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Posts posted by clintess

  1. can i say that whether you or someone in the household receives any benifit including dla or just dla and work and this includes tenents and private householders then they are entitled to having the house they live in insulated etc.

    i receive dla for two of my sons and live in a rented home and had my home insulted and my sister whom owns her home and receives dla for her son also had her home insulated.

  2. hi this is the letter i wrote,with bits blanked to ruth kelly back in march 2006 whilst she was still in office.


    Dear Ms Ruth Kelly,


    I am writing to you as one parent to another. I am a mother of five children who range from thirteen years, to twins of four. Two of my children have medical conditions; my eldest son , has A.D.H.D, my second son who is 6years, has an ASD condition It is about t that I am writing to you.T has been having speech therapy since he was just over two years old; he has also been seeing a specialist paediatrician, {see original referral report} for his behaviour, in fact they thought T has been having speech therapy since he was just over two years old; he has also been seeing a specialist paediatrician, {see original referral report} for his behaviour, in fact they thought T was deaf due to his lack of speech and was referred to a consultant.

    has been having speech therapy since he was just over two years old; he has also been seeing a specialist paediatrician, {see original referral report} for his behaviour.

    The first report Dr compiled was for the school, clearly stating T would be a child with SEN {see first report} but despite this, whilst T School, nothing was put into place except that his speech therapy continued. He was not put onto school action, or even had an IEP.


    One parents evening in October 2004, T classroom teacher told me that he was so far behind they didn?t have the time for him and unless he was in front of her visually doing something connected to his speech, she could not understand him. I tried several times to approach the school, which dismissed me as being a nuisance. My son?s education is the most important thing, it will help him to become a fully independent adult, gain a good career and without his education, were would my son be?

    After seven months, discussing the subject with both Speech Therapist and ? Specialist Paediatrician, I removed both my boys from their existing school and placed them into School, Luckily for T a very experienced and skilled SENCO/HEAD, Mrs Nhad also joined the school and gave me back the faith that I had previously lost with regards to the school system

    Mrs N has done so much for my son T in such a short amount of time he has been with them. Within three months he was placed on school


    action plus, within eight months he was receiving one to one along with other educational provisions to aid his learning, including teaching him visually where possible.


    After moving my sons and concentrating on them settling in I then decided to complain to the chair of governors at School, Mrs B. {See enclosed letters} but to no avail, so I also wrote to the area officer for local education and the local MP


    Mr mp then passed the details I sent him to Mr R Councillor for Kent education.

    Mr R on my behalf, also contacted the LEA and School. I have enclosed the reply letter he sent to me, also my reply back.

    I think the LEA should train teachers, such as Mrs P, in the complex area of Special Educational Needs when they take on this position as SENCO, this is so they can gain the skills required to provide the education most appropriate for each individual child.


    I find it disgraceful, that although SENCOS have a teachers? qualification, yet they can lack such a specialised skill (also no qualification) in such a complexed field of education and I feel strongly that this needs to be addressed.

    I feel that the governments policy of inclusion for SEN children is a good idea, but would not be suitable for all SEN children, that if they insist on such policies at least have the correct provisions in place and teaching staff qualified within that field to implement the correct education by using their skills for those SEN children.


    If we want our children with SEN to contribute to society in their adult lives with their disabilities (also medical conditions) we must allow them to receive the right education from a young age. I believe at this young age it is here the building blocks of life are made and can be improved upon. If we fail to get this right, then those children with SEN?s will find adult life even more difficult and with my own son I want to avoid this as best I can.

    Children with special needs make up two-thirds of all children excluded from school

    I will also be writing to the Prime Minster, Mr Tony Blair, regarding the DWP forms, as a doctor not unqualified SENCO?S, should be filling these out.

    A report from the school should be obtained, but only by a qualified SENCO.


    I have read, with much interest, IPSEA (Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice), which launched a campaign in April 2005 to end the scandal of children with special needs being denied the help at school to which they are legally entitled. IPSEA had support from three parliamentary candidates.


    The causes of the scandal were:

    � Local Education Authorities (LEAs) unlawfully refusing to assess children's needs and -- also unlawfully -- refusing to specify how much help children are entitled to receive; and

    � The Secretary of State for Education and Skills failing to take a firm stand against LEA law-breakers, despite having the power and the duty to do so.

    It appears to me, with evidence from my own son?s situation, that still the LEA is not assessing children with SEN?s thoroughly.

    John Wright from IPSEA states:

    "We want all candidates to pledge themselves to take up the issue of unlawful behaviour by LEAs within their own parties (none of the main parties has a clean record sheet at LEA level with regard to obeying the law on special educational needs). And, if elected, we want Members to press the Secretary of State on the need for reform of his/her investigative functions when complaints of unlawful behaviour by LEAs are lodged. At present it can take up to a year for an investigation to be completed, even when all the evidence needed is supplied at the beginning along with the complaint.

    Following the election, IPSEA will be contacting MPs who signed the pledges to see what action they have been able to take to defend the rights of children with special needs."


    I know said College has a course for diplomas in SEN, for teachers and other professionals. A course like this should be made compulsory and allocated to teaching staff on their staff training days.

    Other professions re-train consistently, such as the Ambulance and Police services; this should also be the same were SEN are concerned.


    I hope that you will find my letter informative, as a parent with children who have SEN?s, I felt it prudent that I write to share my grave concerns for the future of our nation?s society of SEN children.


    I await a response from you.


    Yours Sincerely


    i received a reply stateing it was not her department so to speak and contact the ombudsman i then rewrote another letter stateing she totally missed the point about the point i was making regarding sen in general not just my particulair case.But still had reply sateing it wasnt her deparment.

  3. Hi,it sounds to me like they are saying there are issues but want to do further investigations before deciding on a dx.


    This is what i found on the net,hope it helps you:



    Pervasive developmental disorders are a group of neurological disorders that include autistic disorder (autism), Asperger's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS). These disorders are characterized by delayed development in functional, socialization, and communication skills



    The term pervasive developmental disorders was first used in the 1980s to describe a class of neurological disorders that involved impaired social and communication skills and repetitive behaviors.


    Due to difficulties in accurately describing these disorders using the term pervasive developmental disorders, some neurological and psychiatric specialists have proposed new terminology to describe this class of disorders, including autistic spectrum disorders and multi-system neurological disorders

    Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS)


    Children are diagnosed with PDDNOS if their symptoms do not fit any of the other four types and/or they do not have the degree of impairment of the other four types. PDDNOS involves developmental impairments, such as communication and social skills, and repetitive behaviors that cannot be attributed to a specific developmental disorder or personality disorder. Usually, children with PDDNOS do not exhibit symptoms until age three or four.

  4. Hi guys,my eldest son audtioned for this part with Pippa Hall a couple of summers ago but the director felt my son was to old to play the part.I thought on the whole it was good but a little misleading based on my experiance with my son and nephew, in some parts regarding the social communication disorder .We have tried a dog and my ds2 wouldnt go near it in the two years the dog was living with us. My ds2 knows who his parents are and so does my nephew, does anyone here have that experiance?

  5. ive had twice in eight weeks ,two parents individual times of late stopping asking school saying my ds2 is being aggressive in the playground.i did warn the school this could happen and wanted to prevent it when he first started there(his 7).school are great and seem to be pretive of him but never the less i don t want thisto keep happening. he is not statemented as of yet which hopefully will happen this year and the salt are supposing to be referring him to an ed psy due to his behaver.i deal with the parents by taking them into the school to discuss with the classroom teacher(whom is very experienced and very aware of ds2 needs) does anyone have any advice please.

  6. a while ago i nominated my ds2 head/senco for the nas campaign as a autism hero, today they emailed me they want to do a press release to the the local media featuring myself and the head teacher for either an article or a larger interview. never been in the paper before so very nervous but have agreed,im hoping it will help others to understand about asd in some small way. what do you all think?

  7. i had one for my son back in feb.took a year of fighting even with a dx.three people were on the panel. a lawyer,a doctor and a chap to do with disabled people.i also had a represtive from the austic trust.too about half hour to an hour.they gave my son middle rate and low mob and even said sorry for putting me through it.it was a very difficult time.

  8. my ds1(adhd) has an casting tomorrow for p&o.

    its an advert for p&o i think for their cruises.all i know @ mo have 2 be in london 2morro afternoon and he is to take his swim shorts.if he gts it,it shots 3rd-10 sept on a ship from southhampton and he returns via gatwick.

    he goes to a performing acts sch in london on a saturday and they have their own agency.he has so far auditioned for pippa hall(childrens casting director of nanny mcfee/billy elliot/narnia amongst others),nina gold(flight plan,borrowers etc) also a producer of james bond films and space chase.so fingers crossed for him.

  9. hi guys,she has given him a dx of asd which doing research we totally agree with,summertime my ds2 is like that. what i cant understand is that she wont help regarding his agression.she just keeps saying its part of his condition which isnt alot of help my ds2 has already scarred my ds3 face with his outbursts. i see on the gosh site they do seem to do more pratical tests etc and maybe wondered if they could give a clearer dx on his asd and his learning difficulties(he can barely write at seven and cant read) but pead thinks he has no learning difficulties dispite the school going for a statment this coming year.

    so am i doing the right thing about getting a refferal via gp?

    i just feel she isnt on the ball all she keeps saying is there is no magic pill and sorry i cant help,beginning to wonder why he sees her cause i tell her the difficulties for half hour or so and thats always how it ends.

  10. my ds2 has being seeeing the speacilist pead since he was two,she dx him about 6 mths ago as asd.when she first said he maybe i was shocked(ws ignorant about the condition).since when she first said about it which was a year ago or more i feel she hasnt really helped.(she also sees ds1 since he was 2)adhd she is brill but asd she seems confused on.she tested his motor skills for possiable dypraxia and says he is fine but on her latest report she has put for his dx:complex neurodevelopmental difficulties/asd and sleep disturbance(he has sleep probs since he was 6 mths)

    she the goes in the report no significant problems with motor-co ordination.

    she laso the last two times conflicted herself when discussing him ie he is hypeactivity then goes on and says he isnt adhd as well.


    my friends,family and husband think i should get a second opinion we are not not agreeing with dx as we belive he is asd but what we are not agreeing with is she is conflicting herself and regarding ds2 agression she just says he is asd that part of the condition,he always be asd no magic pill for that and sorry i cant help.

    my nephew is hf asd but is not agressive .

    i looked on gosh site and they do accept referrals from gps.they also do an iq test and various other practial stuff regarding speech etc with ds2 as probs with.

    so what do you all think should i get a second opinion? i still have to see this doc for my other son will she get the hump over it?



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