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Posts posted by Mannify

  1. I'm fascinated by this topic. Yes, I often find if I engage in casual conversation with (particularly) somebody in authority, such as one of my doctors, my eyes start to well up. This is embarrassing and I have to pull a hanky out to pretend to blow my nose (and wipe my eyes at the same time)


    Yay, Robert, I'm not the only one. Yeah, bloomin' embarrassing, isn't it? I sort of look away and roll my eyes in a certain way, and kinda change the subject, even if it isn't something about which I feel particularly emotional. And, yes, the 'importance' of the person doesn't help - another thing that happens sometimes is that I get a kind of 'flash' in my brain that's mainly grey but with yellow flecks in it, and it paralyses my thought and my mouth goes prohibitively dry. Sometimes I can pull it round, but sometimes the only remedy is to splash my mouth with water, which both sorts the dryness issue and simultaneously resets my brain, lol. I know that's kind of off-topic, but it occurs in similar circumstances to the tearing-up thing, although not usually together, lol.


    Anyway, thanks Robert :)

  2. When I met my father for the first time, I could see similarities between us. My husband said that we sat in the same position and that there were mannerisms alike. That heredity is involved in the formation of who we are cannot be denied. Did that make him family, though, despite a total lack of shared experience and certainly no 'investment of care'?

  3. Do you doodle? What do you doodle? I was talking to my sister about my doodles yesterday, which are simultaneously distinctive and non-descript, and have remained pretty much exactly the same as in childhood. I do a broad type of cross-hatching, generally in such a way that it ends up as a fairly regular square. There are four variations on it, but regularity is key; I always aim for regularity of form. It's weird how I've been doing the exact same doodles since before my teens.


    My mum's doodles are quite curvaceous, and my husband's are creative and illustrative.


    What do you doodle?

  4. It seems that opinion is split. I wouldn't use the word 'aspie' unless I thought the other person wasn't offended. I don't see 'aspie' as childish personally, more kind of affectionate. But connotations attached to certain words are so personally constructed that it's best to go with how the other person feels. Another thing along similar lines is the NAS's disinclination to say 'autistic', they prefer 'has autism', but I personally prefer 'autistic'. My 7 year old, for example, is blond, has blue eyes, is autistic, loves music, is radiantly gorgeous. I don't see how the autism can be extricated from him and he still be him - his autism is not an appendage. But I try to go with other people's sensibilities on these things where I can. :)

  5. Anyone else find you can make eye contact, but actually tear-up if eye-contact is prolonged, or if you become earnest while making eye contact? I always thought I just had over-active tear-ducts, but the issue is eye-contact related - and this is something I've realised since a conversation with a professional. I can make eye contact for a while, but then it actually makes me tear-up.

  6. Hey, that's great :) . I have my baby sister here until tomorrow (she's 19 and I'm 35 - she's 6ft, and I'm 5ft, though, :lol: ). I don't see her much coz she's at Medical School and they work her like crazy. It's ace having her here, coz I'm really anxious at the moment, but she has a way of cheering me up. She's out with old school friends right now, but she'll be back in later. I wish she lived nearer, but it's ace having her here, even if it's only for two nights.

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