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Posts posted by Cariad

  1. Hi, my Son is about to leave his school this July. The social worker has put out my Sons needs and a few people have come back saying they can meet his needs (called SEWIC). I've seen some of the providers but the one I want is pricy but will meet his needs. I'm still waiting and am very anxious, my Son is anxious as he doesn't know what happens after school comes to an end. Anyone going through this or any feedback?

  2. Thank you for your comments I do appreciate it also the PM's.. Had a huge MDT meeting yesterday with fifteen experts from all areas.. Something threw me, I was told that if my 16 year old says he wants to come home he can even if he's at a residential school hundreds of miles away. How is that possible? He's not severe can make simple choices but not life changing ones due to his LD ASD etc. Is this right?

  3. I could do a day placement but we need the full package, it's highly unlikely a place as a resident would become available. I'm not prepared to do a four week "trial" where we'd be left with nothing as it would be unfair to him and he's already showing signs of stress and high anxiety (controlling people and setting rules and not sleeping). I do trust the social worker and the school have done this in the past to people I know, my confidence in this place is non existent. I need a placement where they don't let him down in the short time he has left until he reaches 19.


  4. My son is 16 and has always been a poor sleeper. I find a nighttime routine works (most of the time), warm bubbly bath, then a favourite programme put on the TV while he lies under a blanker, a warm milky drink, then when the programme finishes up to bed. Use a nightlight, make sure the room hasn't got toys everywhere which would overstimulate him, I painted my sons room green, has a lamp and a blackout blind.


    Also is he worn out in the day? Plus don't let him nap... We do give my son melatonin (10mg) to help him sleep which you could ask for from CAHMS as the Dr might not do it.

  5. Hi, I haven't been on here in a while but was wondering if anyone could help. My son was due to go to a placement ten miles from here and have the residential side also. He has been put into wrong schools where he's had terrible experiences which involved me removing him both times. This time the school he should have been in became an option (5th time lucky).


    At the last minute they dropped the residential part for another child (emergency local boy), they then put a four week trial basis on my son which could end any time. This was very distressing as my son is coming up to 17 years old and would leave at 19. We had an emergency meeting with social services etc and the funding is there for a residential school but it would be out of county and could be miles away. It's been put out to tender quickly as my son has been out of school for over a month and is becoming more distressed and controlling every aspect of his surroundings and having loads of meltdowns.


    Has anyone been through this and can say what residential schools which are worth looking at? My son is middle functioning ASD fully verbal, ADHD,Tourette's, SID, can have Attaxia moments. This is the last chance to get him up to par as he's never had the right input (placed in an EBD school and placed in an ASD school who put him in a low functioning class which isolated him with no education going on).


    He's very bright, craves friends, needs stability, help with washing etc which he's previous schools have never met these needs.

  6. I appreciate all the input and It's great to have people out there who will listen, we have a second assessment clinic next month (this will be the 2nd time) as his meds just don't do anything. Maybe she can shed some more light on this, I know things will be a little better when he is back at school next week from the easter holidays (his terms are 5 weeks on 1-2 weeks off).

  7. Thanks Baddad he has the PC in the front room and the monitor on the wall so we can see what he is up to. He isn't too interested in the TV either, it's all from his previous school the sexual behaviour. He has all these sexual behaviours whizzing around his body and doesn't know what to do with them. I'll look into the training definatley! He does get obsessed by the other pupils as they are fascinating to him as he is no where near that level. He is "higher" functioning I suppose not high functioning. I can't move him from this school as he didn't have one for a year and this is the only one around and he'll be 16 in December.


    Plus my mum called the police about Toby's behaviour today about last Sunday and Monday's incident and they came over in a POLICE VAN! Now they have done a welfare check and it's in their records and I have the neighbours texting and ringing etc too.. I could die of shame, how interfering can you get :wallbash:

  8. They are aware of his behaviour in school and they have the time out rooms etc, we have nothing like that. Plus his meds are awful, he has changed them as his twitches were causing him not to sleep so his ADHD is awful and he is hyper 24/7. He knows about violence from his previous school as they placed him in an EBD school where he was constantly beaten up and was sexually abused until we took him out 2 years ago. He's had the "You punch me and I'll do it back", it doesn't work and I don't condone violence. We have these "experts" who sit there talking the talk and do nothing, we have asked for restraint lessons and they won't give it to us, so we get bitten, punched, kicked and scrammed. His sexual behaviour got worse after what happened to him, plus a lot of them at his old school had porn on their mobiles. It was a nightmare time as the LEA placed him there and we couldn't get him out, until he got abused and they let us, funny that!


    I just want to know what's the best way to handle the violence and the sexual behaviour?

  9. I haven't been on this forum for a while, my son now goes to a private ASD school and is doing well. His other pupils are very low functioning and he is the only high functioning one there, but there isn't anything out there for him :-/.. Recently we have been so worn down with his violence, he is a big lad now and I have scars on my hands from where he has attacked me, also my husband and last week he hurt his grandmother and she needed her wounds dressed. We have asked my social worker for a "spell" residental in his school for 2-3 months to try to get him into good behaviours. She is dragging her feet over this and hasn't even applied for funding yet, she is pushing for full time but I don't want that. I'm just so down and depressed over his meltdowns over stupid things like, asking him not to hurt the cat, or stop sucking your sisters arm. Also the sexual aspect is awful, he goes for your skin on your arm and tried to suck it, he also mimics sex towards you when you are bending over. I've tried to put an alarm on his sisters bedroom too..


    Is anyone going through the same things? Any suggestions? We are even thinking of calling the police when he gets so violent as it's getting harder to restrain him, my husband has to as he's too strong for me.

  10. I don't think you're being over-sensitive, it sounds as though he is being treated more like a child with severe developmental delays. I would be concerned that he may not be being stretched educationally by this school.


    How does your son feel about these activities?


    I think he thinks it's what his class "does".. He's just started this school and is feeling his feet. He has got a few certificates for "Making friends" etc.. even as I type it I think *eeek*. If I say about this in front of him he'll tell them as he eavesdrops a lot and repeats. I thought I'd ask on here and see what people thought. He is immature for his age but I don't want him stuck at a primary school age.

  11. T has a new school and has started full time this week. I'm very happy about this but something is niggling at me..He is more higher funtioning and fully verbal and you can have very intelligent conversations with him. He also does his own programs on the PC and his reading is of his age too..


    When T had a tutor he did experiments and made things etc but they were "age appropriate". He's settling in well but he's been coming home with "Mother's day" cards and Easter cards he has made himself, and a paper flower. I know this is lovely but I feel uncomfortable as he will be fifteen at the end of the year. Also when he made a Christmas List for Father Christmas I cringed a bit, I don't want to keep him as a small boy.


    I was talking to his dad about this and this was the work he did at The his first special school, and when he went to Playgroup. He never did anything like this in his former High school or Primary. I know T has problems but I feel he is doing "babyish" things when he should be doing things nearer to his age.


    For example his sisters who are 10 and 11 wouldn't do things like this, and would think it was funny. I was wondering what you thought. Do you think I'm being over sensitive?


  12. T has Tourettes amongst other things. He sniffs, throat clears and swears, the "hitting the car window" is my favourite. It's hard work when bunched up with all the other SN he has. We try to ignore it, my dad had it as he would blurt out strange sentences/words when in public.

  13. T is now 14 and we are in hormone hell! He keeps asking his sister (11) to poke her tongue out and is really aroused by it and wants to touch it *cringe*.. I do tell him to stop and he goes off the deep end and gets so angry. Also another favourite is looking at his sisters bottoms, if they are bending over and a bit of flesh is on display he'll be there in a flash. Skin is another one, the tops of arms..


    I've had a discussion with him as has his tutor about it being inappropriate etc, he still does this a lot. I'm thinking of putting a lock on their door at night as he just comes over all dreamy and has an odd look on his face.


    Is anyone going through this or has, any way on how to stop this?

  14. Andy it's one long fight... it never ends sadly which is totally wrong IMO. Our son is 14 next month still with no school after being put in a sham of a school who said they could cater his needs!


    The amount of money (£5,000 for one tribunal) we have been through is wrong too, just enjoy the rest before the storm as things never seem to go in our favour and we even had to get the ombudsman onto the LEA as they were doing nothing to try to find a school for our son.


    It sounds like you are a loving father who cares very deeply for your son, you are a credit >:D<<'>

  15. Well I took T to the Independent ASD school and it kind of went pear shaped. He sulked and the head said "Oo look at this"pointing to a pupil on a bike on a photo, he replied "I know what it is I'm not stupid you know".. Then we were shown the class he could be in and they weren't as high functioning and he put hi head in his hands and said "I want to go"..


    He did chat with the staff about Windows 2003 and Vista and try to hack the PC's, but then added "I don't want to be here with Autistic children who scream and make noises" :unsure:


    So maybe he cleared it up for me?

  16. What about home schooling? Some colleges offer a 14+ service for kids for some reason or another that cannot attend school.


    Thanks trekster we are looking at a college in the future, just need to fill in the forms and cross our fingers!

  17. I remember you posting before.

    Didn't you find a school you wanted but you were told it was full?

    If the options being presented to you are not suitable then don't go with either of them.

    Go with the school you think most suitable (have a couple of options available if possible).

    I'm not sure how it works to appeal if a placement is changed and you want to appeal against that. I'm sure someone will post with that. But if you can find a school that is suitable - independent, private etc, then you are in a good position to get that place.


    The school is in a different borough so it's up to them to take him which they refused as they were full. I'd have to go to a tribunal which would take 6 months plus, and I might not win so then he'll be 14 1/2 and have hardly any time in a school.

  18. Have you looked at other independent schools? It sounds as though you are in a good position to get whatever school you find that is suited to your child. Don't worry about 16+ yet - it is no good being in a school til 19 if it is not the right school.


    What is SRB?


    Special resource base, it's for severe learning difficulties which my son doesn't have. He has mild and is a couple of years behind.


  19. As in my previous posts I explained how I removed my son from the Independent school he was attending due to physical assaults by EBD pupils, and having a serious sexual assault by another EBD pupil whilst on a school trip.. the list is endless! Well he has a 1-1 four days a week and still no school, I've tried so many different schools to be turned down as they are not in our borough.


    Well the LEA have offered us a mainstream school in a SRB base (non applicable as he is ASD) but they have a ASD base, but he'd find it very hard to go into mainstream classes of 25 plus.. Or an Independent special ASD school where they are very severe, and he would be one of the more able children there but stay until he is 19. He is 14 next month and time is running out, the LEA have been awful and in the end it took the Ombudsmen to make them move!


    What do I do for the best? I don't want him to be isolated, in the special school with no friends, he craves them so much and is so lonely and loves talking and interacting! Then again I don't want him out of his depth in this HUGE school.. He went to a mainstream primary school in a SRB base and it didn't work at all.


    I'm so confused and time is fast running out :(

  20. The thing is explaining it to him would set him off and he would be hysterical, it's like saying to someone who has Arachnophobia to hold a spider. He will do anything to get away as soon as he sees it. He also has a fear of wasps and has run into traffic to get away.. I'm going to ring camhs and see if they have any suggestions as he will need a blood test soon as he takes Ritalin and respirdone when he can't calm down from rages.

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