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Posts posted by nightingale

  1. Yes he is supposed to be getting help he see's a consultant pyschiatrist and has been on prozac since may.

    We are fighting to get him into a specialist school but La dont wont to spend any money so are going to appeal but in the meantime he just wannts to stay alone. He wont even engage with home tutors who come twice a week

  2. Hi you really should be receiving some help from a pyschiatrist or paediatrician, does your grandson have either of these professionals involved? It sounds like he needs some sort of medication. My son 16 is ASD and I went through a period of time when he didn't want to go to school, he looked very depressed which your grandson sounds like. You must get him some help asap, my son has been on prozac now since May and this has helped lift his depression, he now goes to school, to his clubs and to respite. You must insist on help from the professionals otherwise things will not improve and it is not fair on your grandson.

  3. It has now become law that a parent can appeal the refusal of the LEA to amend the statement, after an Annual Review, but how does that work?


    Are you supposed to say in writing before the AR that you want the statement amending or can you just state for the record that you want the statement amending during the actual AR meeting?


    How long after the Annual Review itself do the LEA have to tell you that they refuse to amend?


    Do the school or anyone else have to support your request to amend?

    DO you have to show/explain why you want the statement amending or is it enough at the AR to simply say you think it does need amending and then send in the detail later?


    Does anyone know where all of this info can be found, as I can see the actual law, but not the application of it.


    Many thanks in advance.



  4. My My 12 year old grandson who has asd and school phobia has not been able to attend school for 1 year and has now shut himself away in his bedroom rarely coming out not even for meals. His doctor says its a child protection issue what can I do to help him; I feel so helpless and hate to see him with draw from life this way??

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