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Everything posted by Propinquity

  1. my sister is NT 13 and has read and reread the books avidly, and has been counting down the days untill the release of New Moon, her walls are similarily covered with all the posters of Edward Cullen my sister visits the website twilighters alll the time! to get more details on the plot, actors and filming etc. but the movie is good, i havnt personally read the books. Hope your daughter enjoys the next movie! <'>
  2. Propinquity


    Hi all, I am interested to know of other Aspies experience of Maths? personally maths was a dreaded experience and even written down I really struggled. I took much longer to learn simple times tables and adding up I could never do in my head. I even had trouble learning to tell the time on a 12 hour clock My prime example is Long division, I know a lot of kids struggled with this, but if my mother and I practicsed long division for a couple of hours, by the end of it I understood the rules and could work out sums on my own. The next morning however It was like I had never seen it in my life and was back to my previous state of complete and utter incomprehension, which understandably was confusing for my mother. The only aspect of maths I ever enjoyed and felt I learnt was Algebra. Another difficulty I had was accepting there was various ways to do a sum, if I was shown a different way it confused me and I couldnt cope with the change in method. This always confused and frustrated all my maths teachers, but I have read some Aspies have a real knack of understanding mathss I just wondered if everyone else could give me an insight into their experiences? thanks!
  3. I love this, completly sums up why I put some tracks on repeat for hours, I need to analyse the lyrics and 'understand' the whole song which you just cant do after one listen! I thought I was a bit weird in doing this, but is its AS related its ok then
  4. Thanks! good to find a place where everyone is so nice. yeahh the quote just seemed to take on greater meaning recently
  5. Thanks Justine! reading about your experience make it sound ok, I can get a bit weird I have been known to walk out the docters because they wanted to weigh me and take my height lol but if at least I am prepared I will make sure I finish the assesment procedures, thanks for your reply! any experience is helpful except mabye major scare stories lol
  6. Hi everyone, I am a bit of a newbie to this forum but everyone seems well informed and to have be friendly and helpful. Iam a 22 yr old female and I have recently begun to read up on Aspergers and a lot of my personality traits that I previously viewed as isolated oddities are somewhat making sense! few obvious ones include my hatred of being in big social groups, even if its a bunch of well known relatives, my 'staring' habit, lack of empathy with people and complete lack of knowledge how to help anyone upset, an example of my social difficulties could be found when anyone asks how my day went? I immediately feel confused, do they want to know everything my emotional thoughts during the day, what I did, but then which part of the day are they interested in, and I list the questions of what exactly they want to know, or are they just asking to be polite! I get a little confused and will always say fine even if its to the contrary. These are a small list of why I believe I have Aspergers, recently I went to my local GP and with difficulty I explained all this. My mother was there as a help and to confirm that as a child I was difficult , didnt manage out of routine, always had difficulty making friends and did have obsessions etc GP gave me a referral to the Autism centre in Ruchill in Glasgow, I am just wondering if anyone has been there for diagnosis and how the process went? I have a particular fear of being assessed and have always avoided docters,opticians and dentists for this reason. However being diagnosed as having Aspergers could help me understand why i react the way I do, so i feel its important to go forward with this. I would just like to prepare myself for the day so I manage it and know how long I might have to wait until it happens! very stressful times! I would appreciate any constructive advice anyone can offer me! thanks
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