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About nightingale

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads

  2. Thank you so much for your replies It so good to know that we are not alone with this problem. All the so called professionals always make me feel as if its my fault and that I should be constantly fighting him but as you will all know this does not work it creates even more problems.
  3. Yes he is supposed to be getting help he see's a consultant pyschiatrist and has been on prozac since may. We are fighting to get him into a specialist school but La dont wont to spend any money so are going to appeal but in the meantime he just wannts to stay alone. He wont even engage with home tutors who come twice a week
  4. Hi grace you need to contact your local Parent Partnership service they are brilliant!! I am currently going to appeal against my LA and they have supported me with all the paper work and advice. You only have a short time to appealso you need to contact them asap.
  5. My My 12 year old grandson who has asd and school phobia has not been able to attend school for 1 year and has now shut himself away in his bedroom rarely coming out not even for meals. His doctor says its a child protection issue what can I do to help him; I feel so helpless and hate to see him with draw from life this way??
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