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Posts posted by PinkSapphireAngel

  1. L is 12, he has ASD, Dyspraxia, he is on Risperidal/Risperidone.

    He has hed tummy troubles since he was little, but we always put it down to him not knowing when he was full, but recently he has also started getting really severe heartburn several times a week as well as bouts of dihorrea (sp?)


    At his usual paediatricians appointment I mentioned this and they have put him on Ranitidine meds for 3 months (they then want him off them for a month to see what happens)

    But as well as having his annual blood test (due to being on Risperidal) they are screening for Coeliacs disease,

    if the blood test is positive they will need to do some sort of biopsy of his intestines.

    They also said either way they may need to look for other conditions including ulcers.

  2. They have included a form with the following 5 questions...


    1. In what areas do you feel that L has made the most progress over the past year (Please give details of achievement in and out of lessons)


    2. Have you noticed any changes in L's general attitude/motivation over the past year?


    3. Are there any aspects of L's progress that are causing particular concern at the moment?


    4. Are you being sufficiently informed about L's learning, behaviour and other activities at school?


    5.Is there any way that the school could help Luke to become more independent?


    I have to send it back to the school by May 11th (Next Friday)

  3. L was only statemented in November last year and is in year 7 in secondary school (he only started in November after being home educated for a term)


    We got the letter this morning and the review is May 21st, apparently they have invited a representative from my LEA and I am worried it will probably be a particular person who has treated us very badly after we had to take them to SENDIST twice.


    L is making progress but we know he does need the statement kept in place.

  4. That is so unprofessional!!

    As for the LEA specialists not agreeing with the report, hmmm, what a suprise when agreeing with it would mean they need to help a child and spend money eh?


    Have you requested statutory assessment?

  5. Hi LKS


    L is doing well, he is actually saying he is enjoying school for the first time since he was 6 years old!!!


    He is finding the whole social side very confusing and I have some concerns there, but the school thmeselves are so good, we had his first parents eve the other week and out of the 14 teachers we had to see only 2 were not aware of his ASD and statement and the SENCO got right onto that when we mentioned this to him.


    The teachers were all very honest and did not try to pretend everything was fine etc as had happened in primary school.




    I have just insisted that my middle ds be seen in his primary school by the E.P and because they know how they let L down they have asked her to come in to discuss him with them end of this month, which although is not enough is at least a start (he's 9 and is in year 5)


    Other than that I always thought once you request statutory assesment they HAVE TO call the E.P in.

  6. They were trying that for L too, when the school we wanted (mainstream with excellent rep for SEN)

    first said no despite the then proposed statement.


    They agreed in the end but the LEA had already approached THAT school and had a date for it to go to their admissions panel despite us already saying no to it!

  7. Deep breaths hun.

    I agree IPSEA are great help and the sooner you get ontot hem the better as they tend to be very busy.

    Other than that go through all the evidence you have of your childs needs again (unfortunately there is a lot of going through things again and again)

    Make notes of majot points, gather as much evidence as posible.

    When you recieve the copy of the LEAs case statement you will need to go through it all making notes of points they are wrong about and anything you disagree with and put together your points from them.


    At the hearing you will need to make a closing argument (this was somerthing I was not made aware of and was a bit of a shock)


    You will be fine, its amazing no matter how nervous/scared you are, when you get in that room you will find the strength to fight for your child and as it is your child not the LEAs there is nothing like a parents love and passion, they have nothing to compare

  8. Well it was a long evening but amazing to speak to competent, caring and most of all honest teachers.


    Heres a run down...


    I.C.T.(Information, communication, technology);


    This was the first teacher we saw, he was the one we were least impressed with, he said he knew NOTHING about Lukes autism or his statement and was going on aobut Luke not achieveing what he should be at his age in his lesson and how if it carried on it would be this big worry.

    (We later spoke to the SENCO who was not happy with this and will be talking to him)


    ART ; This teacher was lovely, she was very encouraging and positive aobut Luke and was clearly aware of his difficulties, she said he was getting an average of 6/10 in lessons.


    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ; He was lovely too (Also V young and good looking) He was also very aware of Luke and had clearly read up his statement, he mentioned concerns about Lukes handwriting (as they all did) which of course also having Dyspraxia is always a concern.

    He said he deliberately gives Luke less to write when he can.


    P.E ; He was aware too, he said he felt Luke was finding things like getting changed in the busy changing room a problem as he does back away from intergration with the other boys.

    He is trying to gently encourage this as at the moment Luke is having to leave the lesson early to get chNGED ALONE.


    FRENCH; This teacher absolutely adores Luke, she kept calling him a total sweetie and said he was a credit to us

    She said he always tries his best.


    SCIENCE ; She was another fan of Luke, she was aware of his difficulties although did not totally understand that just because he relates well to adults does not mean he finds social interaction with other children easy.

    She said he found the sexual education/reproduction topic very confusing and tended to shy away from it.

    He got a Level 4C in assessment which is brilliant for him.

    Science is one of his faves (as is art)


    MATHS ; This was one we were concerned aobut as he has had issues with the teacher.

    But She said he is a bright lad who does seem to understand everything in maths, he is in a mixed ability group untill the end of year 7 assessments.

    She went on aobut his writing alot but does now realise he needs support with it.


    ENGLISH ; Another brilliant teacher who was amazingly aware of Lukes needs, he has the LSA sitting next to him every lesson and she is actually a trained English teacher herself which is so good.

    She said Luke needs encouraging to read stories and non factual books (he only reads sports books/papers)

    She loved him and said he looked like me.


    DRAMA ; This was the only other teacher who was NOT aware of Lukes conditions and statement.

    She said he needed to work on using differnet tones of voice and on assessing other peoples performances this of course is a major part of his autism (does not understand peoples tones and does not realise his own)

    She was pleased with him otherwise, she said he does cry when scared in class (a few teacher said this and we told them what a great sign it actually was that he was able to show this in school after the way he bottled it all up in primary school and self harmed after school)

    He is currently scoring Level 2 high.


    HISTORY ; Another teacher who adored him, said Luke has a lot of understanding when answering questions verbally but does not write enough or include infor in his work.

    Was aware of statement etc


    GEOGRAPHY ; I was very impressed with this teachers understanding of Luke as an individual.

    She was very concerned about how stressed/obsessive he gets about things.

    She loved him too

    She was aware of statement etc.


    MUSIC ; I had been looking forward to this teacher as Luke always says how funny he is.

    He was lovely, he was fully aware of Luke and had read up on him more than once.

    He felt Luke could do better than he was and that he wanted to sit him somewhere else in class but was concerned how making changes wouls affect Luke.

    He also suggested us getting Luke a memory stick so he could download the work for him and he could take it home and be a step ahead.

    He was very aware of handling him the right way for him and asked our advice on things (as did several teachers)

    He also made us realise how perfect the school would be for Daniel too when he hopefully starts September 2008

  9. Hi My now 12 year old ds is HFA and suffers from extreme anxiety (it is named as a seperate diagnosis it gets so bad)

    he has been on Risperidone/Risperidal for it for 2 years this August and it has definately made a difference, although the paediatrician originally said he could only go on it for 2 years as theres not enough known about longterm side effects, but as he has been ok I am hoping she will let him stay on it longer because as others say if it helps them then its worth it.

    He takes 2 tabs a day, I think0.5mg

  10. That is awful!

    You need to get onto your local Parent Partnership and I also think it might be an idea for you to request statutory assessment from your LEA as this means they will certainly ask the school what they are doing and not doing and as part of the decision whether they will assess or not they will send in E.P.


    I do not understand these schools that think they have the right to just ignore a childs needs and a parents worries like that.


    Good luck

  11. I have just downloaded and read it

    I just wish more teachers could think the way you do.


    My son is now 12 and only started secondary school in November (I was home educating him myself while battling the LEA for statement and the right placement for him.


    I am hoping he is now in that right placement, fingers crossed it seems to be so far (we have his first parents evening tomorrow)


    Through most of his primary school he was extremely stressed and was put on Risperidone at the age of 10 because he was self harming and all the school ever said was he was FINE there and they could not be expected to fix what they couldn't see (their words)


    I think you are doing a wonderful job.

  12. My son has ASD and Dyspraxia as well as other issues.

    Our dentist told him 2 years ago when he is a teenager he will need braces and I have had 2 years of him freaking out about it and wanting to know every single detail of how when why.

    They are just waiting till he loses all his baby teeth as he seems to be losing them late, I think by his next appointment this April they might refer him for the braces then.


    They are also saying my 9 year old son needs them too.

  13. Hi I haven't been here for a while, hope everyone remembers me lol.


    I am in the same boat as you, I fought long and hard involving SENDIST and home educating etc to get my eldest son statemented and am now begining to feel I might be heading down the same route with my middle son who is 9.

    The E.P is apparently seeing him next month after I raised the idea and the SENCO suddenly looked at his SATs results and progress tests.


    Anyway, I would send something with your letter confirming your childs difficulties, I think I did back in 2005 when I applied for assessment for my eldest as the school said "It is better coming from parents" lol

  14. Hi,

    First of all you clearly cannot accept the proposed statement as it is so you need to let the LEA know this and let them know what canges you want made to it.

    Please get onto your parent partnership as they can also help with this and can be a buffer between you and the LEA.

    You need to sit down and work out exactly what you are not happy with in the proposed statement and also work out what changes you want made to these points.


    It sounds like a mammoth task, but it has to be done and really is worth it in the end.

  15. My Luke has been on it since Aug 2005 for his anxiety, self harming and agreesion (aimed mainly at himself)

    He put on a little weight which he needed to anyway,

    he gets a little more sleepy but not too much as he STILL wakes up very early every morning which is still a nightmare.


    I was told by the specialist paediatrician that put him on it that they can only put kids on it for 2 years as they have not done enough research into long term side effects in children.


    I worry what will happen after the 2 years as I do feel he needs it.

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