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About Plebius

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Greetings Michelle. My 16 year old daughter was very similar, it appeared the more I tried to help, the more she became hostile. In fact Smiley1590 describes uncannily her precise feelings which she expressed to us in the past days, the only thing was she vented this by self harming in the classroom. She also had two tutors at school who she could talk to and who where very supportive and in the beginning she would only express her feelings to them rather than us which again was very distressing. We think, and it appeared to resolve this by just giving her plenty of space and pulling back although it was very frustrating. She speaks freely to us about her concerns now and appears to have stopped the self harming, X. The school she attends where extremely cooperative and her teachers are fortunately, very switched on. We give them our full thanks. It will turn out OK.
  2. Hi and thanks. My partners very words, "I can usually sort things out by working at them, but not this". She is at the moment reading anything and everything about this and we do discuss the issue a lot. I know "now" that I can be quite insensitive so its like walking on broken glass at the moment. I think you are right that a lot of these feelings are to be expected and we all have to accept this. Thank you all so much for your input and welcome, it is much appreciated.
  3. Hello. My family are living in an upside down world at he moment, I have just been formally diagnosed with A S and dyscalculia at 56 and to our astonishment our daughter, 16, was formally diagnosed with asperger,s the week previously. It was only by reading a chance article on the net that I came realize that this could possibly be affecting me, though I suppose it should have been of no surprise when considering the amount of ###### that I and those around me have had to endure over the last decades. My daughter, 16, began to self harm at school and was subsequently diagnosed with asperger,s though again, looking back upon her past behavior, it does answer many questions. At the moment, I really feel for my partner. She has shown her distress though she tries to conceal it and keeps saying she feels the odd one out. I really don't know how to react. At the moment I have an unfamiliar feeling of calmness I wonder what will happen next? Thanks
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