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Posts posted by Noskcaj86

  1. Hi everyone,


    Jack has been learning the letters r,a,p,t,e,h,m and c since 4th March this year. They are written individually and also written as words with pictures to help such as the word cap written across a picture of a cap. Its now over 3 months since he started this book which is a book for dyslexic childeren. He is still not able to remember the letters 3 months in to learning. He seems to recognise them one day and thenforget them the next, he doesnt seem to be able to retain the information. I am very worried... Surely after 3 months with no progression there is a major issue going on here?? Is this normal for kids with asd or is something else going on here??



  2. In regards to SA and SAP I have a letter from school and his SEN stage is SA+... is this the same thing??


    Also the moving school bit is more complicated as hes not in an english speaking school but a welsh speaking school, so with his language issues and reading and writing problems hes having to learn a new language/alphabet... this is why im considering a new school for next year, it would be moving him to an english school with more SEN support. We had planned to send him to the welsh speaking school foe 1 year and then to reassess if how he was doing, and we now know he is not doing well. His brother is at the same school and doing really well. It is a shame to have to send Jack to a different school than his brother, but I think the welsh is making things even harder for him.

  3. Thanks both, I wish i knew what to do... I wish someone could just tell me what is best for him. I have no idea really what decision to make, weather he stays in the year group hes in and moves up to year 1, weather he stays back and re does this school year (reception) or weather he needs to move school... Its June now so I actually dont have a huge amount of time to decide what is best. He is happy in his year group, he has 2 close friends. But he is 18 months - 2 years behind his peers, so he preforms at the level of a 3yr old rather than a 5yr old. I know he would be upset to leave his friends, and if he stayed in the same school and stayed back a year he may be teased by his friends from his current class and even other classes as its a small enough school for kids from other year groups to notice. Hes such a confident happy kid I dont want his confidence to be knocked by teasing. Moving school is a big decision, and if I decide its best I have no idea which school would suit him and could make the wrong decision on which school to send him to. I feel like nobody is helping me make this decision, no one is giving me any directions. Hes in reception and already things are challenging, only another 11 years to go :( HELP!!

  4. In future i wont leave it to the professionals, not after the SALT incident, It had made me realise even if i am not qualified i know my child better than anyone and if i am concerned it probably for a good reason. I had already questioned his discharge at the time. Hes is almost 5 now, his writing and reading are already delayed in comparison to his peers, he also cant draw/wright easily so he is needing help in school for motor skills. He cant write his name and struggles to draw anything recognisable. He is struggling to learn/remember single letters at the moment where as his peers are taking home reading books already. So the language issues are obvious, next time i wont just question it i will demand a 2nd opinion.


    He had a cognitive assessment done in school by the EP, what exactly will that assess and how will it be helpful?


    Thanx :)

  5. Hi all,

    I ended up going and met with the EP, she had already assessed my son but was interested to hear background info and to know about his asd diagnosis referral as the school hadnt said anything about it!!!! She assessed him for an hour and a half and said it was a cognitive assessment. I have not had any results yet so thinking of chasing it up soon.


    Thanx for all support

  6. Hi,


    The letter i received today said he will be watched by the EP in the classroom as well as her discussing him with the teachers, so is this an assessment or just a discussion? I was originally told by the head teacher i could go and give his background info to the EP as it would be essential she knew, but then told today they wont have time for her to speak to me now...


    Im wondering weather to cancel and re arrange for a time when i am able to be there, but unsure if this is a good idea after the long wait for the appt.


    Thanx :)

  7. Hi Everyone,


    The EP is finally visiting my son this thursday after a 7 month wait since feferral back in October. I was under the impression i could go to the school on the day of her visit to talk to her either before hand or after the assessment?

    School are saying i cant go???

    Im worried as i need to go and tell her his past history... of which there s a lot and i feel she needs to be aware if his difficulties from my point of view as well as from his teachers. What should i do, we have waited so long for this appt and dont want to rearrange it now.



  8. Do what you think is safest. I make sure hes in the buggy every time were somewhere busy now, not risking him running of like that again, its to dangerous. And its to stressful for me to have to try to keep my eye on him every second. So hes in the buggy weather he wants to be or not until he has more awareness of danger.

  9. Thankyou both. I have nowhere to turn for professional help at the moment. We dont have any appointments for the next couple of months other than seeing a geneticist, and i doubt they can help with this problem... but i will ask at his appt if they can help. I hate seeing him hit himself. Today he did it with just 1 hand to the back of his head very hard all becuase he was asked to say sorry to his brother. So it can be over quite a small thing.

  10. Hi,

    My son is recently hurtinh himself more and more when hes frustrated or upset. He hits himself in the face with both hands at the same time, one on each side of his face. He doesnt leave a mark so should i allow him to continue as he doesnt seem to be doing any damage or is this something we should try and stop now incase it gets worse? He did use to head bang as a baby/toddler but grew out of that, i did have to intervene sometimes as he would head bang the pavement and walls so it was dangerous for him.



  11. I know this feeling well, i ask myself the same thing. But then we have a bad day and i know that getting him assessed is very important. If you feel there is something not quite right, then you are doing the right thing seeking assessment for your son. The worst would to be to wonder if there was something going on, but think you were being paranoid and not seek assessments and then it turns out he is autistic but its then to late for early intervention. So you are defo doing the right thing. And if at the end of the assessments he doesnt have ASD at least you know you have dont what was right and you know where you stand with him. Better to be safe than sorry. My son is still not diagnosed at 4 and a half, but we have now been referred by 2 paediatricians for detailed ASD assessment, so my worrys about his development have now been recognised by other people, and i wasnt imagining his issues after all!!

    Hope this makes some sense lol!

  12. Just to add, he was discharged from SALT by a new SALT that had only seen him twice! We moved area, so he had to leave his language unit and there fore was referred to the new SALT. He had previously been seeing a speech therapist since the age of 18 months, so for over 2 and a half years. And he had been in a language unit for a year prior to our move and had been assessed by his SALT hed seen for that year as needing to return to the language unit in september rather than going in to main stream school as he was still moderatly delayed, if we had not moved area he would have still been in the unit. So you can understand my worry/panic when this new SALT sees him twice for a total of 2-3 hours and decides he should be discharged. Very worried mummy!

  13. Thanks all, hes already been discharged from SALT back in october/november... I wasnt happy about it but she said he was age apropriate with his speech. But in her discharge report she stated he was still delayed??? Very confusing! He doesnt speek clearly yet, he has some kind of impediment like a lisp but not only with the "s" sound. He definatly struggles to express himself and cant easily tell me what he did in school/had for lunch/did yesterday ect. He doesnt yet understand the consept of yesterday and tomorrow and hes now 4yrs 8 months. She said he was age apropriate though so im not sure if the issues are just down to his age or if they are down to ASD. Why do profesionals give such conflicting opinions. SALT took it apon her self to declare she didnot think my son was autistic!!! She was there to assess his speech not weather he is or isnt autistic. The paediatricians he has seen both think he has ASD and so do I, im his mum and i see his behaviour every day. And since the day he was born i have known something was different with him. The paediatrician didnt say global delay to us face to face, it came in a copy of a letter shes sent to the geneticist, hes having genetic screening to rule out fragile x etc. Still not diagnosed with ASD after 4yrs 8 months! Were awating an appt date to have him assessed by ADOS and also the geneticist. Hes had a lot of tests for other things, all negative. So looking more and more like ASD.

  14. Jack has literally just settled in to the new house, i mean in the last week or 2. He now sleeps in his bed and goes to sleep at a normal time. Its taken 6 months for him to settle in, and now were moving again in 1 month! I hope it doesnt start off his sleeping problems again as we have just sorted them out. Any tips on how to prepare him for the move to make it go as smoothly as possible?


    Thanx :)

  15. My son is delayed by approx 2 years in some areas of development, he always has been, He has motor skill delays and has also had a significant language delay that resulted in him needing to attend a language unit for a year along with seeing a speech therapist since age 1 and a half. He has also had feeding problems since birth, he was not able to suck on the bottle without choking and it was discovered at 14 months he had oral motor delays. He had possible fits as a baby although they were never confirmed by EEG, he seems to have grown out of these thankfully. My question is should he be referred for an MRI scan or something similar due to his history to look if there is any obvious reasons for his history such as brain damage caused by these fits or possible caused at birth or even a congenital abnormality as he had issues from birth?? Seems odd to me that this has never been suggested as to me it would be important to rule out any damage that is causing him to be delayed?? Or maybe im being an OTT neurotic mother?

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