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About housemouse

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  • Birthday August 25

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    Books, books & more books!
  1. Theres a Benefits and Work UK website with tons of help for the new ESA and PIP forms. Membership gives you access to help filling out the forms question by question. My social worker from the nearby Aspergers Clinic referred me to there and I was placed into the support group immediately. Good luck!
  2. Hi, I'm in my 50's and was just diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism about 3 months ago. Apparently my Mom knew when I was a kid, but decided "not to label me with it". I was married off at age 17, had a kid at 18, divorced, raised the kid alone and worked for the next nearly 30 years, all while trying to figure out why I seemed to be the only alien in the room. I thought telling my very large extended family would clear the air as to why they think I'm so eccentric, but I was wrong. Not only have my brothers & sisters accused me of actually being a psychopath who somehow "fooled" the entire Aspergers Unit, but everything in my life has changed. I cannot have any contact whatsoever with any of my grandchildren (even the ones not living with my daughter). My entire family has told me not to contact them; some have even changed their phone numbers, email addresses and blocked me from facebook. Close acquaintances of nearly 20 years called to tell me to never contact them again. Our block's residents info page won't let me post anything on it. And now the blocks management company insists any repair or problem call be "verifiable" by "giving them the name, flat and phone number of another resident who will confirm the information". The Aspergers Unit said I am quite capable of living independently as I always have. What's going on? Why are people acting afraid? (Sorry this is so long)
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