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Everything posted by allaboutasd

  1. Hi, I appreciate all your replies. I was only looking for advice on the type of information relevant to an appeal that I would need to submit. All other issues are under control and she is settling in well to her new school. The previous school did fail her badly but there is very little I can prove so I am unlikely to chase a complaint, also I am keeping my son at the old school due to him being settled with a good teacher so don't wish to rock the boat. Thanks for all your concern and for those who are interested the issues appear to have been linked to blood sugar levels and the Dr has started her on glucose tablets/sweets prior to running full blood tests. Thanks again
  2. Hi all, I wondered if anyone could help. My 7 year old daughter got excluded from school on her 1st day back (she isn't asd but the schools been a nightmare over the years with my son who is) Anyway, my daughter had troubles last term - she is generally very good but typically has one outburst a day where she throws pencils etc. The school had her on a reduced timetable last term (they love these things!) and the day BEFORE the start of this term the headteacher rings. She says that she doesn't think my daughter is ready for full time (hasn't seen her for 6 weeks?!) We say we want her to have fulltime education and want to start the term afresh (I should point out that my daughter is literally so easy at home, we have no issues or concerns with her at all) H/T not happy but accepts it. Just gone 2pm on the 1st day back and H/T rings to ask me to go up (this is VERY normal, whenever there is a problem with one of my kids she calls me to go to the school and fix it).. I told her that I feel it was counter productive for me to go up all the time for my daughter (I accept it when my son needs me as his condition means that he can be incredibly difficult to calm down.) Anyway she then says "well I will go through to see her as I haven't been through yet!" I go to pick her up as usual at 3.15 and she comes out happy saying she was a bit naughty but otherwise ok (she was v.happy to have been in all day). At 5pm H/T rings to say that she has no choice but to exclude my daughter for 5 days and that she told my husband when she rang the previous day that "if you don't agree to a reduced timetable I will exclude her at the first sign of trouble!" At the readmission meeting the following things were revealed: My daughter was excluded for throwing pencils, rubbers and pencil cases (about 3/4 of each) and tearing up her work. Noone was hurt in the incident Nobody said anything to my daughter when she started doing this - the teacher just removed the whole class leaving my daughter in the classroom alone The H/T caterogically stated that my daughter was excluded on that inicident alone and the previous terms behaviour had no bearing in the decision When I asked what other steps were taken before resorting to exclusion she couldn't answer but did later provide me with a list of things tried LAST term. Anyway, sorry for the long post and on to my question I have appealed the exclusion. Appeal will be heard on the 9th September and all info to support the appeal has to be in by tuesday but my question is WHAT should I be submitting? The whole things is overwhelming but I HAVE to win this appeal for my daughter. She was bullied by the kids and then by the staff and she has been through hell. I want us to win this appeal for the principle and because it was obvious that the H/T wanted to exclude my daughter because we a) didn't agree to the reduced timetable and I didn't go rushing up when she called me (I have moved her to a different school and very impressed with their approach so far) Any help would be very much appreciated, we are in Scotland if that is relevant. Thanks in advance
  3. Oh what a lovely & wonderful thread.......hope this is the right place for me to rant because............. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: The kids dad just rang to say he has had enough of our 10yr old playing up all weekend and is bringing them home early (he only has them 4 days a month)................arrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I'm used to the school doing it but he's his flaming father!! Just worried what state my son will be in when he gets home :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  4. Hi, My son is 10 and attends a small primary school in NE Aberdeenshire. He is on a reduced timetable which basically has him in for the morning and doing school work at home in the afternoon. They say they don't have the facilities for him to be in fulltime and they feel he wouldn't cope anyway. Most of the time we are called at some point in the morning to either go up and calm him down or just take him home. My question is how do I get an IEP and/or statement. I would like to move him to a better school but have been told he needs a SEN but we don't have one and the headteacher of the school he is at has told me that you only get them in England and they don't apply in Scotland. I am quite baffled by the whole process and have no idea what is and isn't (or what should be) available in my area. Please help! Thanks
  5. Hi all, I have just joined the forum as a way to meet other parents of ASD kids and also to have a place to come when it all gets too much (saves me posting it all over my facebook page anyway, lol!) My name is Charlotte and I have 2 kids. Stephen is 10 and was diagnosed with asperger's last year. I have a little girl too, she's called Amy and is 6. Stephen is a fab little boy at times and a complete nightmare at others. I have been kicked, hit, headbutted, sworn at (with words I didn't even know he knew!), he's even threatened to stab me. My fiancee and I are learning to manage the meltdowns and a gluten free diet has helped but from the research I've done so far it would seem that we are right on target to be in the thick of it! The kids have had a lot of changes over recent years starting with us leaving their Dad. It was an abusive relationship and I think this has impacted heavily on Stephen. Luckily my fiancee is everything that my ex wasn't and has worked really hard to form a very strong bond with both kids - he's a proper father figure to them. Amy is very patient and understanding of her brother and generally just a real sweetie. She has her moments like any other 6yr old but has a very considerate nature which I think, at least in part, is down to having a brother with special needs. She is also exceptionally bright (and I mean really clever). They both attend the same mainstream school which fails them both. Stephen is hardly ever there as they can't cope so he mostly works at home and Amy is bored out of her brain. Stephen works with my fiancee a lot and Amy does science experiments with me whenever she doesn't have her nose in a book! They are wonderful kids who've been through a lot but I know that things will get easier and if they carry on like this then they'll be good 'uns :-) So I'm here..........to exchange ideas...........rant about ignorant people...........beg for help when it all gets too much..........and (hopefully) share our successes when we get something right. I warn you now though..........I don't get much adult conversation so you might not be able to shut me up!! Cheers for reading, and so looking forward to making a few new friends :-) xxx
  6. Hi Callum, My name's Charlotte and I am out past Mintlaw on the fraserburgh road. I have 2 kids, Stephen is 10 and has aspergers and Amy who's 6 and a neurotypical little madam! We find no support up here, no facilities and the school can't cope so Stephen's mostly home schooled. It's been nearly a year since his official diagnosis and I'm wondering if I was right to tell him about it as it's been the worst year ever! Anyway, thought I'd say hi Xx
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