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About bothered

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    Salisbury Hill
  1. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    Hi again, Just thought I would let you know as you had been kind enough to help me through the last week that the LEA got a rather strong letter from the Tribunal chair woman informing them they had to implement decision immediately and I got one via the solicitor from her apologising for the delay caused. So now they have acted promptly after having their wrists slapped !! again !! Been in touch with the school who have phoned me and we now have a date. 25th January start, doing a visit this week for him to choose his room go over stuff etc. I think I feel excited one minute and very sad the next !! Cant quite believe that the years of struggling to get help have come to something. Suddenly its hard to believe we all have a brighter future. I would still like to highlight this when we are sorted out. Especially after hearing a load of rot on the radio today from Ruth Kelly who may well be trying to improve things but does not seem to have much idea of what the problems are. Thanks again.
  2. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    Good morning everyone ! My son kept shouting out in his sleep last night (something he does when anxious or excited) they were happy noises though and this morning he is so overjoyed and happy it is making me feel better about him going ! I only told him the school had received the letter so it should be soon ! He had been getting very low and depressed the last few days so its a quick turn around. I have found though that this time out of school with the pressure off has helped him in alot of ways. Alot of life skills stuff and he is beginning to express his feelings or at least voice them. Even if it is "I feel really odd, like something is wrong, like I might die, like something is missing but I dont know what. " !!!! At least its a start, something he never did before as he was such an enormous bundle of hightened everything ! Of course what he is describing is boredom, dissapointment, not knowing what is happening etc. It is interesting how they describe themselves so literally. On the school visit front. I visited the school in May. My son and his eldest brother visited in July for a day. First half looking round with us and the second half we left and he spent the afternoon with his peer group, on the house, going to a lesson (DT his favourite) having something to eat. The deputy head visited us at home in July also and saw him in every mood possible ! I guess we have done the preparation, I m just nervous ! Thanks again
  3. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    Thank you phoned the school and they have a letter of intent from the LEA but it seems they are trying to delay the start until the completed new statement is issued in five weeks. We all know why, it will save them half a terms fees, which are considerable. However solicitors have written to dispute that this is not necessary and actually unlawful as no provision is in place in the mean while. So perhaps they are just trying it on to save some money this half term. They are however getting a clear message via the school and the solicitor this is not on. So we wait and see. The school are telling me tomorrow what date they will insert in the contract to the LEA which will be some help. My son is now bouncing off the walls with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Any tips on how to reintegrate would be gladly received from others personal experiences. Whether to make a few visits or just go in straight off. Its a residential school so will be a massive change to the last ten months. For both of us. I am afraid that if he does visits something may happen to put him off and scupper things but am also worried that dropping him off to start full time is so daunting to me. I know it is what is best for him this school but it will be a massive adjustment which I am looking forward to and dreading. Any tips would be welcome. Of course I will do the usual preparation stuff our kids need but any comments would be welcome. Thank you again
  4. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    I rang the tribunal people to see about the possibility of asking for a date to be inserted forschool start but it was pretty fuitless, decisions already made etc. Phoned DFES and they put me through to someone who put me through to someone and an hour later I am no further forward. Basically the rules simply state how long the LEA have to change statements, but there does not seem to be any obligation on our situation. The LEA has to produce a new statement within 5 weeks for me to sign and then when I have they will issue it. Until the statement is in force it does not have to do a thing it seems. However if he was at school and the only change was the school then he would have to move to that school as soon as the statement was changed, i.e., two weeks. I now have another number to phone but am getting dizzy from going round in circles. Perhaps if I just bang my head against the wall several times it will stop the dizziness and I will pass out. Perhaps the school has some news but sadly they are not there til tomorrow. Well there is always tomorrow, who knows, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps !!! Ipsea are busy but I might try them tomorrow. xx thanks
  5. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    Thanks one and all, yes the solicitor does know this and is pointing and threatening them today. We are of the opinion that they are so p*****d off that they are trying to salvage some thing by pointing out they found errors that had been overlooked. We are not making waves just now as we have found the LEA solicitor completely stupid to say the least and though we have looked carefully and are not concerned any points of law have been overlooked we dont want to give the LEA any ideas. My plan is to wait and gather as much knowledge as I can until the 28 days have passed. If no action has happened til then then I will blast forth !!!! we have until the 19th to play it gently which is necessary, we dont want to help the LEA after all. Once the 28 days is passed then they have to abide by every decision made and have no right to appeal. The tribunal said the school placement should be made immediately. One of the reasons for their finding in our favour was that he had been off school for so long and needed immediate placement. I have been told by Sendist and all that its 2 weeks and on the websit one of you suggested it says the same. Anyone else says as this has been dealt with by solicitor and is in the hands of the lea solicitor they cannot get involved. Same happened when the MP tried to help. The LEA have told the solicitor that the case officer will contact the school. But they have not ! surprise ! Thanks for the support,
  6. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    Thanks I will look it up. Just phoned the solicitor, he says that the LEA have written to him stating they have found a number of items needing clarifying and that they assume we are happy to wait for the answers to these and the issuing of a new statement towards the end of Jan beginning of Feb. He has told me that what amouns to typing errors are all in Parts 2 and 3 of the statement and as they have no queries regarding Part 4 where the school is named they have no right to ask us to wait for the whole statement before doing anything. Therefore he is writing to them requesting them to get the school place sorted out as they should do this within 2 weeks of the decision (which has now passed). Telling them that my son should start school immediately and the statement can be worked on over the next few weeks. Bearing in mind that EOTAS have now withdrawn any home education as the decision has been made they are now also breaking the law as they have not arranged the school placement and have withdrawn EOTAS leaving my son with no schooling. !!!! So now we wait, again...... Just thought I would let you know the above so other people know. Its very handy having a solicitor as they very quickly get to the nub of the problem and take action. But you have to be aware that they are very costly, the phone call probably cost me ?75 and the two letters ?25 each !! To give an idea to anyone who may want to takes things to tribunal when there is already a statement issued, so basically challenging by issuing an appeal against it it was this, It took 8 months from issuing the appeal to getting a date for the tribunal Got private EP, OT, S&L and PSCH reports (each well worth as provided on average 30 page reports) Solicitor found fault in statement so could make an appeal (otherwise it would have taken alot longer) Solicitor contacted LEA EOTAS on my behalf to get home ed (we had to threaten them with the High Court) Solicitor collated reports and general information LEA made no attempt to resolve during this time and two weeks before the tribunal started making offers of alternatives which were all inappropriate. These offers became grander up to the day of tribunal. None were suitable and indeed the tribunal found them to be wildly misjudging the situation. Total bundle of papers over 500 Barrister attended tribunal along with deputy head from chosen school, private EP Whole day in tribunal total cost so far approximately ?12,000 the look on the LEA faces at tribunal ? priceless We did get the right outcome and its now a case of forcing the LEA to act on it. I would say the solicitor, barrister and private reports were very very dynamic so though this was expensive it did feel like it was worth it when the reports came through. I would imagine it could be done for less but am not sure. When we first got the statement several years ago we did the same thing and used a solicitor and barrister to get the statement. The LEA backed down the day before the tribunal which they often do. They wait to see if the parents back down and when they dont they often back down themselves. Its very tough to go through but I would recommend it if at all possible.
  7. bothered

    The Ombudsman

    Just a quick question Does anyone know how long the LEA has to carry out what is set out in the new statement after being informed of the decisions on this by the Tribunal panel. Briefly !!! Tribunal found much of the statement needed changing and noted this in their decision, they also noted in the end page a list of changes etc. They named a change of school to a special school in the decision and the statement, however not in the list of changes to be made. Anyone with half a brain would easily work out what the statement should say but the LEA being the LEA they have gone back to the tribunal chair woman and queried about ten points which amount to typing errors and things written in decision and statement but not in the list. The school have not heard from the LEA The solicitor has advised not to contact the LEA I have phoned tribunal offices and been told they have no authority to chase action on decision but dont think LEA will get reply til end of Jan. I was under the impression that the LEA had to put new school place into action within two weeks of decision but when I spoke to tribunal office they waffled on about new statements being given five weeks and did not make much sence. So I just wondered if anyone knew what the time frames were and what I should do next. I will ring my solicitor but money is tight to say the least. Anyone know what the rule is here, my son is getting so anxious now about this, having been told to tell him the decision in order to prepare him he of course is getting pretty p ***** d off that it is not happening. I was under the illusion that the decisions were final and had to be enforced immediately - it seems perhaps not ? Appreciate any knowledge on this, thanks
  8. I maybe new here but am certainly not new to the subject. I have received alot of positive feedback and only feel slightly sad at the numbers of warnings of how things will not work. I do not dismiss or belittle anything anyone else does or says. I am in favour greatly in rewarding and recognising those on "stateside" who have done well in supporting myself or others. I am not on a personal crusade and out to get revenge. I simply believe that we must stop being put off by so many warnings by many to not do anything. As I said before I am simply trying to reach people who are interested in letting me know a few details and in no way wish to jeopordise anyones personal progress or support. I have a child with Asperges who has been ignored and disregarded. I have worked in a special needs school and helped many parents and students alike. I have seen the progress that the right education brings not only to the student but the whole family. I have also seen what happens when that falls apart. Often not because of the student or the family but the professionals involved. I do not dispute that many peoples hands are tied as they are at the mercy of government policies but I do not accept that SOME of these people have acted entirely within their job descriptions. I have taken alot of what has been said as good and helpful advice but I do feel that some comments were negative. This of course could be my perception and I am prepared to leave this to others judgement. We all work in our own ways and as time marches on all our children grow older. By the time they are 16 it is no longer law to educate our kids. I have been battling for ten years and have yet to see results. If this continues and I play it the normal way it will be less time than that that I missed the window of opportunity. This applies to everyone and as a parent and teacher I find it saddening that so many young people will end up labelled as trouble makers, in care, in special units etc because nothing changed quickly enough. I am not saying my thoughts are unique, far from it, it is warming to see, though sad, that I am far from alone. Something from my work I knew anyway. I will march on no matter what, why ? because through the years after one suicide, one child put in a secure unit, one family torn apart, and one person suffering a third mental breakdown and knowing that these were each just one of many many more makes me want to continue finding a way. These situations are not uncommon I know but when you actually know they are the result of the wrong care its hard to turn away. Luckily for me, though still trying to achieve for my son, we may finally be getting somewhere, this will not be our story. What I cannot escape from is that that is not the norm and more does need to be done.
  9. I do understand that parents are exhausted and find it hard to take on anything further. I myself am in the same situation. However, perhaps it would be interesting to go the extra mile. As I keep saying, this is completely up to the individual and judging by the big response to my private offer of my own e mail some do wish to go a little further. I would only encourage anyone to contact me privately as this seems to allow everyone to feel its not to do with the site here. Thank you for your responces.
  10. I am not an activist and I do know what I am talking about. If we were all succeeding following the usual routes none of us would be having problems. I dont know who you are and you dont know who I am. If you feel you cannot trust me then you are not under any pressure to tell me anything. That of course is your choice. Like I said and I will say again. I am trying to find another way and simply gather some basic information. Maybe I am a fool and a wishful thinker but if no one wants to respond or join me in this then I will have learnt that there is no need and no one else agrees with me. If that is the case then, job done, I will not bother persuing it. Perhaps if there is little response I will realise that everyone is quite happy letting this take its time and happy with things jogging along. I have had to keep going through alot of rough stuff and simply hoped to help others. I am only sorry it has caused such negative viewpoints. I watch the news, read the papers, my son is still out of school after 10 months. It does not seem to me like much is happening and by the look of what I have read here and other similar websites so far there is little evidence that much is likely to change. This is obviously a great place to chat and mull over things and should not be spoilt by anyone but as it would appear so many Asperges parents are house bound its not exactly easy to meet them any other way. If anyone would like to correspond with me they can send me private e mail to my e mail outside of this site. It would appear that that may be better received. cmagic@ntlworld.com Apologies for the offense and disgust this seems to have caused but I will not apologise for at least trying. Hey ho !
  11. Hello Tez I felt very moved by your answers. You sound quite remarkable and still able to see fairness and appreciate those who have tried to help. Thank you very much for the reply, I am very grateful. x
  12. What sort of trouble ? When I really pushed things to the wire, I found I became more and more intimidated by those involved. I had to, it seemed to me, prove my innocence and my sons diagnosis. Social workers spent two weeks in my house trying to get my son to school. This because they were trying to help education prove there was not a problem. Needless to say it failed miserably which simply reinforced my little angels idea that he was in control and invincible. Not helped by the fact that they told him they could not wait all day to get him to school, so he thought, "right then, I will just last out til you have to leave" Once they realised they could do no better they finally admitted that they did not know what to do. It was laughable yet not funny !!!
  13. Thank you, Nellie is worried this may harm the forum etc. I have assured her and again assure you that this information will be completely anonymus (sorry cant spell that!) I am simply trying to see how bad this really is and find a genuinely peaceful but important and significant way of highlighting the real problems for our kids and our families. I do not wish in any way to cause any conflict or problem for anyone. I am simply trying to get some information to back up my argument. It will only be used in the manner of for example x number of children are out of school x number of 9 years olds experience x x number of parents have lost their jobs I believe the numbers will shock alot of people and I think also that many of us will be warmed by the genuine support that can be offered by those not currently affected. I have no intention of entering more agro but I would like to highlight this in a way that people will understand and perhaps also in a way that they can relate to and with information they understand. Because the general public do not really know what asperges is they have no concept of the affect it has on everyone involved. I think if they did they would help and if nothing else when bumping into our children in their lives they might be supportive instead of assuming our kids are naughty and badly parented. Hopefully this has reassured those who may be concerned, I mean no harm !!! I come in peace !!!! xx
  14. Thank you, Hopefully lots of people will respond. I am genuinely interested in finding out this information. Due to my son's problems I had to leave my job working at a special needs school which was not only a wonderful experience but deeply frustrating - and I just got to work with the lucky ones!! I did not meet one parent who had an easy time getting their children educated. It is frankly disgusting. I am seriously thinking of taking some action but until I get some responses I am not sure what it will be yet. It seems so many have and are still struggling. I would like to find a new way that will have more impact. I certainly dont intend writing thousands of letters and spending years waiting for action. so here is hoping that we think of something ....... Bob Geldoff comes to mind !!! Now I am laughing at the image of him with the so called professionals on "Stateside" now that would be fabulous. x
  15. Its just a thought. Often we all spend our time battling alone. I frequently get bamboozled by people telling me my situation was so difficult for professionals to work out. They all had their own excuses etc. Seems to me that any attempts to seek support, help or action are met with the following situation developing: Firstly we phone department concerned. They say they will get back to us but dont. We then write to them They write back with excuses and waffle We keep trying and all departments do all they can to minimise the importance of our problem and put us off with comments like ..." its very hard and its just the way it is. We sympathise but its not our role. You will find it hard to change anything. Unfortunately the school dont think there is a problem so we cant act. We dont have the money. We have been told by the authority we must not recomend any of the things you are saying. Its too expensive. Blah blah blah" We then give up or we keep going. If we give up then we find we go round the same circle a few months later If we keep going we find the communications get more difficult or collapse with anyone who was helpful backing off. We then become isolated and the authorities insinuated you are making things worse for your child or that its you that is the problem. I find it amazing that this goes on and that so many of us are struggling. It occurred to me that if we could get some kind of list together which showed the numbers involved, the frequency and repetative problems then someone might listen. What I thought of, without giving names or anything, perhaps posting here a few details of your situation and see if we cannot get together some evidence. Example: Age of your child. Mainstream or specialist school. In or out of school. Statement or not How hard was it to get a statement How hard was it to get a school suited to your childs needs What professionals were involved and which ones were supportive, helpful, proactive etc Whether your child has been out of school and how long for Whether your child has become depressed, suicidal due to schooling problems On medication Whether behaviour has deteriorated towards you due to schooling problems Have you had a successful outcome How long did it take If not how long since your first attempts to solve How has this affected you. Family life, other children, friends, job, home etc Location in the country Anyone interested ? If so post your stuff on here keeping it as brief as possible, just facts and perhaps we could collate something. Make it all anonymous so you feel free to say exactly what the situation is. x
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