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About mommyof3

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. I have a six year old. He's just getting ready to go through the process of being dianosed. He has always been a fussy eater. His diet is very small. It took about 4 years of introducing hot dogs before he finally tried and said he liked it. Usually everything I offer him he says he hates. If I convince him to take a bite and try it the world comes to an end. He has a breakdown for about 20 minutes about how horrible it is, it's hurting his mouth, he'll start gagging, etc. I buy him school lunches, which he doesn't eat. I've tried packing lunch, but he would just come home with most of it. He will eat dinner with us, but getting him to sit still and convincing him to eat is the challenge. He gets very distracted when it's time to eat with all of us at the table. He does eat with all of us, just feels sometimes like it takes a lot of work. Drinking things is almost as interesting. He will only drink chocolate milk. Nothing else. We never run out of chocolate syrup. We did once, never again. LoL He will eat three different cereal, the rest no way. For meats, only chicken nuggets, hot dogs and pepperoni. Absolutly can't get him to eat vegetables. That is a war everynight. Well more like a bargaining match. I try to offer dessert as an incentive. Even if it's only two or three bites. He will eat spaghetti only if it is dry. If anything is on it forget it. He has no problem with most candy ( haven't met a child yet that has), fruits are sometimes hard. He only likes a few, but after having them for a few months wont touch them for at least double that. Then i have to reconvince him to try them again. He loves almost any kind of crackers or pretzels. And I'm afraid that's it. So most days it's basically the same foods for him with small veriations. Except at dinner. I offer at least one thing I know he will eat then I try to persuade him to try what we are having. (most times it doesn't work, small occasions he'll at least try, but ends in a meltdown) Hope this helped. Wendy
  2. Thank you. That sounds like a great idea. I'll have to give that a try. Wendy
  3. How long has he been doing this? What have you been using to help with the chapped skin? I tried actually encouraging gum chewing hoping it would distract him, but it really hasn't worked. He just plays with the gum after a while. Then goes back to the hands.
  4. Does he smell his hands afterwards?? Could you use gloves to stop the licking??? Are his hands chapped from licking or is he licking his hands because they are chapped?? I will look into gloves. At least try it. I'm pretty sure he would about have a heart attack on me though. He will say they hurt his hands or feels funny. A least that is what I'm getting with the ointment. I haven't seen him smell his hands, but since he is licking it is causing them to be chapped. They weren't before. I have been putting on A&D, but not so sure it's working (mostly to help with the chapping). I'm trying to find something that would be non toxic but taste horrible. Any ideas? Wendy
  5. Hi everyone. I'm new to the site and starting off looking for advice. I have a 6 year old boy who I am just starting to get diagnosed. Question I have is he started hand licking about three weeks ago. I'm not positive as to why. I am sure that things changed here for a bit and are now back to normal (that's when behavior started). He has regressed. I figured it would start when things changed. I was wrong. He regressed when thing became back to normal. Any ideas how to help him stop the hand licking? He's starting to get the chapped hands, wonderful looks and growing concern to his hands bothering him. Also has regressed quite a bit as far as meltdowns go. Had them down to one or less a day. Lately seems like he's having about 5 - 10 a night. I tried to put A&D on hands, but he freaked saying he couldn't touch anything. Turned into a long meltdown. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Thank you. Wendy
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