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Everything posted by cathcart3303

  1. The school family support worker came round today. Amongst other things she said if my son does not engage (face to face) with the tutor after approx 3 attempts this service will be stopped. The school had provided some generic work and she asked me what he had completed as the school were not going to provide any further homework until work was completed. I said that without direction he was unable to complete any of the generic work and it should be more specific homework provided which the tutor can explain. For the record I know the council were writing to academies regarding providing homework for children who have authorised absence. I also asked what she meant by engage. I said that as he is medically unfit and is waiting for CAMHS he should have at least 5 hours of tutoring a week and it is up to the tutors to engage with my son. I thought this had finally been sorted but what is lawful? Have CAF Thursday so will raise then.
  2. I am trying hard to keep a lid on it. The school have finally agreed to a CAF meeting next week. This is despite my son (aged13) having school refusal on and off for 2 years and him not having attended school since last December. In that time he has seen his GP who told him to "stop acting so immaturely, pull his socks up and get out of my surgery", an outreach worker from ASD unit where he hid under a blanket and did not speak (approx 5 mins) and a paediatrician (very understanding) who thinks as well as Aspergers/anxiety he may have developed depression. She has referred him to CAMHS. CAMHS practitioner rang yesterday (nothing I'm sure to do with my firing email off to Educational Psychologist at County Council questioning his professional integrity) and have said they will see my son but there is a long wait. She asked me what she could do in the meantime. I told her to ring the school and tell them my son needs to see an Educational Psychologist (as an academy the services have to be requested from the school ). ?Funding issue. The EP emailed me back yesterday and said no point in son been seen until seen by CAMHS (not what a private EP told me who recently worked for the council). What do you think I should raise at the CAF? The school have said Medical Needs are now involved and my son should get some home tutoring. School yet to provide the homework for him. Will my son interact with a tutor? He may have in January but I'm not sure now. A charity that deals with bullied children ( which he probably was) has been mentioned. Can't see him going there for his education in the near future. The school have said they will support my request for an assessment for SEN. Still waiting to hear re appeal on refusal to assess. My upset comes from the fact I do not know how to help my son and have asked and relied on the professionals advice but I'm not sure they know how to help my son so they have ignored the 'problem'. Will they help him now?
  3. Paediatrician states in letter: problems are Asperger Syndrome and School Anxiety/possible Depression. She says " I think it is important that a disctinction is drawn between children who are reluctant to go to school for social reasons who have parents who have failed to encourage them to attend school and those young people who very obviously have significant neurodevelopmental and emotional needs. XXXX undoubtedly falls within this second group of young people and his demeanour in clinic today was of great concern". She has referred him to CAMHS as she is unable to rule out significant depression. Have emailed school and council so hopefully should get some help with home tutoring now. Will include letter in appeal for assessment which I intend to send off tomorrow.
  4. I really appreciate all your advice. I will bear in mind what you said about asking them what they think my sons needs are. I will wait for the Paediatricians letter and go from there. My GP wrote to school and said my son has severe anxiety secondary to Asperger Syndrome but that does not count????
  5. Is SALT speech and launguage therapist? My son has glue ear and just after entering high school he was issued with bilateral hearing aids. When he returned to school in 2011 he no longer wore them. When we last saw audio they said he no longer needed hearing aids. He has been seen by sensory support in school but when he was last due to be seen he was school refusing.
  6. What is SALT? My son has had no contact with anyone since refusing school last December. The Paediatrician is writing to the school next week. She is sending me a copy of the letter and I shall send a scan to Children services at the council. The EP emailed me to say that when he has a 'medical need' they will be able to provide home tutoring and help with his reintegration back into school. This is not going to happen with his present school where he is still on the roll. Do I need to tell school he will not be going back or wait for the proposed intervention to fail. We have had no contact with EWO either. The previous letter from other Paediatrician was dismissed as meaningless as she only said school phobia was a common problem in children with Asperger Syndrome and did not state he was medically unfit. Even the part that said he needed to be in a supportive educational environment. The last letter from the school in July was if we did not get our child to school they would consider court action.
  7. I did complain to the LGO that the provision of a mainstream school was like providing a blind man with a pair of spectacles.
  8. I no longer see my son returning to that school either. It beggars belief that all parties thought I should get my son to school (to show he is not well enough) and exacerbate his mental distress causing a 'breakdown'. We are in Norfolk. There is an independent school which takes children with moderate Asperger's. The LA do fund places for children with a statement. That will be another year out of his school life as I realise the system moves very slowly. IPSEA have said they will support me and may be able to provide support at Tribunal. I have contacted ADVOCATES for Children and they are looking at my case. This is a charity. I personally would prefer my son was in a school environment he could thrive without having to make him take medication. I plan to take him to look at this school to see what he thinks.
  9. Hooray. Finally my son saw a Paediatrician today. I managed to get him to the appointment although he covered his face with his hoody and did not speak. He did shake his head though to her question. She asked me how much was my son out of the room integrating with the rest of the family. I said about 5%. He comes out for food and eats that in his room. She thinks he is depressed and needs assessment by CAMHS. She has made a referal. She said if they do not see him she will start him on medication. She cannot believe that the school did not take account of the letter written from the last Paediatrician regarding school phobia. She is writing to them next week. My son will hopefully get some home tutoring now. In the mean time I am preparing my case to appeal the council refusal to assess for a SEN statement. My complaint to the LGO regarding the council failing to provide an education was not upheld. LGO said the provision of mainstream school discharged council's duty under Section 19. As the school turned academy in March the council were no longer involved in attendance and the LGO has no jurisdiction over the school.
  10. Thanks for advice. My GP is closed this pm otherwise would be down there. I will ring tomorrow. He is an only GP although based in H/C. I did consider moving my son to the other group of GP's but postponed it as GP knows case. Asked for Paed rereferal in Jan (referal was lost and so got GP to FAX 4 weeks later) but Paed wrote back and said leaving post. Said to refer to CAMHS but limited access for children with Asperger's. GP did refer to CAMHS but they declined referal as Paed says son needs to be in supportive educational environment and that is what he needs. I then asked GP to refer back to Paeds (The Children's Centre). I rang them today and they received referal on 25th June and could be upto 18 weeks before seen. My son has a diagnosis of Asperger's. He also has a hearing impairment and is monitored for a genetic heart condition. What the panel has said is what I asked the LGO to investigate eg: to be seen by EP and to be assessed for statement. What they are saying if a big fat zero. The school EP refused to see son although school were getting senior EP to represent their case at panel. ADVICE/INTERVENTION is what is meant to have happened over last 8 months. I know the EP has been advising school re referal to ASD SRB who made requests school did not fulfil. I feel really outraged. I know he needs these things but thought that would be part of the statementing assessment process. Will ask for CAMHS referal again tomorrow or Clinical Psychologist. As the referals are been refused perhaps it is what has been written in referal.
  11. Update. Just received letter from children's Services. They have decided not to carry out a statutory assessment and he does not meet the criteria. "The panel recommends that the school should seek advice/intervention from EP and professionals who are experienced in working with children with ASD in eductional settings. The LA's view is xxx has mental health needs and needs to be reviewed by CAMHS and Paediatricians. The CAF process would be a good vehicle for professionals to meet together with parents and make the necessary plans for the future. Panel do not feel it is important that your concerns for xxx are addressed" Why am I optomistic all the time only to beaten down? So do I wait again for the promised interventions (or not) again. Have previously asked for CAF but ignored. Says I need further evidence to go to tribunal. Did they read what I sent in?
  12. I should hear by 14th August (6 week deadline) whether they are going to assess for statement. ?Panel meeting 11th August. I had previously requested EP assessment and school had said they were requesting this so this ??may happen after the panel. I had also asked for home tutoring. The ASD SRB said the meeting for placement there does not happen until Oct so where will that leave my son in Sept.? Should I chase up with keyworker? Can children services do emergency school placements without statement? Am I being niaive in thinking they will want to make sure my son can access school in Sept? GP has not been helpful (part of the problem) as when I took my son to see him he told him to grow up and to get out of his surgery. My son started having a panic attack. When GP had written referal he did not mention anxiety initially. Although he recognises my son has been poorly served by NHS still no further forward. I do not feel we have any one supporting us. The Paediatrician who diagnosed son has now left that post. Should I complain to PALS or NHS regarding refusal to accept referal for son?
  13. Hi All, I could really do with some advice. My son (age 13) who has asperger's has not attended school since last Dec. Apart from been threatened with court as 'bad parenting' the school referred my son for ASD SRB outreach. This amounted to 1 hour a week for 3 weeks including assessment. There advice was his home school should provide TA so he could build up rapport and return there. The school refused but said FSW could provide and pick up home work. However none was provided. My son has had no interaction with anyone in that time. Where as initially he was willing to follow a routine this has disintergrated. He is in his room most of time on laptop. Last year he presented with physical problems and began making excuses for not going to school. In the end I would describe him as having breakdown with refusing to get up for school with extreme anxiety and school phobia. He would hide under the bed clothes and cry. However after 6 weeks and with the threat of his parents been taken to court he returned to school. I had seen Paediatrician who diagnosed a particular personality 3 years prior but said if I needed to explain his behaviour I could say he was bordering on Asperger's. Any way after this episode had referal back to Paeds and diagnosis comfirmed last Oct/Nov. He would not interact with anyone from outreach and it was a total disaster. I gave up work so would be at home for promised outreach. Went to exit meeting on last day of term. LGO has taken up my complaint of county council not providing access to education for my son. I have requested an SEN Statement assessment and should hear by 11 Aug. At exit meeting I was told there was going to be a panel meeting then so would this be to decide whether to carry out an assessment? His home school said the EP was going to present their case. This annoyed me (although appeared altra calm) as EP refused to see son. He has never met him. Referal to CAMHS and another Paed referal were both refused as known fact children with Asperger's have school phobia and Paed wrote back he should be in a supportive educational environment and previously that he would need alot of support to access education. The ASD/SRB unit have said that he now needs a placement in an ASD unit attached to large secondary schools on 2 term placement. This could be one tof three. He does not need a statement for this. Having attended a parent support group I heard another child who had been at same school as son is now at an independent school with specialism in moderate asperger's. I contacted the school who advised me to ring children services as after 5 weeks had not heard from them and had no key worker. To tell them I had spoken to school as with a statement the placement could be funded. They also do weekly boarding. Children services had not received my request for SEN Statement! We have not visited Independent school (200 pupils) as holidays so have no idea if this would be suitable. I have told son about school and he has said he will visit. At exit meeting I have made it clear I do not think ASD unit would be suitable as although they may be able to help social/ communication difficulties (this is questionable) I am sure they will have to feed him over to mainstream otherwise he will not be achieving his full academic potential. I know he will not cope in this type of environment as school too large and we will be back to square one eg not attending school. He does not say anything at school but saves it for home where he would be very angry and aggressive. Have other people had school refusal due to extreme anxiety and any experience of weekly boarding. I feel this would get him in to a good routine?? I just want my son to be happy with school and to develop into an independent able adult.
  14. Hi all. I have been reading posts which I have found really helpful. My son was diagnosed with Asperger's last Oct although has been struggling for some years.
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