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Everything posted by Zebedee

  1. Hi Sigmund, Thank you for your reply. No, he doesn't wet the bed... z
  2. Hi All, My 9yr old son said to me tonight. .. 'have you ever thought something was so cute, you wanted to kill it?' Then he said. .. 'that cute cat that we see, I want to kill that'. I am mortified! He loves animals and I can't imagine he would harm anything.... Has anyone ever experienced this? His AS is relatively mild, text book symptoms. Thank you. Z
  3. Hi All - I'm sitting here reading your comments, nodding my head! I know exactly where you are all coming from! Sally - Thank you for the suggestion - I will look Google the speech disorder. Never even considered it could be a speech disorder but it makes sense He too picks things up from adverts etc! He didn't tell the truth again last night. I sat down with him and asked him why he didn't tell me the truth - he got very upset and said that he didn't know. He says he is a terrible lier and can't stop lying.... I asked him if he knows that he isn't telling the truth - he said he does know. Then asked him to just stop and think before not telling the truth... I have said that even if the truth is 'bad' it is worse to lie. I think this kind of goes in to his head..... I am so lenient with him - I do understand it must be so difficult for him.... Shnoing: It has certainly taught me to look at his 'lying' differently, like maybe it is just his view of the world like you say. I kind of always felt that he doesn't lie on purpose - sometimes yes he probably does but I can pretty much tell. When he tells stories other times he is so genuine that he couldn't be lying - simply expressing himself maybe.... Thanks for your replies Special Talent - it is great to hear your point of view :-) Thanks again guys Z
  4. Hi :-) Thanks again for your comments. Sally, yeah it is possible that he misinterpreted my question - A friend of mine suggested this too and made me think... My son does also repeat things that he has heard, often inappropriate things that he likes to announce loudly!! At the moment this is a very indearing quality he has, but not sure how this will be viewed as he gets older. We try to explain to him, but am fearful of crushing him / picking holes just because he is being himself... The being quiet thing instead of lying - My son can remain quiet for ages because he doesn't want to tell me something / maybe he doesn't want to confront what ever is bothering him. The last time was about 30 minutes. Going back to the 'grey socks' thing... - yes, when I asked him why he didn't put them on he said 'I don't know'. he says I don't know a lot, and I believe him. I genuinely think he doesn't know why he says things sometimes. Like this big lie he told - he says he didn't know why he said it - maybe because he did misinterpret it as mentioned before... He gets things muddled / the wrong way round too. For his English homework, he can either do sentences or a story. This came into effect last week. When I asked him if it was the same for this week too (sentences OR story) he said 'you don't get it do you? We have to do one or the other' I said, 'yes, so it is one or the other this week then?' 'you don't understand Mum!' Then I calmy and clearly asked 'so, are you going to choose to do sentences or a story this week?' he then understood and answered 'sentences'. I need to remember to speak clearly and basically spell out what I am asking. Of course, the school don't notice how this affects him. We get the meltdowns after school! I do love him with all my heart and wouldn't change him for the world :-) Thanks again, Z
  5. Hi All, Thank you all so much for replying - some interesting suggestions and thoughts. Yeah - Good point - he does seem to lie when something is up, his brain focuses differently when something is bothering him. But he has also lied when he seems fine, I don't know. I can keep going round and round with this in my mind. It is also possible for him to give a quick answer to avoid the explanation. He has a very vast imagination - always on the go.... I try not to shout at him, myself and my husband talk it through wtih him, trying to make him see the concequences of lying - we suggested he write the third party involved a letter of apology, which he did. I will look out for any further 'stories' from him and try to get to the bottom of it... Keep your posts coming if you feel you have any further ideas.... Thanks again xxx Z.
  6. Hello All. My son is 8, was diagnosed with AS at 6. Im very confused as he has been lying lately. One lie was a big lie which got me into trouble with the person in question when i confronted them. He seemed so genuine, couldn't possibly have been a lie but it was. He says he was confused. maybe he was? I don't know. He manages to tell small lies easily too. 'Have u put your grey socks on for school?'... 'yes!' When i check he has different socks on. He tries to hide them. I hope this post isn't too confusing as I am confused. Ok so basically, has anyone else experienced lying with AS? Thank u for reading xx Z
  7. Evening all! Our little sunshine has been under hospital review for 18 months now, with the consultant person - not entirely sure of her title. She is without doubt that he has AS although mild but is reluctant to diagnose yet as he is not struggling at school. Thank you all for your comments. I am going to do the stickers and the ping ball!! It's a great way to gain incentive and it sounds fun!! He wet himself at school today. I think it may be because of moving to year one with new teacher in Sept. I will emphasise to him about not GOING anywhere with strangers, those comments from you were helpful. He is such a dream son, perfect in every way and I wouldn't change him, just wanted to know if others had experienced the same... Thanks everyone, Zeb xx
  8. Hi All! Our son is 5 with Aspergers (not officially diagnosed as he is coping so far). From time to time he pee's on the floor. Especially first thing in the morning and if he is unsettled about something. Recently he has done it 3 days in a row. Once in his Nan's washing basket and twice on bedroom floor. The other day, he was upset about something and took himself into the porch and pee'd on the mat. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm sure some of it is just him expressing his frustration / anger / upset, but I'm not sure if the morning thing is him misbehaving / being lazy. No matter how many times we have words with him, he keeps doing it even though he promises not to do it again. As for Stranger Danger... we can't seem to drum it into him about not speaking to strangers. He's such a sociable chap and will chat to just about anybody. Yesterday, I found him in our back garden chatting to next doors window cleaner. I heard him telling this man his name, our names, his age, our ages - then I grabbed him in doors! Again, we keep trying to explain about possible dangers to no avail... Is this all part of the Aspergers do you think?? Any comments much appreciated, but please be gentle, I'm feeling a bit fragile about the whole thing! Zeb xxxx
  9. Hi Martin, I had tried councelling a couple of years ago but still needed help, so I told GP that many people had recommended CBT and that I'd like to try it. She put me forward for it. Appointment came through 1 month later. Just go and ask - Tell them you need to try it! Good luck Martin. Zeb xx
  10. Hey All, Thanks so much for all your replies and advice. We had visit with consultant last week who said she says he does have AS but will leave diagnosis for now as he isn't struggling at school. I guess it may all change when he reaches year 1 and 2. Everything about his characteristics seem so clear now we've been told he has it. He's just our little gem and I wouldn't change him for the world. Love you, little man. Thanks again, it's really helped. Next app 6 months. Zeb xx
  11. Hi Everyone, hope you are all well. I'm confused (as always!!). My son is 5, he's been assessed for AS for a couple of years now, last assessment doc said he has so many traits that we could have dx if desired. Although we fully acknowledge this, we have decided to leave it for now as it is not affecting his schooling as yet. Good idea or not?? Also - I KEEP going through the ol 'AS or not'?? He has long spells of having little or no synmptoms. The meltdowns have stopped (for now, maybe) and he is getting on better socially. He still finds it a little awkward sometimes around certain children but he has a couple of friends that he is fine with. His latest fascination with number plates, numbers and peoples ages remains. he still gets frustrated too. I guess my question is, he laughs alot, is happy and he has imagination. Anyone else in the same situation as me / my son? Hope this makes some sense!! Many thanks guys, Zeb xx
  12. Hi All, Our son is being assessed for Aspergers. At the last meeting, the consultant said he basically has a lot of traits and it's up to us whether to give him diagnosis or not. It has been left as 'we'll see how he goes' for now as he's only 5 and is in reception year at school. He has his 3rd meeting with the consultant in June. Anyhoooo - he has been referred to the Sensory Clinic and has his appointment in a couple of weeks. I have no idea what to expect. He's been referred due to his dislike for noise (which is getting a little better) and he holds his breath a lot when awake at night. Whether they're going to look at the way he feels, like his discomfort he feels inside when he has to hit himself or hit something else, I don't know??? I have this horrible feeling it's all going to be a waste of time... Anyone been to a Sensory Clinic??? Please help. Any advice is very much appreciated. Thanks so much, Zeb xxx
  13. haha, tried that... he moves his feet!! thanks tho! <'>
  14. Hi Jacquelineh, With regard to hair cutting, we could not cut our son's hair for 2 / 3 years. It got really long and looked so cool! At our local shopping centre there is a hairdresser shop. Each time we go to the shops, we always walk past this hairdressers. I calmly mentioned to him 'Wow, look! What a nice shop!' The next time I pointed out the people having their hair cut. After quite a few trips past the shop, he wanted to go!! So, all his hair came off last week, broke my heart! hehe. BUT it was really good that he decided to go himself. So, maybe if u can find a hairdresser that looks warm and inviting, casually walk past with him, or even ask if you can pop in for a few visits? We have a major issue with toe nail clipping, so I can understand where you're coming from. All the best. Zeb x <'>
  15. Thank you all for your replies. I'm astounded by what Chris said about understanding 'time', what is tomorrow, next week, as our son has real difficulty with this. I always knew he did but I never realised it could be connected with ASD.. Thank you. Zeb x <'>
  16. Hi Everyone! Our son is 4 and is under observation for possible ASD, most likely Aspergers. Next appointment in October. He shows a lot of symptoms but one thing that is really confusing me is that he has good imagination. He plays by himself and can occupy himself for ages! He also has an amazing laugh, it's infectious! Is it still possible for him to have an ASD? Thank you, Zeb x <'>
  17. Hi! Thank you, I'll make notes of the things that trouble him ( Children screaming, crowds, hand dryers etc. I think the bell will be a problem ) and things that settle him, excellent idea! Our school has a few children that require SEN so hopefully they will be understanding. Although, I did put a brief description of what's happening on his admittance form, the school said someone would be in touch but nothing yet. It's great that your son is getting on so well, I guess it really helps when the school is understanding. I've heard of one school who left a little boy sitting in the bike shed each and every play time as he couldn't interact with others. They'd put a blanket on him. That was it. He has since moved to a school for ASD and has apparently blossomed. Is it right that these schools are not funded?? Have a wonderful day everyone, and thanks again for the warm welcome. Zeb x
  18. Hi!! Who did you go and see?? Zeb x
  19. Thanks guys... <'> It's comforting to read your replies and thanks for the advice. It's nice to be somewhere where people finally understand. I ended up having a good day with the little chap, bought him a whoopee cushion... He loved it !!
  20. Hi everyone! I have been browsing for a little while and finally plucked up the courage to post... My husband and i have a 4 yr old son (well, almost 5 ) who is being observed for a possible ASD, most likely Asperger's. His next appointment is in October. He is starting mainstream school in Sept. Putting it plainly, it is 'doing my head in'!! Some days he is fine, happy, and some times even finds a little play mate. Other days he is soooo clingy, will cover his ears when in the presence of other children, shout strange words which he has made up himself. He will talk a lot of jargon and won't seem to understand what we are saying / asking him to do. I have just deleted the rest of this post... I had typed a hell of a lot of stuff but I feel that all I'm doing is putting him down all the time. I can't do it. Basically our son is showing a lot of the signs of an ASD and has done since around 1yr old. We're finding it hard to deal with on some level purely because we feel in limbo. I think that when (and if!) he gets a diagnosis we will all find it easier as we will understand why he does the things that he does and be given the advice and support we all need. At the moment, I am not telling him off half as much as I could as I really don't think he understands that some of his actions are 'naughty'. I could go on and on and on... Anyone else go through this total confusion stage??? He may not get a diagnosis, but we strongly think he will. (see - my head is two and fro all the damn time ) As I know you will all understand, we love our son more than anything in the world and just want the best for him. Hope you are all having a fun Saturday - we're off the fill the paddling pool!! Zebedee xxxx <'>
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