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Everything posted by finn105

  1. Hope he is well enough to come home today. Animals are part of your family and its horrible when they are ill etc. We have a Border Collie cross and on the couple of occassions he has had to spend over night at the vets, there feels a huge hole in the family. Let us know what happens.
  2. Hiya My son wears these a lot of the time. The kids ones (peltor come in lime green and pink) fit me so have had a go and they block out a lot of the noise but its still possible to hear whats going on, just at a duller level. We never leave home without them, you never know when you'll need them. Hope this helps.
  3. Just to say hello to everyone. I'm new to this sort of thing so just finding my way round. I have a 5 year old son with ASD. Just been reading some of your posts and its great to know we're not alone, which is how it feels sometimes.
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