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Everything posted by Robin23

  1. Does anyone know whether private assessments are considered reputable in the uk? I am put off the NHS as I have been told there is a 12 month waiting list, and the local service has only recently been set up and I think I need to go somewhere with expertise in diagnosing adults. I have contacted a few places, the cost seems reasonable, but I am put off by the shortness of the assessment (2-3 hours, I dont think I could even scratch the surface in that time). So I was just wondering: does anyone know how private assessment is viewed in the uk, I dont just want to go somewhere where you pay to be told what you want to hear I want a reliable assessment can anyone recomend any specific providers? (Londonish area and near) thanks
  2. Hi, this is my first post. im currently awaiting an assessment after asking my GP in november. He said it would probably be in London due to a lack of adult aspergers specilists locally (surrey). But, I recieved a letter from the local NAS ASSIST service saying I had been refered to them for a 45 minute appointment, I assume this is just an information on support session but was wondering if NAS are involved at all in the assessment (perhaps they make a judgement on whether they thing an assessment should be pursued?). I was wondering if anyone else has been refered to a NAS service first and what it involved (I have emailled asking them but I guess the holidays may mean they have a backlog). Also, can anyone who was assessed in london (living either in london or outside) tell me how long they waited between seeing their GP and being formally assessed? thanks
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