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Everything posted by cial

  1. Myself and Hubby went to our first session of the `help` programme yesterday, What a very informative and interesting day it was. I was absolutely totally gobsmacked when the guy who was talking was explaining all about the characteristics and little things that people with ASD do. Hubby kept saying `i used to do that` and `i did that` We also think that `A`s wee sister has aspergers as well. Because i thought i was just being paranoid mum and so i stuck my head in the sand and hoped it would all sort itself out, i know it`s stupid. (By the way `A` is 16 and was dx in may 2006 with Asperger`s) Hubby and me were talking about our day and he said he can see lots of `A`s characteristics in me as well, and i know full well there are. But the fact is he`s noticed my behaviour as well. It`s not as bad as `A`s, but there are signs there. So the outcome is i`ve made an appointment at the docs for my wee daughter and my hubby. I knew there was a change hubby since `A` was dx but i thought it was him just not being able to cope with `A`s behaviour. We were also told there are some genetic factors in it as well, we always said that `A` was the reincarnation of my dad and looking back it explains a lot of things. At the moment i`m feeling what else can life throw at us???? Isn`t it amazing how one dx can spark a chain reaction
  2. I`ve got a meeting on Thursday at my sons school with the clinical co-ordinator and learning support teacher and his guidance teacher, I`m a bit nervous as i don`t know what to expect from the outcome of this meeting. He`s just been dx as having aspergers. He`s 16 and hes in 5th year in scotland. i`m a total novice when it comes to this
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