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Everything posted by darkshine

  1. Oh yeah - there's obviously a link between those things - I'm sure I could reduce the tone of all of them if I tried though so I guess that's a link
  2. I forget sometimes Neanderthals and fjords are interesting enough - probably safer than thread worms and ancient condoms anyway
  3. Ok so these meltdown things... I know in the past the subject of meltdowns has had mixed views from people, like what they are, what is one, what isn't etc... I guess I don't really use the word for myself, I use different words according to what it is that is making me react, and other words to describe how I am reacting. The other day something happened, it was beyond my control and it was a really stupid thing - like insignificantly stupid - and I could feel the stress building and felt like I was losing control - but I managed not to react and went for a walk instead... then I felt kinda alright and like I could cope with the stress of what had made me react. The thing is - I can't always control these reactions, so when something happens and I can control them, I guess I'm curious as to whether there are ways to avoid these 'meltdown' things. When I say this - I mean controlling it/them (the 'meltdowns') ourselves. I do not mean other people around us having to try to do things to avoid them or control them. And I do not mean controlling them by having a predictable and controlled little world to ensure nothing changes so that nothing makes us react. As always I am interested in anyone's opinion, whether they are on the spectrum or not
  4. Excellent time for realisations - when there's nothing you can do about them cuz most people are asleep (thankfully including me - well - last night I was)
  5. My thoughts exactly Yes, I called your bluff - did you only just notice?
  6. Don't worry about it - I reckon I can figure it out if I stop being pedantic
  7. I thought that was wicked and interesting and I love the use of language in it, thank you for sharing it - I mean that, I really did like it, and you made someone smile which has to be a good thing in a day?
  8. I guess that's what I was saying in a round about way - no harm having it said more clearly though
  9. I think they'll talk a load of ###### leading up until the event, maybe 4 or 5 hours worth beforehand I reckon, and it'll be annoying cuz some people actually have stuff to say, but you get bored of the other ones see and might zone off for the important stuff so you have to stay alert for all that time or they'll put you to sleep, and these things always run over, so the fireworks will probably be at about half 1... cuz they couldn't plan a ###### up in a brewery, so the timing might just be a little bit ###### Paul McCartney aint in the final line up, and no Spice Girls either... haven't heard any more news on that yet...
  10. It should happen at 12 seconds and 12 minutes past 12.
  11. Why are they called "status" updates? Cuz my ''status'' might be lots of things... I might be hungry - would that be worth putting there? What if I had a problem, or was angry, or whatever... Do you think it encourages people to put irrelevant stuff... And if it encourages people to put relevant stuff - then is it discouraging them from making actual topics that might get better responses? Just a few examples to throw out there into the ether if anyone has an opinion
  12. You know you can delete them on your profile page don't you?
  13. The cloud of cinnamon still makes me laugh - I don't think swallowing a book would have the same effect
  14. I mishear a fair few words... it's something that crops up often enough that I notice it's a running theme... cannot think of a single example right now - but names of things are the worst for me, people, places, objects or things - if it's a word I haven't heard, or a way of saying it that I haven't heard then I usually hear something very different to what is being said. I find I have to sort of tune my head in to different accents too, quite often I can't understand a word someone is saying for a while and eventually it clears up in my head, like tuning in a radio and I start to hear what they are saying. I get the same thing with songs by certain artists too... It's quite frustrating, but it can be really funny too sometimes.
  15. You know what? I think that could be true for a lot of things that are in my brain... but the problem is it drives me nuts if I leave it all swirling there - but yeah - on this one it's best left in my brain
  16. How to avoid them if you have them - or how to avoid them happening in other people?
  17. Oh I won't talk about it, but the comparative analysis went much further than what I said here
  18. Oh I think it probably could be very different
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