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About Tan

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Update from Meeting held with Education Dept 29th July 2010 The meeting went well, she explained that there was no point in focussing on the past but lets look to the future (there seemed to be an awareness that they had failed him by not maintaining his Statement and Annual Reviews. I feel that they were just too embarrassed to address these issues so they were avoided like the plague, although they did confirm that he was still Statemented}. The case had been taken back again to Panel, and the Panel asked for additional information, looking to a long term plan, they wanted a goal/purpose before more home education was supplied. A lady from Connexions was present as well, and will now be undertaking a CAF assessment, which will be taken back to the Panel for a third time, thus helping them decide whether to continue his funding (I think that they are aware that they haven’t complied with their Statutory Duty in relation to a child with SEN). It all seemed really positive and I felt for the first time, that the lady we spoke with, seemed to want to get the best support for my son. It was implied that, more than likely, he would continue to get the support at Home from a Dyslexic teacher as well as other support programmes put in place. (Probably they have finally read his file this time) So to everyone who contributed to my Post, the information gained gave me confidence when dealing with the LA, I thank you all once again. Perhaps now I might be able to help others with the knowledge that I gained from you. Again, thank you. Tanx
  2. Thank you so much for your advise. We will be asking for a Section 139 Assessment, it is astonishing how they do not volunteer such assessments for children who clearly need them. It is also interesting that he should have been offered help to access a college course, we shall have to see what they say about this at the meeting tomorrow, since it was never mentioned before that he would be supported at college. Again, many thanks for your little gems of wisdom, they are much appreciated. I will post the outcome of the meeing tomorrow.
  3. Thank you so much for giving your time in replying to my plea for help, your suggestions/advice are much appreciated, and will be taken up. We certainly shan't agree to anything tomorrow, we will take away what they have to say and investigate further, thank you for this extremely usefull advise. Will post outcome of meeting tomorrow in case you are interested. Again, thank you.
  4. We havn't had any help regarding social and recreational needs, he actually hardly ever goes out of the house, and spends the majority of his day in his room (his choice not ours). He has one friend he sees, a half brother, but no other friends to socialise with, he says he is happy but it would be wonderful if he would have a more sociable life, I will definately look into getting him assessed by the Local Authority. Thank you so much for your thoughtful advise. Tanx
  5. Thank you again, we will need the good luck wish, as it has been a constant battle to get any help, but we won't give up, not ever!
  6. Thank you so much for your reply to my current problem, your advise has been most helpfull and I shall be better armed for tomorrow's meeting because of it. Thank you, I shall post the result of the meeting tomorrow, again thank you.
  7. Thank you so much for your reply, it has been extremely usefull, have contacted IPSEA as suggested and will go armed with more ammunition for tomorrows meeting, thanks to you, and others, that have so kindly given advise. Many thanks, will post the outcome of the meeting tomorrow in case anyone is interested. Again, thank you. Tan
  8. Thank you so much for your quick response and helpful advise, which I shall use to the full. It is just great to know that someone out there is willing to give up some of their time to help someone confussed like myself, thank you again.
  9. Have just found your website, so sorry for the last minute post I have a meeting on the 29.7.2010 with the LEA in relation to my 16 year old son who has been home schooled for the past four years. He was and maybe still statemented. Short history Right from the beginning of his schooling at infants he was school phobic. Various reports state that he was at the lower end of the Autistic spectrum, with severe dyslexia. He was statemented at the age of 7 and was given a Learning support assistant to help in class for two hours a day for numeracy and literacy. He clearly wasn't coping even with the extra help. In year 6 we managed to get him into a Special needs school, where he was really happy. They had a secondary element attached to this school, which he started in year 7; unfortunately he never made the transition to this, because of various additional phobias, separation anxiety attachments, and compulsive behaviours. In the words of the head teacher She felt very sorry for him as he longer fitted in this environment and certainly didn’t fit into mainstream education either. With her agreement he was deregistered and the LEA informed that he would be now home schooled. Despite many calls to our LEA for extra help, no further information was forthcoming. It appears that he disappeared off their radar despite having a statement. (I’m sure each child had a case worker) No annual reviews have taken place, I assume his statement may have lapsed, but we haven’t been informed that his statement has ended either. Earlier this year I went to our local connexions to see how they could help when he leaves home school. They stated that in order to go to college he would have to be at a certain level in order to access courses. They made phone calls to our LEA and lo and behold a lady from their Teaching support staff attended our home twice a week for three hours for the past 5 months to help him read and write. This ended last week and when tested by her previously, he still has a reading age of 7yrs 3 months and spelling age of 6yrs 9 months. So he still is not at the required level to access connexions course, college etc. He clearly needs another year of help to get him nearer to the required standard. Approximately a month ago I contacted our LEA to see whether this extra help would be continuing next year. They stated that it had to go to a panel for a decision. I was asked to provide background info in support of this. I contacted our LEA last week and was informed that my son’s case had gone to a panel and he would not be getting any more help and that I should contact connexions. Clearly I'm not happy about this, the lady from the LEA had asked me to provide the panel prior to their meeting (I wasn't told when it was) any background information to support his case. She clearly hadn't looked in depth at it, as she was surprised when I mentioned he was statemented. So I have this meeting on Thursday with the LEA, its purpose on their part is not clear to me, although I suspect it’s to reiterate that they are no providing any more help. Does anyone know or have any suggestions regarding how long my son retains his statement for even though he's home schooled , also what obligation the LEA has in relation to him being a statemented child with special educational needs whilst being home schooled. I suspect that they may not have followed the SEN codes of practise in relation to his annual review, perhaps that’s why we got the extra help, who knows Any suggestions, thoughts etc all gratefully received Tan.
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