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Everything posted by Haze

  1. Hello:thumbs: I am new to the site so please bare with me i'm not very techie. I have two beautifull equally gifted kiddies the eldest his nine the youngest his five just. We are ( hubby ) fighting like hell to get answer's for our youngest who has been diagnosed as aspies by one consultant the problem his the cheif consultant who make the referrals to the Professor Green refuses and were not the only one's, she want's to leave it yes he's our son not an object till he nine as least. We are shattered endless argument's with kiddies who invade his space or he upset's due to not reading body cues. He loves routine and routine with everything and i mean everything, textures and lines on sock's , change in rountine or new item's send him awol and we have to change it back. Loves to have buddies but mis read's body language and argument's start or they walk off leaving him feel like ######. Being crimbo not one in his class as invited him to parties this really hurt's as mummy i want to shout from the roof he's beautifull. We distract him as much as possible. He as just started reception and doing well a few hiccup's slapping other's , sharing and moving around at speed and head slapping himself. We are new to aspies so have had to research it to see why does what he does and like the doctor aspies his the answer. I am worried school are holding back some of his behaviour until today when they sent him home sickness was the reason. No temp ,vomiting nothing he was jolly and enjoyed three sandwiches ham and jam. So sorry to blow your mind :blink: . I would love anyone to shed a light on the issue and any solution's would be greatly helped:thumbs: . Before i go he loves all thing's gadget , hates writting and loves reading.
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