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Everything posted by Pancakemaker

  1. Ah please don't feel down like that,have you thought about phoning them and suggesting meeting up,tell them you miss them and have a chat.x
  2. Hi Darkshine,I find the best way to cope with rejection is to remember that it's the other persons loss,that if they don't want to know you then they're not worth knowing are they?I know what your talking about,the feelings you mean,self doubt and feeling worthless and the only thing you can do is try and think if you were as interested in them as they were you,if you started convos and showed an intrest in them and it wasn't returned then they were either to busy,or had other things to do,or at worst were selfish.you've got us though!xxx
  3. Tis a wet flannel,that floats upon a bath-pancake maker 2011
  4. Tis a sore bum that sits upon a nail -Pacakemaker
  5. I think it could be a bloke thing,mine loves computer games,he can play them for HOURS on end,and is obsessive about football.you gotta love 'em!
  6. Thank you for that ,I'll be googling to.I quite like searching for my topic its fun.
  7. I actually did think you might be!
  8. I don't know why it got posted in off topic I just press post and it goes,then I have to search for it!It's true there's a lot of ads when I put it up I'd just finished reading William Stillmans book and it was in the back,it said it was a website for parents and caters to swap equipment and sensory toys etc for free so I put it up,oops! Xx
  9. Bad dad,I think we're going to have to agree to differ on this one!and above post makes it look like I said something really horrible,and I didn't because at the end of the day people will disagree,and it would be a boring world if we didn't,and the lady who started this whole discussion about her son must be wondering what on earth happened!but I am very curious to know what you do for a living?is it something that requires a lot of attention to detail?
  10. I've just finished "Thorn in my pocket" by TemplesGrandins mum,and I loved these two things she said: Tantrums are hard to handle,and f ecal smears are smelly,but exclusion breaks the heart.". Honey,start again.Don't be one of those wistful types.Don't say Paris must be lovely.Go there and find out.". Though technically second quote was said to her,she didn't say it.x
  11. Ok,how could saying I have 'AS' be sarcastic?and what if there really was a fire,and the driver stopped was racing home to it?and furthermore and definitely more importantly how does saying I have AS be sarcastic? Post edited by moderator. Personal abuse will not be tolerated on this form Simon (mossgrove)
  12. It's like saying to someone who has ,god this is hard,ok it's like saying to someone who's just said they have had a ###### removed " well at least you 'll save a fortune on bras,or to some1 with one leg "don't run off will you,or asking a black person if they get lighter when they have a wash,( and before any 1 says I'm racist I'm mixed race) ,some times you don't always need to hear their tone,sometimes you just know their taking the Michael ,hee hee. <'>
  13. If every time my boy here's roadworks,tractors etc he seems to be physically in pain then of course I'm going to get him ear defenders,he'd be fine until he got near to the noise and then he'd start to hold his ears and cry this high pitched keening noise,now he's fine,we go right up to where any roadworks are and he likes to watch the tractors,cranes etc.so no,I don't think he's scared of the sound,he just can't bear it.I'm sorry js mum I didn't make myself clear at all,my fault,I was hurrying him to get him across the road,there were cars coming,I always leave 20 mins earlier then needed ,I've learned from many mistakes in the past!x
  14. tally,Darkshine and special thank you your the only ones who got why I'm angry,I'm sure Kat is angry,and I'm glad she made a complaint,and I still think the policeman who said that is a prat.xx
  15. Hi baddad if the police did not understand as per Gera (see what happens when I try to put it in) is they should have asked,they were obviously being sarcastic "does it make you steal mail." I would have asked if having a uniform automatically gave you a right to be a prick and talk to my son like that.there's a way of doing your job and if a person your questioning is distressed and has said he's got an asd which is termed as a disability then have a bit of compassion and consideration and take a bit of time to draw the story out of them,remembering the whole time that it's a communication disorder.
  16. Thats disgusting,at least the police are out having to do their job over the past few days instead of intimidating a 22yr old asd sufferer.extremely hard to put in as as pe rg ers in as spell checker changes it to as ethers .x
  17. J's mum,he usually lies in road when I really need him to hurry up!but there doesn't seem to be a a trigger,it can be a quiet road or a busy one,he can lie down or just sink to a seated position in the middle of us walking to nursery or anywhere,doesn't seem to be a reason at all I wish there was.I've been told by senco that there's no hope of getting him into a special school without a statement or diagnosis,and that I'd have to wait also as he doesn't exhibit this behaviour at school,which I've heard is common,I'm not completely sure I'm believed.your being ever so helpful thank you very very much,I'll definitely do that and contact them.contact a family is good and so are family fund.x
  18. Ok will give step a go,and yes I am trying to be stricter,but I need to find out somehow much of this is behavioural and how is sensory overload.roadworks make him scream,and kick but that's now much better that he has his earmuffs.
  19. J's mum thank you your advice was very helpful and I do hope he starts to get the support he needs,I think he needs a specialised school,he's in nursery till next year and they have admitted to me that he needs more attention then he gets there.
  20. I seem have started a debate!it's a beautiful thing,controversy etc,bit like a verbal riot!Tally thank you,yes it was a one off at bath time and the timer has sorted it ,other problem I have is he lies down in road,or sits,when I try to move him he does go nuts,I do use reins as he tends to run off.Baddad,I do understand and appreciate your advice and if things ever get that bad I will get a lot more enforceful,right now timers are doing a good job,otherwise there's tasers,duct tape etc...
  21. Got him! In A very short introduction,autism,there's some of his art in there,it's so beautiful.x
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