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About globalrevolutionary1

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. Have you ever considered Sanex?? I use Sanex its great stuff, I actually use Zero range for my face which is perfect and dermo sensitive for the rest of my body and protector just to condition the skin. I love it!!!
  2. Hey Shona after trying my best but unable to read everything as I am not a really good reader, As someone who has a positive diagnosis of high functional aspergers syndrome I was brought up to live around society not society living around me, meaning that I should try my damm hardest to work around my environment and build up a tolerance to the lights, sounds and smells around me without complaining, and I believe this has held me in good stead as I can now just zone them out as best as I can. But if I was to ever change my environment I would make an effort in incorporating creating time out rooms in buildings and also make the fashion stores turn down the volume of their music and make them more open planned as my god its horrendous shopping experience even for a NT. Other than my points mentioned I just believe that changing the environment is just not going to work in my honest opinion, I believe what has to happen is that we need to condition and train people with aspegers to learn to cope with changes in the landscape because I had to and my god it was brutal and very uncomfortable at first but I soon got used to it, I now LOVE to move house more often and I believe that has come down to been given a good dose of tough love and it may come across to parents as punishing or tantamount to torturing their children however I believe that you have just got to do it as if you dont its going to get a whole lot worse. Now I am not saying you have to throw them outside the door and push them around what I am saying is be coercing them out of their own comfort zone and condition them to the world around them as one day parents, carers and family may not be around to help and support them as in my case as I live with my mum in a single parent family and I have no other family to help and support me so its not about if but when I need to learn to cope with change to my environment on a regular basis which may I say is a scary prospect but I believe it just has to be done. So I hope this can help you understand a unique view as I know people with aspegers do not really like change all the much but I believe that with the right training not adapting people with AS can cope with environmental change better some easier than others may I note. Regards Global Revolutionary
  3. Hey, after looking around the forum, I though I would introduce myself now, well my name is Bryce and I am 21 years old and live in a baltic Scotland lol, I am officially diagnosed with High Functional Aspergers Syndrome. I am currently in the process of creating thou i am such a procrastinator lol a social enterprise business assisting people with aspergers syndrome by training and consulting on the condition to a multitude of people. My main goal within my new company well 2 goals actually is to first of all train admin and call centre workers basically frontline workers in aspergers syndrome and hopefully inspire the government to make it a legal obligation that my training package is delivered to both public and private front line workers however I do know thats asking too much but hey I will try! My second goal and may I make my advanced sorry and apology if this offends anyone here but my goal controversially is to find the silver bullet a cure! I firmly believe I don't want aspergers in life and I reluctantly have to come to terms that I have the condition thou my feelings are that I believe with the advances in science we can find a cure and a treatment that reverse the effects of what I see is a brain disease in my mind! I just would love soo much to become a neurotypical its unreal. So that's me, I am Bryce I have aspergers but not for long as I am determined to fight this condition as its been a virus in my life, its destroyed my family apart literately, I have no close friends to speak off and I dread the future! So I am sorry if I have offended anyone again! i am not implying nor stereotyping people but this is my own personal view so I hope you will be able to accept me the way I am on this forum and I lookforward to speaking to ya all GlobalRev1
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