughter is socially isolated in school, is anxious, shy and not thriving academically at all. It seems as though this year she has gone backwards despite being on school action plus and having extra help. My daughter doesn't get invited to her classmates houses for tea, no invites to parties despite my efforts to invited school friends over and have days out. My daughter has been bullied and labelled an 'attention seeker' by her classmates which she is so confused about. At different times I have been labelled an overprotective mum, interferring and then at other times it has been suggested that I don't help my daughter enough to socially interact. I have taken my daughter to various clubs since she was about 2yrs old and stay and help out, am an active member of the school parents association and help with guided reading at school as well as holding down a full-time job. We are awaiting a referral to CAMHS and are hopefully that she will finally receive a diagnosis as my daughter displays a lot of AS traits. I would be grateful for any advice about what to expect from the referral and also any experiences any members have of AS girls as she is very passive. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Wendy xx
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