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Posts posted by philipo

  1. I see your pointsBADDAD,

    the media will naturally focus on the hfa as without a script is woul'nt make good ENTERTAINMENT which is what tellys about.The danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater is a very real and present danger.New classifications will mostly for the benefit of institututions rather than individuals and while I feel old labels have had their day it's obvious that parents/sufferers should be wary and not let go of older defintions that have served the subject in its earlier days.As with popular bhuddism and healing by crystals,as well as politics and the latest i-pads and recycling plastic n rubbish,we should be wary that a short term approach will be at all helpfull.

    SCROUNGERS>>>>>>>>>>>Are you aware how difficult it is to get a diagnosis without money,even if you've been stark raving asd bonkers for years!!!Do really think a doctoer or nhs/dhs official is mostly in a position to help you?Let alone give you a diagnosis so you could screw a few more lira out the social seurity?What is known about nt's is they are generally sociopaths and judging by their constant misuse and abuse of languauge and a general tendency to always seek financial gain ,yes,I agree there will be a few carpet baggers.although no doubt the physically idle and extra educated higher classes are in a better position to take better advantage of the system than the ones who just get dismissed as workshy because they have working class accents.Autisim is a huge growth industry......yes but not on the crappy housing estates or other economic reservations,it's more another coffee table awareness from the families that have the money for private diagnosis,get with the reality..RICH versusPOOR people,and the ability for equality in education and oppertunity and diagnosis.

    ps dont do facebook ,its for saddos too scared to have normal relationships with heighbhours etc..As for popularism I'm sure more people are bothered about x factor winners and Cyrsis2 than all the dead kids in Libyia or people with 'autisim'.


    Your last bit,what is the next step? Its jobclub compulsory.......hfa and aspergers has just been defiled by the ss so get used to it.I will be headin in a class war direction and killing my own food.

  2. The fact is maliciousb hackers are well ahead of the authoroities,they have different prioties.So on one level we know that people with asd's have a good nose for apparently inchoherent pattern anaylsis/mathematics and have a heavy leaning to technology and computers and generall geekdom/obssesivness ,we also know that undiagnosed asd'rs over time can develop an anti social personaity disordern due to feeling isolated and seperate from the mainstream.It appears to me that the same old attitudes seem to prevail,even from asd'rs.PROBABILITY......so without going deep into the story we realise that a hacker has got into some special computer system and been caught,how niave and stupid of him not to understand the social rules,how pathetic he must be a retard,perhaps asd?

    Before I knew about my asd I remember looking at a picky of Gary Mackkinon and thinking 'god he looks gaunt,stressed and like he'd been up all night'.

    It may become a trend(caught computer hackers claiming aspergers)but its not at the momemnt.

  3. [Just go for it! Just take care with keeping an eye on him and just immerse yourselves in the 'collective' experience .Its good when we feel we can join in in a common collective energy and it is very empoweringg for asd'rs to feel a collective common experience,It will go a long way to helping desensitise against the usual sensitivities to noise,crowds and people,just stay with em.

  4. being a bit hypersensitive is one of the general asd problems .We can forget that when we go shopping that most of the other people are putting on their public face ,if they are fearfull then they act in a very protective way,if you are hypersensitive through whatever reason ,you can misinterpret the intentions or 'body language ' of the other people.Up and down the country many people put on a hard tough exterior,mainly because they feel threatened or insecure cos life hard.Most of the alledged normals walk ahead with three feet of personal space around them and generally dont do eye contact in public and generally stay out of every strangers way.

    Our perceptions of danger ,with asd especially,are heightend and we read the threat as being higher than what it is and so are more likley to act inappropiatelly as to the 'PERCEIVED' threat.For many sufferers going shopping can be a real stessor,

    As Enid said ,dont react,to any visual intimidation or to your feelings of nervousness.One big problem with asd is PERCEPTUAL and it always takes two to make a misunderstanding,unless you are an asd job.Cheer up ASPERGERSS your just hypesensitive to it ,and its normal to feel angry and powerless,like all those fools who pay into a pension scheme.Keep happy.

  5. Just a rant but I disagree that ASD IS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.And if you were an underclass scrounger wanting to 'act' for the purposes of social security(sick) then it would be the worst 'disability' to use.Classic ,depression.schizophrenia,personality disorder etc would be much easier to act out.After all the nhs are still mostly oblivious to ASD.!!!!!Have you just got some exclusivity/class trip going on with you dx of aspergers?There's at least half a million undiagnosed!Perhaps you resent a perceived attack on your exclusivnesss and resent the great unwashed getting diagnosed,just like Dsylexia,at first the rich kids got diagnossis,the poor waited 20 years for equality to creep un on them.

    Another aspect is the hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed people with asd's who think that they just have an anxiety,confidence,learning problems,unaware that they use most of their mental energy just acting normal.

    Unitl I knew i had asd ,at 48yrs,I had been given 'sick for life' on two occasions due to walking difficultys,leg problems and severe anxiety,on both occasions I decided the miserable social security amount was a death sentence on me and my daughter and returned to monotinous factory work,despite being a good mechanic/electrician.musician,but,no secondary education.I must have been stupid,econonimaccly.I could have collected loads of benefits but being an asd job was not really up to understanding my forms and benefits,let alone how duplicitous and sneaky the nt world is with languague!I was undiagnosed then of course.

    Acting nt !!!what does it mean.I feel that nts do social coercion,not acting,and that they are heaviliy influenced(far more than asd'rs and people with perceptual 'problems') by trash tv ,pornographic media and a low set of common denominators in order for them to feel part of the temporal culture.I>E>Mostly prgrammable robots who will easily take the country to war,or indulge in economoic wrecklessness,or develop massive drug,alchohol.eating disorders,because the nt mantra of television and perceived opinion 'allows' them to,who's high cultural points revolve round empherial fiction ,like tv and film n newspapers.e.g.The country joins in the slaughter of over 300,000 Iraqui civillians and we become flag wavers just for oil.are these same nt qualities the ones that ASD'rs should trust?

    I'm amazed that Asd jobs are now part of 'reality' tv,where all the subjects are pre selected and the filming is heavily edited and comprises of the ususal bunch of sellable qualities,like children/disabilities.NOW ITS ENTERTAIMENT!!Did the film company give the profits to the NAS?I doubt it.

    It may be that in the future disability forums will seperate into one type that concerns mainly adults who have recently been 'diagnosed' and all the ones based round children with asd's ,and that as usual,same as dyslexia before it ,only the posher kids will get the diagnosis and help.The problem will only be resolved through awerness and MONEY.

    Cling to your Aspergers,your hfa or your autisism.Some things are very clear but ASD is not one of them,however the nations are very clear,economic exploitation,porn and violence and controlling of the populus through media is a clear ever increasing certainty.

    Acting ASD!!!!what an absurdity.

  6. goats milk is very good as an alternative.Soya is a general alternative but tastes harsh to me.If soya affects your diet be very carefull of most commercial loaves.Because the price of bread flour has rocketed, many 'plastic loaf'bakers ,in brown and white ,have started mixing it with cheaper soya flour and not explaining it to customers.It was interesting to read about 'Jersy' milk, ten yrears ago I worked for Muller Dairys,(i can still smell the sweetly sick smell as I write about it).A few times going to work we had farmers throwing cow muck at us and protesting outside because Mr.Muller would'nt use english milk because the quality was so poor and the trace chemicals were above Mullers standards.Mt Muller prefers French milk.

  7. Thats very true Mumble,and we should be carefull,I've watched x factor and eastenders and others and most media is for people who cant create their own 'cultural life'.

    Never been a telly head myself,its all so mostly predictable,theirs probably 64 psyhcological variations on a story and they repeat,oh god they repeat.

    years ago I had the misfortune to help a murder victim before she died.This obviously did nothing to help my general anxiety.In response and for self help I decided to sit down and watch 'telly' to chill out a bit and numb my mind.What I quickly realised is that the soaps and regular tv stuff was mostly about tension ,trauma,life and death situations..It was as if the populace needed to have trauma in order to understand their 'feelings'.This is the essence of culture.Without any tension ,discord,problem,dicotemy,then theres not a 'story' and the results are not very commercial,in that they don't have any SHOCK and AWE.So..all them years ago I tried to calm my nerves with generic banality or TV as some people call it.Can you imagine my suprise when I quickly realised it was really trauma tv,like Londons Burning,Emergency,the Bill etc...If you want to be objective about storylines then sit down with a pen and paper and note how many positve interchanges and how many negative interchanges take place between characters.

    Thank god were all individuals...or are we? When I became increasingly aware of my ASD what was really upsetting is realising that a big chunk of my interests,tendencies,anxiety reactions were the same as many others with asd's,it was a bit to chew on that my life had been more a biological pre destiny than one of concious choices(which i had assumed till diagnosis) so I don't mind if anyone calls me completly nuts.If I popped loads of anti depressants then I would personally have no problem watching the misery of the soaps,and double on sunday,but that would stop me using the positives of my asd like getting up and creating my own media and culture.

    You are right Mumble I should be more carefull with crass generalistic remarks,one that really hurt was from a'freind'(nt fiend) who said I could'nt be asd as I kept it together as a family guy for over twenty years,he admired my commitment to my partners and children.i realised not to take his opinions personally as he's normal,an occasional wifebeater, and adulter who's intellectual highlights of the day is dicussing Lady Gaga's mamallalry glands and Cheryl Coles relationship problems,its all relative and I should be more carefull about having a go at large swathes of the population,that same large swathe that discriminates against ASD'rs.Democracy....from the Greek/latin demos the mind of the mob,

    Apoligies if i've offended anyone....

  8. Although it s certainly hard to be objective as a parent,over time and by studying the subject(which is immense with such extreme degrees of disability,incapacity)you will realise how knowledgable you are and can educate those around you.Welcome to the best place on the subject with a richness of hard won experience and knowledge from parents /carers and people with the (d)isability.

  9. :lol: thanks I guess :lol:

    I'm sure it was you who said they lived in the woods for 3 months? It made me smile cuz according to 'society' that would make you nuts, but they aren't necessarily right are they? ;) I sometimes wish I lived alone in a cave somewhere, or living wild in the woods, surviving purely on my own skills - now why does this seem easier than trying to live in this world? :unsure: I guess this would make me nuts too...

    I bet this has some tribal urge style psychological basis somewhere :)


    My biggest problems (today :)) with life is that skills come and go, which makes it very hard to have consistency.

    And my mind is like a void - everything goes in, but I have problems retrieving the information sometimes (often the most inconvenient times - typically)




    I found that many asd'rs do a bit of running away,as a result of stress and anxiety,and seem to have a preference for woodland and water,as do many stressed 'normals' i suppose.It so calming for me and acts to destress me and calm down an overstimulated mind,with tv/media/etc being a mostly negative input that raise mental confusion.

    Were not nuts,the majority of the population are nuts,killing and consuming and thinking the high point of their culture is x factor!!

    I find my skills come and go and i forget what I can do .Three years ago the ex suggested I become self employed so I said I'd restore classic 70s motorcycles and do film production.She thought I was starting from scrathch with the motorbikes and when I restored the first one she was amazed,in all the years she'd known me she never thought I was capable of the intricate skills needed for motorcycle restoration.same with film production.'You never told me you could do that' she said.I replied 'I forgot'.I then explained to her that I thought all my vast skills were just 'occupational therapy' that I used to keep my mind focused from 'spacing out,or disasociation'i see that it 's just the technical/creative bent that comes with asd's .I was undiagnosed then but obviously intuitively knew my 'problems'.You may feel your skills come and go but if you want to use them they will always be there,even if you've forgot you had them.It may help you to do a stock check every while,write down all the skills you have to remember them and see how you can combine them.

    When put on the spot by others I have a nervous reaction and forget what I should be saying,which leads to people thinking i'm a bit thick,its just lack of confidence/nerves.

    I beleive asd'rs are superior to the normal 'drones'.I know its hard but keep remembering that there's loads of plus's and thats what makes you the you you are.!thanks for reply.

  10. :lol: thanks I guess :lol:

    I'm sure it was you who said they lived in the woods for 3 months? It made me smile cuz according to 'society' that would make you nuts, but they aren't necessarily right are they? ;) I sometimes wish I lived alone in a cave somewhere, or living wild in the woods, surviving purely on my own skills - now why does this seem easier than trying to live in this world? :unsure: I guess this would make me nuts too...

    I bet this has some tribal urge style psychological basis somewhere :)


    My biggest problems (today :)) with life is that skills come and go, which makes it very hard to have consistency.

    And my mind is like a void - everything goes in, but I have problems retrieving the information sometimes (often the most inconvenient times - typically)




    I found that many asd'rs do a bit of running away,as a result of stress and anxiety,and seem to have a preference for woodland and water,as do many stressed 'normals' i suppose.It so calming for me and acts to destress me and calm down an overstimulated mind,with tv/media/etc being a mostly negative input that raise mental confusion.

    Were not nuts,the majority of the population are nuts,killing and consuming and thinking the high point of their culture is x factor!!

    I find my skills come and go and i forget what I can do .Three years ago the ex suggested I become self employed so I said I'd restore classic 70s motorcycles and do film production.She thought I was starting from scrathch with the motorbikes and when I restored the first one she was amazed,in all the years she'd known me she never thought I was capable of the intricate skills needed for motorcycle restoration.same with film production.'You never told me you could do that' she said.I replied 'I forgot'.I then explained to her that I thought all my vast skills were just 'occupational therapy' that I used to keep my mind focused from 'spacing out,or disasociation'i see that it 's just the technical/creative bent that comes with asd's .I was undiagnosed then but obviously intuitively knew my 'problems'.You may feel your skills come and go but if you want to use them they will always be there,even if you've forgot you had them.It may help you to do a stock check every while,write down all the skills you have to remember them and see how you can combine them.

    When put on the spot by others I have a nervous reaction and forget what I should be saying,which leads to people thinking i'm a bit thick,its just lack of confidence/nerves.

    I beleive asd'rs are superior to the normal 'drones'.I know its hard but keep remembering that there's loads of plus's and thats what makes you the you you are.!thanks for reply.

  11. Now I don't mind being active but odd... ;)


    Bid :partytime:

    As an active and odd person with asd who is known for being insensitive and rude,and as an ex single dad who was main parent until mum bogged off finally when child was too,and a stepparent of 8 children over two ex relationships who 'discoverd' when his biological daughter was 6 that he was'nt even on the birth certificate!!!Can I just say lets be nice.Being a stepparent is real hard work and mostly a thankless task,just the same as being a parent,whats more you don't even have to have kids to be a parent.I've seen loads of so called 'parents' wringing everylast penny out of their kids disabilities,even when they hav'nt got any for their own greedy agendas,attendance allowance,disability cars,holiday caravans,free holidays the works!!!And what horrible abusive people they are.its far more common than we think.The worst I've seen is a school in north manchester with no male teachers where they started statementing all the boys so they could screw extra funding out the LEA.If I had my time again then when the ex left when the kid was 2 i should have pretended I was gay and had a much easier time of it,but unfortunatly I was an undiagnosed asd stickler for the truth,I could of made a mint abusing the welfare/social security/family,but being an asd job I could never have filled in the forms,let alone understood all the games and scams as all my energies went into basic day to day coping and providing a safe warm homelife on scabby social security miniumum rate.The absent parent did well ,she pretended to her relatives that the child lived with her all the time and coined it in,she lived in a five bedroom house on her own ever since ,rich and secure,but empty and souless with no idea of the beauty and peronal illumination that being a parent gives you,i am older n poor but immeasurably happy and rich in my heart...lets be freinds we are all on the same team!!!

  12. We cant asnwer the question because behind the backs of asd rs and the parents/carers they are already cutting a deal to classify the disabilty into neat administritive blocks,They'll end up using old and new definitions to pigeon hole there long term strategy to whatever makes it easier for the normsetters.In the last few months the brit goverment 'consulted' the people of Britain on the implimentation of its 'health service reforms'...i.e. cutbacks.They spoke to about 15,000 people,all of them vested interest groups....out of a population of 70 MILLION!They then took this 'consultation' with the people as a mandate to carry out their massive restruchturing policy,i.e.the near full privatisation of the NHS,

    In practice it might mean that the LEA are reponsible for LD while you'll have to see your GP about Epilepsy and then take another busride across town to see the ASD worker,and another busride to see the diabled benefits adviser rather than have an empowered service that will make it quicker and easier for all in one location,what i'm saying is that the accountants rule and have probably had a few impressive powerpoint meetings on how it will all work,with lovley pie charts and flow diagrams with 'outcomes' more applicable to managing a DHL parcel delivery service than a system with the intangible human element incorperated.From the reading of it Category one could easily all be sent to jobclub or end up doing crappy compulsory jobs in B and Q and Piazza Hut because some eating disorderd civil servant who sits in a chair at the jobcentre for 40 years orders them too,under threat of benefit withdrawl.You should have a good look at how Hitler exterminated the Jews.It was mainly done with the German Intelligensia,middle classes and civil service and local council clerics ,the intruments of state power,not jackbooted stormtroopers.The dangers of simplification!!!!!!!!!!Well before the 'showa' or 'holocaust' in 1910 Winston Churchill stood up in Parliment and proposed the killing of 'life not worthy of life'...'mercy killings,'for the severely disabled.....his words not mine.If I was a pragmatic capitalist i'd invest in the company that makes risopredene and methodone and amyltriptalene.

    ps moderator re eating disorderd, can I say that as I am eating disorderd?

  13. :huh: And that answers the question exactly how? :unsure:

    We cant asnwer the question because behind the backs of asd rs and the parents/carers they are already cutting a deal to classify the disabilty into neat administritive blocks,They'll end up using old and new definitions to pigeon hole there long term strategy to whatever makes it easier for the normsetters.In the last few months the brit goverment 'consulted' the people of Britain on the implimentation of its 'health service reforms'...i.e. cutbacks.They spoke to about 15,000 people,all of them vested interest groups....out of a population of 70 MILLION!They then took this 'consultation' with the people as a mandate to carry out their massive restruchturing policy,i.e.the near full privatisation of the NHS,

    In practice it might mean that the LEA are reponsible for LD while you'll have to see your GP about Epilepsy and then take another busride across town to see the ASD worker,and another busride to see the diabled benefits adviser rather than have an empowered service that will make it quicker and easier for all in one location,what i'm saying is that the accountants rule and have probably had a few impressive powerpoint meetings on how it will all work,with lovley pie charts and flow diagrams with 'outcomes' more applicable to managing a DHL parcel delivery service than a system with the intangible human element incorperated.From the reading of it Category one could easily all be sent to jobclub or end up doing crappy compulsory jobs in B and Q and Piazza Hut because some eating disorderd civil servant who sits in a chair at the jobcentre for 40 years orders them too,under threat of benefit withdrawl.You should have a good look at how Hitler exterminated the Jews.It was mainly done with the German Intelligensia,middle classes and civil service and local council clerics ,the intruments of state power,not jackbooted stormtroopers.The dangers of simplification!!!!!!!!!!Well before the 'showa' or 'holocaust' in 1910 Winston Churchill stood up in Parliment and proposed the killing of 'life not worthy of life'...'mercy killings,'for the severely disabled.....his words not mine.If I was a pragmatic capitalist i'd invest in the company that makes risopredene and methodone and amyltriptalene.

  14. Hi all, My son B is currently mid diagnosis with AS after 3 years of chasing it up as I knew he wasn't right iykwim he's number 3 of 5 kids (first 3 to ex) and was described as just a boy, or a naughty boy (older 2 are girls) for years until I finally got the paediatrician to sit down and pay attention (after she discharged us 18 months ago as she didn't think there was anything wrong with him) last month. She gave me and the school a questionnaire and we're just waiting for his follow up appt to see what she says.


    He's just about to turn 7 and I've pulled him out of school twice in 9 months due to issues with staff/parents/other kids but can't get him moved to another school in town due to politics and zoning issues, however we're hoping once he has his full diagnosis he can start afresh somewhere where the staff won't automatically blame him for everything as he's labelled a trouble maker!!


    The funny thing is my DH used to be a carer and looked after many young adults with AS and he's now kicking himself that he never picked up on any of the little quirks B has that are indicators for AS.


    That's it for now, I'm off for a wander around to get some more insight from you all.



    Hi and welcome Bs mum ,

    the symptoms are so wide and varied it is very hard for many proffesionals to understand,you've done very well and are a tough n..

  15. Hi Kathryn,

    My 11 y.o. son has recently been (sort of) diagnosed too, so I can imagine how you are feeling. And Philtfa, I agree with Philipo - we are in a discovery stage right now, but my son has some exceptional talents.


    Thank god that the young ones are getting diagnosed!!!if they dont (hfa jobs)it goes pear shaped by early teens.

    I think we are the oldest dna on the block!!!Undiagnosed adults are made to feel stupid and then develop cofidence problems and don't ever consider they are intellectually superior than the nt epsilons,then no ones likes being called an intellectual!!!

  16. I developed terrible tremors when the dr put me onto Imipramine to try to reduce my anxiety levels. It seems to be a recognised side effect: there is a rich selection of possible side effects listed in the leaflet, of which I have developed quite a crop. The tremors, however, have at least lessened with time.


    Have a look at Dyspraxia,amny people are made that way and others get through injury trauma.Many of the symptoms overlap with asd's

  17. If you meet the criteria for Legal Aid, then there is certainly no reason you can't apply for it. Most solicitors subscribe to it - so it's worth a try at least! When I tried to sue my old employers, the solicitor that I took the case to also said pretty much the same thing - I think sometimes they don't want to get caught up in something that seems a bit difficult.




    this will tell you if you can get it or not!


    hope this helps!



    Generally if there's no money changing hands and no legal 'contract' discrimination seems ok for employers and educational establishments.i've even known employers use the 'were not insured for that' excuse.The biggest loser is the garage as I've found that asd with mechanical skills usually means over time a multiskilled mechanic ,able to understand electricity and computers as well as being capable of bodywork and 'customising' veichles,these mechanical types are like hens teeth.If it was me I'd tell the garage to reconsider or I'd go to the press and leaflet the local careers office and EVERY local school head and further education establishment.

  18. [


    Was anything said about how people will be moved onto the new labels, or will these only apply to new diagnoses, with the old labels remaining for those who currently have them?




    Its seems about as relevant incoherent as the name changing of welfare benefits over the years with its self serving agenda...e.g sickness benefit is now called employment suppport allowance!Prperty ownership which is mortgage slavery and economic control ...and democracy which means mob rule by the vested minority.George Orwell would be proud !!!!As many asd'rs and most other voters know the abuse of language ,and the matching of languauge to actual intent and implementation knows no bounds .Words like user based approach.....freedom and democracy....care in the community.... the way it seems to be going economically at least ,these proposed changes may become superfluous....If there was a clear intent from health service proffesionals then I'd say 'put your money where your mouth is'.Theres more fundamental social and power equalities that need sorting before asd'rs really stand a chance..like the redistribution of wealth and equality in education so.. like the past,, help yourself,here and now.The powers that be are spending far more money on self inflicted illness,like gastric bands,alchoholism and drug addiction and drunken violence and dangerous driving.But no goverment/health service dare challenge the big money interests of the oil lobby or the breweries or food combines.

  19. This is not intended to scaremonger but just to raise awareness about what is likely to happen in the near future. I had no awareness of it and it concerns me now that I am aware. I don't know how many people are aware of these proposals other than clinicians.


    It follows the salvish pattern of the American diagnostic models.Like the current classifications of mental illness.Obviously the medical establishment needs to have a logical ruler for diagnosis.While I beleive autisim and aspergers 'seem ' to be be two poles of the same disability ,I think we must be VERY WARY of undoing our present understandings of the condition and of the hard won sacrifices of sufferers and their parents/carers,particulary as 'asd' is a multipul of problem areas .Judging by the categorys proposed it seems clearly obvious that the various levels 1 to 3 are to do with the financial implications of care and treatment and may be the thin end of the wedge to 'fudge' the issues ,as the reality of asd is that so little money and time has been invested by the medical establishment.Another danger to parents /carers/sufferers ,who have the greatest knowledge and experience of the subject is that they are a threat to the institutionalised mental health services and their proffesional kudo's and social status,after all this is part of a medical establishment that is obsessed by 'wonder drugs' and the American model (like our mostly quasi privatised NHS) is far to heavily influenced by financial concerns,concerns that have repeatedly poisoned and maimed and continues to offer the magick elixiers of controlling human behaviour through pills.There are also vested interests in using drugs designed for severe mental health problems for autisim which will continue to create the perception that asd's are a 'mental health issue' rather than a disability that require 'CARE and SUPPORT.' That care and support is time intensive and very costly in wages and peoples time as many carers know,like many mental health conditions.

    Research the fraudelent drug trials,like seroxat and viox,primados and loads of others and research the 'trials' of ect and youll find that there was none.Drugs are like religous revivals or pop bands,they come in and out of fashion.The bottom line is money,not individual needs,psychic triage, not the 'holistic' approach.I think the nhs should not be trusted with the tidal wave of asd as they will very quickly turn it into behavoural warfare with chemical weapons.cos its much cheaper than helping asd'rs with the positives,positives that have the potential to create an economic ,technological and cultural revolution.Look at how we care for our old people in the UK ,and there mostly compus mentus.

    If medical 'thought' from America was any good then why does a large proportion of their poulation not receive basic medical services?Because its based on a economic model,profit profit profit and intellectual hegmoney just like GM foods and American Cultural and economic Imperialism.Carers and committed proffesionals in the area of asd's should beware of a 'Boardroom buyout.'

  20. It s alomg term thing and dead easy to kick teachers when our kids have problems,one thing we never say to teachers is 'thanks for being a glorified childminder so we can participate in making money.' For all our fine words like ,politicians who come out with 'education education education' the reality is very different.Teachers have never in history been so subject to political intereference and 'norm setting' with statistics just for idealogical creeds and state propoganda,at a time when their ability to be proffesional and independant is at an all time low , no wonder many of them are popping anti depressents and throwing long 'sickies'.Educating your childs teacher will help her proffesionally and help your child and others in the future,he/she may be so glad that you showed her a whole new approach in looking at 'difficult' pupils she may take the extra time and attention with your child (and others) so you can all get the best of it,he /she may become a Head one day and in aposition to progress and further 'educational' thinking.

    It s very hard for all of us asd /parent or 'normal' or whatever to sift through and see a positive way forward when we are stressed up and at our wits end.One thing I've learnt with a long undiagnosed asd is that ,things change and all we can do is steer them to change for the better.

    I'm not impressed with the education system ,its mostly a mess of building fraud and political interference.I just heard on middle england radio 4 about how 'academys'(a nother economic pun on schools,as we mostly call them) have developed a clear tendency to exclude children with disabilities,now thats a bit nazi.If we don't take responsibility for educating our teachers with our direct experiences it will just be left to a load of o level wonders called 'graduates' to steer educational and disability policy.The biggest input any child can have for their education is the support of their parents and carers,bad school or good school.

    As ( a thousnd times before no doubt1) Take a deep breath,recharge your batteries and get back on the horse,onward ever onward!!!

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