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A-S warrior

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Everything posted by A-S warrior

  1. it depends if you feel you need too. if it affects the way you perform on a certain task, then it would be a good idea.
  2. just a meal, maybe hit a few bars, nothing special.
  3. huh? lol, im not asking you to eat a whole loaf of white bread
  4. what about birmingham? bit out of the way for me im from brighton, but i could bunk a train up.
  5. would of been a keenan and kel sketch, but youtube wouldnt let me paste it.
  6. just an idea, get the whole clan together and go for a meal, obviously wear name tags so we know who you are and meet somewere central like london. just an idea i had floating around, espeshilly since we share our lives with each other, it would be interesting to see what your all like in real life.
  7. for sure a good idea, and further to my list, perhaps only take out only the money your going to need, and leave the cards and excess money at home.
  8. ive seen it, hmmmmm not really my thing but i can see why pepole would like it. im more of a, my name is earl type.
  9. i just cant stand to lose an argument, plus on one of my accounts i can watch saved by the bell, keenan and kel etc guilt free. anyway, do you wet shave? or eletric shave? or do you have stuble like me? i wet shave every now and then but i usually trim and retain a shadow.
  10. I bet you can do it, you know what im talking about. that thing you want most in life but dont think you can do it. i bet you can.

  11. i had 3 or 4. and more than once i almost used the wrong account on the wrong thread. it was a relief when i was banned because i diddnt have to look over my shoulder anymore. even though i felt like a bit of a yutz afterwards. thats nothing though compaired to my 9 youtube accounts. im a hard guy to troll lol.
  12. :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: :robbie: i wana be on mt blanc by june, can you tell?
  13. thankyou jeanne and tally, went through it today, i have it printed on peach coulred paper with the lines split up nice and clearly. rehearsed it today in an empty church with my friend watching. breezed through it with this new layout and feeling confident. now lets repeat the same with a full church and my familly watching with tear filled eyes. (im just going to blank it out and get zoned in lol)
  14. good stuff tally! agreed on the keys in the back pocket, ouch!
  15. self harming can be a type of seizure. i used to punch myself or stick pins into my skin as a child and i wasnt even consciously aware of it.
  16. i had different email addresses, but looing back i think the posts had my finger prints all over them, and they might have gone to the extent of checking my ip address.
  17. going through my reading tomorrow with a friend to make sure ive got it down. im also going to get it printed on coulored paper becacuse for some reason i find it easier to read. just updating for anyone who cares lol.
  18. the tallest montains in the world, are the ones we build in our own minds. in 5 years or so, (maybe less) you,ll reach the sumit of these montains, and be the king of your world. i think you,ll read back on these boards in a few years and think, wow! look how far i came! i think you just have to belive in yourself more than anything else.
  19. you sound like you have so much potential. if you can get over crowds, then all you have to worry about is finding some food to eat that you like, and then you can jet off to japan. if think for someone like you, you need to just go right im going to do this, and just jump in. just like jumping into an ice cold swimming pool. sure its going to be a shock at first, but it soon warms up and becomes comfortable. as far as being on a plane, apart from the take off, its just like being on a train, or a bus. and i think its the same for everything else in your life. you just need to have the guts to jump into that ice cold swimming pool. it could be the difference between you landing an animating job in japan, or you stacking shelves in tesco. dont let any of your disabilitys sell you short.
  20. no, it was a fittness forum. i wouldnt do anything like that in a ASD forum, would be like p**sing on my own doorstep lol
  21. its where somebody has more than one account, and uses it to rescue themselves if there losing an argument, or to bump up votes for likes or to basicly wind pepole up like i did.
  22. dont watch the news, i dont. and you seem to be looking back at the past alot, why? the past is done and it was so long ago. start thinking about tomorrow. motivating music is any music that makes you happy. find that music and then start thinking about the futre. the past is gone, done, history. and the truth is no one is thinking about it besides you. with your brain so jammed as it is, im not suprised you cant find any positivity. you need to focus on your dreams, and making them become reality. your to young to be carrying around so much stress, your brain has alot of energy, start using that energy for positive things, not easy but it can be done. think about visiting japan or getting a dream job, you seem to worry about the nitty gritty, things of little substance, start thinking about future endevors. your a long time dead so dont leave it too late lol. im probably not helping but thats my 2 cents so to speak.
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