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Everything posted by LittleMissAlien

  1. I have recently been told by my son's teacher thst he lies. He squirted some water up the wall because another boy told him to (and he frequently blindly follows the other childrens' requests to try and fit in) then told the teacher the other boy did it. I guess in his mind he was just doing as told so wasn't responsible. However his teacher, a NQT didn't think this was good enough and told me of his 'lies'. 2 weeks later he was diagnosed with AS. He also says "I don't know" in answer to nearly all questions, including what he wants to eat or wear. He's been like this since he could first talk!
  2. Hi My son Jay was diagnosed eiyh Asperger's 2 weeks ago. He's returning to school in a little over 2 weeks. He already attends the school's "Nurture Group" where they encourage the development of social skills, and I believe he has an IEP as he is often set targets and I have to sign to allow the school to do this. However, I don't know what to do about getting him a statement, or a 1:1 TA etc. The paed who diagnosed him has made a referal to the Social and Communications team at the LEA and said they'll take it from here. Does he need to see anyone else? An EP? Will the school SENCO be able to help? Is it worth writing a letter to request a meeting with his teacher, TA and the SENCO? Sorry for all the questions - I'm a complete newbie! Shell
  3. Hi all, I'm Shell and my son, Jay, has just been duagnosed with Asperger's. I've always felt he's been a bit quirky and hs's had traits since birth. I'm used to dealing with him and find him fairly easy to handle. Late last year his school started to lose patience with him and told me he was not behaving appropriately. The child they described was almost unknown to me! I've been through the local child development team with various appointments for the last 10 months and we finally got our diagnosis 2 weeks ago. We've been referred on to the LEA now and I'm hoping to get things sorted for him when he returns to school in Septrmber. Looking forward to chatting with you all! Shell
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