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Posts posted by tmf

  1. >:D<<'> hi Karen


    My son is in year 2, so a little bit younger than yours, however he still gets a fair amount of homework!


    Basically i set up a routine that he is so in2 that it makes homework easy to achieve. What we do is when we get home from school he has to get changed from his uniform then come down to do his homework. He normally has a book to read, spellings and a worksheet to do. I agree that 1 piece of homework can wait until daddy gets home as likes doing it with his dad but we must do the other bits there and then.


    Alongside this i run a reward chart, if he earns his homework sticker then as a reward he is allowed playtime on the playstation whilst i prepare and cook t.


    This is really working well, no meltdowns and freee weekends without having to worry about homework.


    Not for every1, but works well here!




  2. Thanks for the tip....


    will try and look for it.


    I have just been recommended 2 from the library:-


    Born on a blue day and the curious incident of the dog in the........don't know the rest as have to go and collect tomorrow.....apparently they are very informative. The first 1 is by a boy of 15 who has AS, it is said to be well written and easy to read. The librarian said it was an excellant read and ordered it especially for me.

  3. Hi,


    I hope you're feeling better. Two stone is alot to lose (wishful thinking! :rolleyes: ).


    My son (8) said to me;


    "Mummy you are a bit fat, but if you were thin i wouldn't love you so much because you wouldn't be soft to cuddle." :wub:


    Loulou x


    Good enough reason not 2 diet!!! :dance:


    Hope your feeling better soon summertime



  4. Hi...yep can't wait!


    Never watched the 1st series, slowly got in2 the 2nd, and by the 3rd was hooked!!! I can't believe Jason Donavon is in it...i so had a huge crush on him :wub::wub: ......did you know he does the voice over in BUZZ the music quiz for ps2???


    Well kids love SCD so we watch that and record the X factor......Saturday nights will be soooo boring soon!


    I think mark or emma to win SCD and leona or Ben to win X Factor!



    Did you know X factor is repeated on a Sunday......will be watching my dose in a mo!

  5. Has enyone looked at a website calld a quater of. I can recomend them i have a sweet tooth and i love choclat mice and the choclat cups :D



    Yeah i heard of it...in fact my friend uses it all the time...she has a very sweet tooth!!


    My favourite was flying saucers and cough candy....but they don't taste what they used to!

  6. Hi


    Sorry if i appear ignorant, it really isn't my intention. I have been away from the forum quite some time now and brain a bit frazzled with abbreviations!


    Who or what is CAMHS? I have just been advised to see them, but without knowing who/what they are feel a bit bewildered....can any1 shed some light for me please.


    Thank you



  7. thought this would be a strange one....in fact shocked some1 else experienced it or something similar!


    What about getting a childs all about me book and talking about bottoms and looking at pictures. Try and demystify the bottom! try to make it very clear that we all have them they are for poohing and thats it ....very boring really. >:D<<'>



    Done this.....well partly anyway. After original post i actually went down the route of what it is for, sitting on poohing ect in the hope this would have some desired effect. I have tried ignoring it hoping it would run its course, but now it has reached school level, feel i can't.


    he has a book on human body, so will start reiterating with detail about a bottoms function/purpose.


    Thanks for help.


  8. Hi,


    Thanks for advice. Just for the record, ds only has AS, he doesn't have dyspraxia.......that i am aware of, in fact i am not 100% on what dyspraxia is....think i will go look it up.


    Going back to this program, is it something organised thru school or is it something u arrange off own back? I am willing to try anything!! DS is used to doing homework everynight at the same time, so bringing in an extra 10 mins a day shouldn't be too much of a problem...i hope! :pray:


    thanks again,


  9. Hi


    Does anyone elses children have a very stubborn attitude to school?


    Getting him there....fine

    i have a very bright intelligent little boy, he is in the top group of most subjects, and those he is in the middle he is the top end of the scale 2.


    How.....i really dont know, he doesn't listen, his concentration is diar and most of all his attitude stinks!


    If he can't be bothered to do something he really won't do it, he is even telling the teachers no. His handwriting is barely eligible (spelling ###### sorry). The only time he writes nicely is in cards and when i discussed this with his teacher she says its coz he sees the purpose with writing cards, but he can't see a purpose of 'practising' writing.


    His teacher is fantastic, 100% improvenment on the last! she also stated that children with aspergers find writing hard coz there is so much to think about (spelling, capitals, full stops ect) and their brains can't cope with the complexity that comes with what seems simple to us as a short sentance.


    Can any1 else relate to this....any advice on helping him 2 concentrate, or realising that school is imortant?


    Also has any1 heard of teodorescu perseptuo moto prgrame?? it is a hand writing program. If so any feedback would be appreciated.


    Thank you.





    I don't know if any1 else's child has or is been thru the same thing as ds. He has an unusual fascination/obsession with bottoms.


    If his dad is asleep in bed (he sleeps with no clothes on) and the covers are of his body he just stands there and stares....


    Thing is it has got so bad that i got called in2 the school coz he was putting his hand down skirts/trousers and touhing bums.....u think that is gross, i can no longer let him play unsupervised, he now trys and smells their bums.


    No matter what i have done.....lost it with him, tried explaining in soo many different ways about how it is not acceptable....nothing is working and his obsession is getting out of control......


    I have tried social stories, role play and nothing is sinking in that this is wrong.


    Any advice, coz this is now getting embarassing in the playground, l;uckily the children he has done it 2, the parents have been informed of ds syndrome and they understand.....


    HELP>>>>>PLEASE :crying:




  11. Hi


    I haven't been around for a while, in fact quite a while (easter). Just thought would fill you in. Anyway went into depression, i was so low i had a touch of agorophobia with it. Anyway i am pleased to say those dark days has passed!


    Will do some catching up and see what's been going on of late, then hopefully someone can help me with a little dilema?????


    Won't stay away for too long again!






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