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Posts posted by reuby2

  1. Like Zemanski , my son did okay and enjoyed himself at this years outing which was to the pantomine.

    His last experience at the panto ended up with him screaming at the top of his voice and he was petrified, to be fair it was aladin and there was a huge hologram that was moving it's lips and filling the auditorium with a loud wierd voice ( i was a bit scared myself!!!!!) and this was supposed to be suitable for a 4 year old !!!


    So now in year 2, everyone was going to the panto and although I didn't want him to miss out I was also really concerned and questioning whether it was worth him getting upset!!! :(


    He didn't want to go but I worded it that it was somewhere his class were going to and he accepted that. B)

    I had spoken to the teacher and was going to wait outside just in case!!

    She thought it would be better if I wasn't there but wanted to take my mobile number and promised to ring me if he was at all unhappy.Anyway I sat by the phone and it didn't ring and when I picked him up he had had a fantastic time and looked really happy. B)

    I know that if I was there and he looked slighty scared I would have taken him out, however without me he learned to cope in his own way and came away with confidence and a positive experience. I was so chuffed to hear how much he enjoyed it-----Something that he wouldn't even attempt to do with me and Dad!!!


    I feel that we have moved on a step. For my son me not being there was a positive thing, everyone's situation is different but i just wanted to say that sometimes they suprise us with what they can actually achieve without us.


    Take care, hope it goes well :)

  2. Anxious mom

    Now that my son has been dx with an ASD, I find it difficult to know what is down to the ASD and what is bad behaviour ,and it seems that since we have found out the dx and are more unsure ,that his behaviour is getting worse !!!!! :(


    I have started to realise that we are giving in more and we have to find a balance between understanding and being firm.


    I have been told that being consistent is the key and that will make him feel safe as well, knowing the boundaries.


    I think the important thing is to stay calm and try and be patient.


    I'm in the same place as you right now and we'll get there in the end :)

    Take care.

  3. I have thought about this concerning my son although he is just withdrawn at school and keeps to himself. The only thing that concerns me is that the other kids in their immaturity might call him names etc and as I haven't even told him yet as only recently found out, I would hate for the other kids to think that it makes him different (if you know what I mean by that).

    I have told a few Mums but only when the need has arisen. So I don't know how I feel about letting the whole class know, There is a girl in my son's class who bites,punches.pushes,kicks etc and when I have been in to talk to the teacher about this,we have just been told that she has special needs and to be honest you can tell she doesn't mean it.

    This girl is now undergoing a dx for Autism.Her Mum has just spoken to me about it or else I wouldn't have known. I think that the school can deal with any parents concerns as they arise.

    That's only my opinion and I suppose if the need is more severe that it could be an idea to tell the class.


    Oh well all the best.Take care. :)

  4. Thanks everyone for your replies, this school is the one that my own son (asd) but no statement (Haven't gone down that road yet as only recently found out.) is also due to go to next year. I was told by our speech therapist that this new head would be fine and that he had lots of experience of special needs kids. I hope my son is okay there!!!! :wacko:

  5. I met with another mum today and her daughter has problems and is about to go throught he dx process for autism. She said one of the things that she had seen in an autism advice place was that using visual cards was much more effective for some kids....e.g a picture of someone kicking with a cross through the picture and the words underneath,

    The reason for this is that some kids can't process the whole sentence and that if you say "stop biting, you know you musn't bite" they could actually only hear the "bite " bit and miss the "No" off the front and so the picture makes it clearer to understand...

    I tried it tonight on son and he got quite upset that I had put the picture of no biting, no kicking, and no hitting on the wall.. he said that stopped his fun and he couldn't have fun now!!!!


    GREAT eh?!!!!!


    However he has been sent to bed tonight in the middle of his video for biting after repeatedly been told not to upstairs!!!!


    Oh well back to square one!!! :tearful:

  6. No i don't have any experience of them but my son also says that the lights make him feel funny at school, the optician said he was light sensitive.


    Did you see on the Jacksons actual documentary last night on bbc4 that they took 2 of the lads to get the colour lenses and the effect was instant.The aspergers boy could walk in a straight line with blue lenses and the asd/adhd boy had reddish lenses and the words stopped moving all over the page for him. the guy said it was something to do with fooling the brain so that it worked in a different way i think..or something like that......Hope i haven't got that too muddled!!

  7. I don't know how it works but the head tried to dissuade her from sending her child there as they haven't the resources (e.g the TA) and that the T.A could be helping the other kids instead.This little girl already has a statement and also at the moment at primary school she has a helper for this time to basically stop her from hurting the other kids. This Mum also mentioned that the school grounds are open (no gate at one side just a barrier for cars and the gates open at the front) and that the little girl takes every oppurtunity to run off and how would they cope with that ?she would need someone dedicated to watch her at playtimes and dinner.. he said that would be a problem and that they couldn't do it.


    Obviously they can't stop her going but he is really trying to persuade her to go for the special school option.....the only problem is she has been to look at the local special school and the autism group aren't actually learning any lessons, wheras at the moment the girl has a reading book twice a week etc.. at the special school they don't do any of that!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks for answering Suze, I find it all very confusing and I haven't even applied for a statement yet!!!!!!!


  8. I have a friend whose daughter already has a statement for 12 hours a week she is classed as educationally disabled but she is also about to undergo the dx process for autism.

    Next year she changes schools to the junior school and she was concerned how her child would cope. The sen says that she doesn't think she will cope and they now have to consider a special school.


    The mum in question popped into the school that her daughter would have been going to and the head teacher (who used to run the local special school but now has changed to mainstream,this is his 1st year) tried to push that she go into the special school because he said that if this girl has a statement for 12 hours then that will take up a big chunk of the T.A time and if the girl doesn't go there then the teachers assistant can help many more children. I think this stinks, the mum is aware that she can't be denied a place because of her daughters difficulties however I thought that the lea funded according to the statements in the school?


    Can anyone shed any light on this please.

  9. Hi Jonathon,

    I used to be quite a fanatic christian and spent a lot of time at religious meetings. I didn't realise that I had become unbalanced.I don't go to church now or spend time praying and seeking gods direction.I still believe whole heartedly in Jesus and the message that he died so that we don't have to try to earn our way to heaven.However I also believe that we have been given our life to grow and experience life, find out who we are and to enjoy it.

    As i said my son who is 7 (asd) gets upset at the thought of being harmed or dying and I remember I did too. Perhaps it's because it is something that can't be controlled?

    I have a anxiety disorder and have spent so much time tied up with worry and fear, that now I am learning to let go of the things i can't control. Whether I am worried or not the only thing i change is my own emotions.


    I also think that as a person gets older it becomes easier to adjust to life as a cycle.I hope that this issue becomes a little easier.

    Just take one day at a time.

    Take care,

    >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

  10. I know exactly where you are at the moment as the proffessionals use all kinds of words when they speak to you and then seem to change their minds and confuse the issue. We were told in a conversation with Camhs that son was high functioning autism then when it came through in writing it said ASD, when i rang to clarify, the pyschiatrist talked herself into knots saying that because he had no language delay he didn't fit into that catagory!! but that he is on the spectrum. I wish they would just be clear about things.


    Right now is a really emotional time for you both.But remember she is the same person she was yesterday and the dx changes nothing in that respect.Perhaps now you will both be able to get some support. I really wish you all the best and I know you'll get support here. I felt terrible when we had son's dx 4 weeks ago but the people here have made me feel so much stronger.


    Take care,

    >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

  11. Hiya,

    J is only just getting past this now, he was obsessed with death and very anxious about dying for about 3 years. I was at my wits end. What we did in the end was get a book about death from the library in the kids section and although I thought it was a bit morbid ( It was about the lifetime of different insects and animals right up to humans but set into a story) It really helped him to adjust to the fact that a person will die at the end of their lifetime. Once he accepted that, it was easier to come to terms with the fact that sometimes people get ill and die etc. My heart goes out to you because it broke my heart, It made me very anxious about how he would cope without us if anything happened, but touch wood, he is much, much more relaxed about it now.He still has extreme anxiety about things causing him harm but it isn't like it was .

    Good luck

    >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

  12. My son is just the same concerning pain, I wondered if it was a ASD thing.He never complains about pain he had just finished a course of antibiotics for an ear infection and he was upset in his sleep on Tues (1 day after finishing the course) so hubby took him to the docs on Wed and the doctor says that he has a really nasty infection, that his eardrum is bulging and could pop,that there would be a bit of blood and then the tear would heal naturally.To look at my son you wouldm't think it ,he is jumping around, lively as anything.Is it just that they don't register pain???

    I have always found it difficult to know if he isn't well as he doesn't complain I have just found that his behaviour is a bit more difficult and that's what usually alerts us.


    I really hope your little one is okay.

    Take care.


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