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About Kimmorris83

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  • Birthday 05/21/1983

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  1. Father's funeral today and yet again Elvis Presley is in my head

    1. aspergers mom

      aspergers mom

      what happened to for your dad to give you a sign? what is in your head about Elvis?

  2. Loyal dog ran away from home to find his dead master's grave - and has stayed by its side for six years http://t.co/xzF1R8O via @MailOnline

  3. You are buzzing now as you ride the energy of today's lively L... More for Gemini http://t.co/0nvMjgZ

  4. So Kate Middleton is now doing her job and is pregnant! Well done Job over now

  5. On Watchdog, How can they afford to give the money out? Do they get it back or is it our licence fee??

  6. You are attracted to the edge of your comfort zone today, but ... More for Gemini http://t.co/0nvMjgZ

  7. You're ready to share your worries with someone today, but you... More for Gemini http://t.co/0nvMjgZ

  8. Sleep for me school trip in the am VERY excited

  9. The male boxer @BBCBreaking is talking to is fit his name is Anthony

  10. All the males behind Katherine Jenkins are focusing on her behind rather than the national anthem

  11. You are trying your best to focus your attention today, but ma... More for Gemini http://t.co/0nvMjgZ

  12. Watching Bad Education for about the millionth time @JackBinstead @EthanDLawrence

    1. A-S warrior

      A-S warrior

      that show is stupid.

  13. REALLY could do the ship for our Pirate day in school would have some seriously happy 7-8year olds #paralympicclosingceremony

  14. The Moon's current visit to your 2nd House of Values encourage... More for Gemini http://t.co/0nvMjgZ

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