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Everything posted by LizC

  1. Hi sorry to be bombarding with loads questions tonight especially as I have just joined, but hey you know how it is! Matthew hardly ever likes to wear clothes, if he is at home (or even the granparents) he takes off his clothes leaving just his pants on, he hates to be restricted and alos does it at bed time too, just sleeps with his pull ups on (still not done at night yet) are any of your kids like this? also he has certain clothes, when he does wear them, that he will only wear, particularly stripes, he won't wear the majority of clothes he has (thankfully just ones that have been passed on) he won't wear fluffy jogging bottoms or fleecey items and can't stand tags in clothes as they 'hurt' him, he seems very sensitive and leave red marks on him too, he is very fussy with his uniform for school too. he has a coat that he will wear but it is getting rather old now and the zip is bust but he won't wear any other. he seems to get persessive over certain things and when you get him something new (like new shoes) it takes him a while to get used to them and gets all worked up over them. are any of your kids like this, I am sure they are as they are very classic symptoms of AS but just curious!
  2. Hi thank you, yes in the new year my husband is going to be ringing them (I have done my fair share lol) we will not let this lie, we have faught all the way, even with the HVs who used to say there was nothing wrong, us mums (and dads) know better don't we
  3. Hi thanks we have been told about melatonin and would love to try that. the only thing is the nurse and pyschologist dealing with us seem to have disapeared off the face of the earth they were supposed to come to our house on 28th Nov but cancelled on that morning and still haven't been back in touch, don't they realise that christmas would be worse for us! and a big change for after christmas when he has a new teacher! Matthew is normally asleep by about 10.30 most nights but lately it has been 11/12 and even 1am! I can't cope with this. oh well thank you for helping.
  4. Hi as I am struggling with a good bed time routine for my son Matthew, can anyone advise me on this... what do you do with your kids? he has never settled on a night and it is exhausting!! as a baby he would cry and cry as he didn't want to be left alone. once he is in bed (after a battle of getting him there in the first place) he comes back out his room, you can here the gate go (on for my 2yr old) then you can hear him come down the stairs making up every excuse he can think of, he does this over and over again, he normally gets his bathroom flannel to carry around with him. he bounces on his bed, sits and plays on the landing sings and talks very loud (he is very loud at the best of times) thing is he wakes his younger bro up and his older sister can't get to sleep. anyway just wondered what you routine are and maybe we could try them! TIA
  5. Hi thank you everyone for your welcomes! Yes he can't cope with certain noises and smells. we nomrally go to church, quite a lively one but we can't take him because he can't cope with the loud music. in the town there was a band playing the other day and we had to cover over his ears and get him passed fast as he didn't like it. at home if someone comes to the house he will go upstairs and get his flannel from the bathroom or start playing with water. he went through a phase of rubber washing up gloves too. anyway i am glad i am come here for support, you people sound great! Liz
  6. Thank you both for your warm welcomes! I shall indeed be back. must go for now though lol
  7. Hi I have just joined today and added to the introduction bit, but thought I would post here too. My middle child Matthew has Aspergers, he is 5 and we have always known that he had problems. My grandad had aspergers and this led me to believe he did too. I don't really know where to begin as everything seems to be hard at the moment. he hates things out of the normal and likes a good routine but I am finding it hard getting him into one, especially as I have 2 other children too it is hard fitting into his way of life and vice versa. He won't ever do as he is told like getting dressed on a morning is an ordeal in itself, at times I don't think I can cope any more like today. he never settles on an evening and even when i try to get him into a routine he doesn't seem to settle or want it. i tred the bath every night and story but at time this was an ordeal too and he still won't sleep , it usually takes him till 10/11 on a night to sleep, which seems to have got worse lately and even wakes his younger brother up which makes thing sten times worse. he couldn't cope wiht his grandad dying at the begining on the year and now his gt gran has just died, he doesn't know how to react to this emotionally which stresses him out. and because the last time he saw his grandad was last christmas, this christmas was hard as we went to ouor friends house just after they put their tree up and he saw it and started to flip out, he screamed it isn't christmas and started running about the house screaming this and ran into his friends room and started to throw stuff about. (He does this sort of behaviour alot) shopping, you can do! he flips out so most the time we try to avoid taking him, we tryed just before christmas to get my daughter a birthday present and he wouldn't gte out the car, shouting I hate shopping, he then goes wild, making silly noises, screams or hysterical laughter (which he does alot) but then he pushed aganist a door husband was holding and dented the door of the car next to us! school was very hard at first but has since got into a routine (mainstream) but when he goes back after christmas he is going into a new class and I don't think the new teacher is aware of what Matthew has. Infact since his dx the school haven't officially been told by the centre he was dx at. we are supposed to be getting help but the last appt on 28th Nov was cancelled and we haven't heard anything since. sorry for going on but there is much I could just go on. some poeple just donm't understand as at times he can appear 'normal' but we were told this can happen so I think some poeple just think we are making it up. (espeically my mother in law) school have also decided not to statement him too even though he struggles, just not enough for them. I am worried about him going back next week... thankfully there are some good stuff about him lol, he does love museums and history, computers and working out peoples DVD players (he particularly likes the making of films on DVDs and other languages) he can be caring and lovable at times, then times when he just can't and doesn't seem to fully understand. he gets on alot with his siblings but then other times when he just rubs off them, he likes to wreck the house too and is always pulling the sofa apart and just jumping and bouncing off everythign! (this really upsets and anoys me) I am finding everything hard especially when we don't seem to be getting any help. I don't think I can go on life this. just looking for support, understanding and help in anyway. thankyou for letting me ramble on. Liz
  8. LizC


    Hi I am Liz and am a mum to 3 kids. Hayley is 8, Matthew is 5 and Nathan is 2. Matthew was recently dx in september wiht aspergers syndrome. we have known since birth really that he was 'different' and when he was younger we thought he has ADHD but it wasn't and he was assessed over a few mths. Life can be hard! Liz
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