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Posts posted by oxgirl

  1. Hi Bagpuss, nice to meet ya :D It does really make a difference when you feel that people are in the same boat and understand some of what you're going through. Glad it's helped you. Look forward to getting to know everyone >:D<<'>


    ~ Mel ~

  2. Hi Suzex, thanks very much for your reply and your welcome.

    Yep, we have a support group fairly close but I haven't been able to get along for so long. My lad likes Lego, Lego and more Lego ........... oh yes, and Lego. He's my only one. He can't ride a bike and he doesn't enjoy going out for various reasons, so a trip out somewhere can end up being a chore rather than enjoyable. Gosh, I sound so negative, don't I!!

    It's great just to have people to talk to who are in similar situations, although all different of course, and who know a bit about what I'm talking about >:D<<'>


    ~ Mel ~

  3. Hi Lizzie,


    My son is 12 (AS) and I home educated him for two years. It was purely out of desperation because we felt we couldn't go on with the situation at mainstream any longer. It did take me a while to find my feet but after a few months I really started to get my head around it and it turned out to be the best thing we'd ever done for him, in fact I still kick myself for not doing it sooner. Honestly, it's making the decision to do it that is the hardest part, it took us over a year to make the decision to do it because I was so terrified, but once I'd taken the plunge it was so liberating. My son made so much progress and gained so much confidence and maturity.


    After two years we decided we wanted him to have the chance of secondary school so we faught for a place at an ASD unit in a mainstream. He's been there for a year now and it's been okayish but he hasn't a single friend and I think he's more lonely there than he ever was when he was at home. Part of me wishes I'd never sent him there but we did want him to have the opportunities that a secondary setting could offer.


    Trouble is we never know what's best until after we' ve done it. GOOD LUCK!


    ~ Mel ~

  4. Hi all, I've joined up today because I feel so desperate for someone to talk to. I'm just feeling so alone at the moment and like nobody understands. My son is 12 (AS) and I just feel so sad for him at the moment, especially with the summer hols coming. I feel like other kids his age will be off out with their friends going swimming or to the park or whatever 12 year olds do, and he'll be stuck at home with me. He hasn't any friends and it's just breaking me up.


    Just when I think I've come to terms with his condition and all that it means, suddenly I realize that I'm not and I'm still mourning for all the things he'll never have. My dearest wish for him is that he could just have a friend and some independence, but I don't think he ever will and I don't feel I can cope with the realization of it. It feels like everyone else's kids are growing up and getting on with their lives and we're still stuck in this vacuum and it's so isolating, isn't it. People just take things for granted and they say things like, 'oh, he'll be okay' or 'why don't you take him here or there' and they just don't understand that the things they take for granted just aren't possible for us.


    Sorry to ramble so, but I just feel like I need some support at the moment and for people to really understand what I'm talking about.


    Thanks for listening.


    ~ Mel ~

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