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Posts posted by redberry

  1. :jester: Pjammy day here at home!

    Ive promised Sam one for a while and as his 14 month old cousin came for a visit over the weekend and Sam was SO brilliant.


    Caring sharing, even sharing time with his dad which for Sam is the hardest!


    I am worn out for I had forgotton just how full on 14month old bundles of tasmanian devil can be!!

    Full on gorgeous though! :wub:


    Hope everyone enjoys the bank holiday


  2. Hmm Im not so sure , I felt uncomfortable watching..not so bad I turned off the tv mind you!



    I think this guy is being used by Big Brother, they wont have his best interests at heart.


    He is dynamic and bouncy and sweary, my friend has a son with tourettes, he was upset watching this as he felt like he would be seen as entertainment or a circus freak.

    I dont know, hope it turns out cool for him.



  3. Blimey this is going to sound horrible but Ive been longing for the day we have to do a burial for Philip, Sams hamster. :crying:


    He is so violent, he attempts to bite us all even though we spent ages trying to tame him. We are a pet loving vegetarian household and we have had hamsters before.


    Philip now spends his days in his nest being coerced into his plastic ball while I clean his cage. He has bitten Sophie (my daughter )really badly, sinking his teeth into her finger and having to be removed forcibly. and the rest of us have been bitten and nipped I think he has the taste for human blood!!!!


    He makes me feel guilty and mad alternately...the rest of the family have convieniently blanked his existence and I long for the day we are free from this tyrant!


    your burial story made me laugh!



  4. Bagpuss... no doubt you aren't missing fish...cos you are still eating it! :D

    CODLIVER oil!!

    Its not veggie pet :D


    still, keep the veggie flag flying..quorn can taste rubbery if its cooked too long.

    We sometimes have quorn roast for sundays dinner, but Im not that struck on it generally.



  5. My Mike, :wub: South Londons most gifted painter and decorator, has definate preferences when it come s to Branded paint....he loves paint :huh: and can bore the beejeebers out of me but I do know that MCpher***s paint is cheapish, reliable and has good colour representations!


    If you have some other colours lying about you couls do a bit of mixing!

    Good luck



  6. :D:D Now hang on a mo.. :blink: I thought a pearl necklace (not a real one ) was very Rude... but not in the way all of you lot do! :huh:


    I get The Neils delicate, nay, sensitive description, but I always thought some thing else was involved!!!


    Oh well Im going to wait until Mike gets home and ask him, he reads the Profanasaurus...he'll know!



  7. We are all veggies in Redberry mansion (I wish!)... the mansion bit.. I mean we are really veggies!

    I haven't eaten meat or fish for over 30 years. (Or so I thought!)



    Last time I was up north for a family visit my Mam admitted that when I was younger and still living at home she would often try to get a bit of 'goodness' into me by pouring gravy on to my vegetables and then blotting it off with a tea towel!!!!

    Yuck!!! :sick:

    I suppose her heart was in the right place!


    redberry :D

  8. Sam (AS) can day dream, he has created a whole world, an army, a universe and an imaginary friend too!


    He spends time thinking about what he can think about and then when he has two or three choice subjects, he goes off to think about them very happily.


    His dreams are detailed and fantastic, alot of them scary though. Im going to tell him about lucid dreaming and see if that helps.


    His head is whopping! He was in size four to five year old hats when he was a tot! Mikes head is mighty big too!


    mine however is practically perfect.... :P



  9. :( Oh my Im feeling really tame. :(


    Im 46 and I think that means Ive missed my mid life crisis!


    I wouldnt do a tatoo- I dont want a fast car/bike- not that bothered about clothes and hair faffing abouts - got a much younger husband -

    so its probably just as well that I forgot to have one.



    Im trying to think of something racy I did .............erm


    Actually....................... as Im going to live until Im 100!!! :jester:

    That means I havent even got there yet!!!


    Woohoo :P

    Im shaking my Armish type head at all you filperty :P jibberts with your tatoos and hair styles :o


    :D ever walking that narrow road of moderation and firmly believing there IS a time and place for spontanenity



  10. With S, I was lucky I suppose, I read him 'Aspergers the universe and everything' by Luke Jackson

    and he sat up in bed and said

    "Hey thats me, this is like my story!" >:D<<'>


    We have always spoken openly about AS and its just part of who he is, life and everything!

    I dont think I would have been able to not talk about AS as I would have felt we were sweeping something under the carpet. S would hate that. literally :D and otherwise.



    Good luck with your dilemma



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