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Posts posted by robert7111a

  1. Maybe I won't get one then. I don't plan to be arrested, I already work in a hospital, too old for summer school (:lol:) and I am usually ok at explaining myself in certain situations.


    But I wonder if I should get one "just in case"...

  2. Sorry, Robert, I'm a bit forward with the interrogations, aren't I? I'm just pathologically fascinated by medical training because my baby sister (she's 19, I'm 35; she's 6ft, I'm 5ft, lol) has just finished her first year at Med school. I think she wants to do A&E, although she's also interested in being a GP. I'm jealous of her patients, she's gonna be such a lovely doc. Anyway, please just ignore me :rolleyes:


    Hey Mannify, I am not one to ignore people. But I am not a doctor so don't have the higher medical training that is required of them. I specialise in hearing disorders (mainly adult) and have my own specialist interest in the mechanics and physiology of the ear, unilateral hearing loss and auditory processing disorders (APD) which seems to be very common in children on the autistic spectrum and the elderly.


    I hope your baby sister gets through the study/long hours/little chances of sleep etc. Anyone who can survive A&E can be a doctor in anything. If I can help in any way, do let me know.


    I consider myself to be open and friendly (though some might disagree) so feel free to ask (or PM) anything you like (within reason of course! :lol:). I can also be a bit forward too :)

  3. Pawns can also capture another pawn en passant if the opponents pawn moves towards your pawn that you haven't yet moved two spaces at the start. For me, the queen is not the most powerful piece and I don't like bringing her out too early


    The main objective in chess is to capture your opponent's king whilst protecting your own king from capture.


    Darkshine and I have just finished our first game. Would be nice if you wanted to join us.


    You can also join Yahoo! where it has chess on its games site where you can "join" a table and watch - this will give you an idea of how the pieces move and capture one another. It's a great strategy game

  4. he is non verbal n dont communicate yet so i was wondering if anyone has had simmilar experience n maybe some advice to help him try food. thank you


    Yes all kids, autistic or not will go off certain foods/stop eating etc at that age but they will never go starving.


    If he is not communicating yet, this raises another red flag. Have you taken him to have his hearing assessed?

  5. It all depends on what you want, if you are happy without having the whole close friend deal, then you are perfectly entitled to choose that - I guess it's a problem if you want close mates or something and then can't go out and find any...


    The forum's good for chatting - about serious and fun stuff - so I think it's all good practice and it shows us that we can find people we like and debate things or discuss them or whatever - cuz I'm the same - if I went to the pub right now I wouldn't be able to strike up a conversation at all cuz the scope is way too broad - I wouldn't have a clue what to say or where to start...


    But I guess if I had an interest in something and went to a group, I could possibly try talking about that, so there'd be a starting point at least ;)I



    I suppose I miss having a soulmate (man or woman) whom I could be close to, rant with, cry with, have fun with etc - someone who can take a different perspective/second opinion etc




    There's quite a few people on here who like you, including me - you gotta start somewhere and - you do, I do, we all do, I bet you've spoke more to people on this forum than you would if you went down the pub! :)


    Oh thank you Darkshine, I am really touched by your kind comments. And yes, apart from my patients, I have indeed spoken to more people on this forum than down the pub - especially as I very rarely go down the pub! :lol:



    Sometimes talking with people can be really really hard and sometimes we have to show interest in things that we wouldn't necessarily be interested in - but that kinda stuff can broaden our horizons and it can enrich our lives - and maybe because it's such an effort, some value can be found later on.


    I think we just have to keep trying you know? It's hard as well cuz of AS stuff (I try not to constantly mention AS - but it is a factor) but things like social anxiety and not knowing what to say can be crippling, and in response to that, I'd say we just have to keep plodding along and trying to push ourselves you know?


    You never know what's out there - but if you don't look and don't try for it - then it won't happen I guess - at least that's what I'm trying to tell myself.


    I've spent a long time on my own - I want to change that, the only way it will change is if I push my boundaries, stretch my limits and try to learn - I'll probably make mistakes, but I know that the people who are worthwhile will forgive them... As part of my self-preservation I went through a long time of pushing people away, to look after myself, and I've had a fair amount of "bad luck" with people. I don't find things like friendship to be easy at all. But I do get tired of being a loner all the time...


    I hope that by building certain skills on this forum, that some of that can later be applied in "real life" situations...


    So who else is there? There's us - on this forum and maybe it can be a start - cuz I bet you have to push yourself sometimes on here to just start talking to people, and from what I see you do a good job at it, maybe you can build from there too?



    I think part of the problem is me and perhaps I haven't made much of an effort. I suffer so badly with social anxiety which is precisely the reason why I avoid such situations. I spent the best part of 25 years as a loner and had nobody to teach me about life. Work has helped me enormously with regard to communicating with people and has given me more self-worth but if I was introduced to someone in the pub, I would be stuck for conversation.


    This is why I'm so glad to have discovered this forum. This in itself has made me realise that I am not alone, and there are people far worse than me. Most of you regulars are really nice, kind and above all, really helpful people that I would be perfectly happy to sit in a pub (or whatever) knowing that we all have something in common.


    I learn from you all :)


    I suppose that as I am fortunate enough to have a wife, I don't need to push myself into awkward social sitations to find somebody. Goodness knows otherwise, I would probably have remained single for the rest of my life yearning for a nice woman and most of them looking at me like some sort of wierdo.

  7. My brother in law is severely autistic/retarded (though I'm probably not allowed to use the "r" word. When his mother was alive, she told me that when he was younger, he too would damage things around the house - especially when he wanted something or attention. For example, if he wanted music on, he would literally hold up the portable music centre and then drop it on the floor. Then of course, on hearing the loud bang, she would rush upstairs to find him rather anxious because he wants music but unable to comprehend that he has just broken the very thing that would have helped him.


    He would also pull doors off, drop crockery if he got his hands on it and yes, I believe he did break a portable TV. Mum had locks put on all the doors to stop him wandering around the house.


    Although he is now 50 years old and mellowed a bit, he still has the capacity to wreck havac if he wanted to. From the time I have known him, we have got through about 15 portable music centres amongst other small things

  8. I'm less angry now :lol: nothing like a good rant eh? :D


    Hear! Hear! I'm the same, once I'm awake in the early hours...difficult, if not impossible for me to get back to sleep until about 6am when its time to get up anyway (often for a 12hour workday)

  9. they find you, and as i said alot of the good friends start off as acquaintances, you slowly build up trust and a strong friendship.


    ...but nobody has found me... :(


    You might go on a conference and find a friend for a day, a work colleague could be a friend in that context, or you might meet someone who is someone to stay in your life for a very long time - there's so many definitions and varying degrees of friendship.


    Darkshine, yes you are right about the context as I have found "friends" for the day to help get me through but my wife is my only "lifelong friend". And yes Warrior does mean true friends rather than superficial ones that will use me for convenience. However, I can't go down the pub with my wife, nor do I have anyone that I could go with and banter and "learn" social chit-chat/BL etc.


    I took my daughter and one of her friends on the train to a big shopping mall today and trying to be normal and talk to these two teens was quite difficult. I think I was trying to "fit in" but from their point of view, I'm just the old dad from a completely different generation. But if I can't try and talk to her friends, who else is there?

  10. Yes, it's going to be hard for people made redundant who have mortgages/families etc (i.e. Generation Xers) and its going to be even harder for the younger (Generation Yers and the millienials) - many who were "promised" jobs when they graduated with their degrees. Many will stay at home until probably their late 30s!


    And for the Aspies who don't have decent jobs...what help is there for them?

  11. the brighton wheel i can do no problem, in fact if you come down to brighton you can watch me do it. then we can hit a karaoke bar and watch me sing and make a ###### of myself, in fact we can invite lancs and rob and make a day of it.



    You will never catch me on anything like a roller coaster or any kinda ride that goes reeeeeeally fast - stomach churning stuff, you know what I mean.


    But I'd be quite happy to go on a wheel like the London Eye, or the "Brighton Wheel". Then I'd be quite happy to sit in a karaoke bar just to see Warrior make a complete t*t of himself... :lol: ROFL

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