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Everything posted by hedders

  1. what or who? is the best way to get my dd investigated for asd without the input of her school? she is 5.5yrs and has recently been discharged by paed. (because of the school lack of knowledge and support of my concerns,) she is under o.t for suspected sensory intergration disorder, i dont want to go to her paed for a review as she believes schools know best. my younger dd who is 2.5yrs has been referred to a different paed. should i get my older dd referred to them as well.? i hope to get my younger dd investigated by a multi-disap. team. im going to the gp on wed. and not sure which way forward, i have just wasted a year because of the school interfearance.
  2. a friend of mine who son is autistic believes in the son rise programme, she has attended all the courses and is going to her third in december, apart from how expensive it is, i havent seen an improvment he seems to continue along his own path. she has a rota with family of doing one one in his room now for 2 years, she cant get the school to follow in her beliefs and puts some blame on the school. i notice that his sister resents all the attention he gets on the one-one, and feel for her. i attended one of the talks in bristol explaining the son rise programme by the family themselves, it was interesting but i knew most of it from courses i done in my job (nvq111 in care) on her 1st sonrise programme was alot to do with the parents it seemed abit like a councilling service she said lots of people were crying as they had to explain their child in group activities. i think the 2nd programme was about one-one interaction and getting into their world to try and bring them out, you have to be 100% commeted to a programme and son rise believe in home teaching and not going to a school. the 3rd programme in november (i think) not sure what that involves yet? good luck if you go down this road. the sonrise programme also likes for families to go to america for the intenstive programme but this is many thousands
  3. thankyou both for your advice, my dd is in her 2nd year at primary school she is 5.5yrs, one of her targets was to read teddy keywords (8 words like i,a.it,is,the etc..) her 2nd target was to identify initial sounds (satpin) her third target from salt never arrived. the reception year had to learn 49 words through the keywords and sounds, yet all the classes had work books for this my dd didnt, when i questioned the senco she said i dont know about this??? and maybe she wasnt ready for it!!! so if my dd only knows a few words out of 49 i believe this is a cause for concern. she also has to have a large pencil with grip to help her grasp and writing, she is the only one in her class with this, she tries so hard but some of her numbers and letters are reversed. she tries to copy but she likes to write a mixture of letters and numbers together, in one of her books the teacher had commented on this, and i brought it up in the meeting, but when she brought her class books home the page with her comment has vanished!! this is her second school because she was bullied in the last one by children, yet i found from my self that the head is so rude and belittles me , everyone is scared of her, i heard that she is rude to the children too. the education department in june said she was not to get envolved but yet she has had alot of input and meetings with the senco,salt,class teacher , i had to report her as she refused a teacher to assess her in class, i dont know why the paed was dependent on the school, she sould of been referred for investigation. wot a waste of a year it will take me another year to try and sort it out. this has been the most stressful time of my life
  4. i was asked to attend a multi-proffessional meeting to discuss my dd, this was arranged by the head teacher. i thought this would benefit my dd for me to discuss some issues. it ended with the head teacher,salt and class teacher underminding me, everytime i explained a concern they would over rule me and make excuses saying well i do this or children do this etc...... i believe the meeting was staged because, i became aware of asd and they may of failed to recognise my dd diffculties were apart of this. no-one else wants to get envolved because of errors and the way the school has dealt with it. the o.t has advised me to get a review with paed. but i dont think she will do anything as she believes schools know what there doing and doesnt think a child should be labbelled. i am going back to the g.p this has been a year now, to see if she can help me, the educ. psych was really supportive even though she hasnt assessed my dd but she is now not returning my phone calls. i spoke to the school senco and she claimed my dd reached her targets on her iep and was rude to me, i checked my dd targets and went through it with her ,she hasnt reached them.they are taking it away in october my dd has diffculty reading and writing, infact she only knows a few 2letter words. i have now given premission for a complaint to go to parentpartnershp. my dd was upset today because she had to do some work with the senco? change of routine and didnt understand what she had to do? i feel they are playing some dangerous games and at the end of the day it my dd that suffers they are soooo secretive!
  5. in june the education department said her head teacher wasnt to get involved about my concerns with dd only senco. i alot has happened when i took info about asd underlining what my dd displays, the school has managed to get her discharged from paed. there have been alot of meetings with senco,class teacher,speech and lang, and head teacher, which i have now become aware off. the speech and lang has discharged her also from years of making no improvement with her speech diffculties she has claimed her speech is within normal range (she had made progress in 2 weeks) ready for a multi proffessional meeting with paed. erin had an iep started in april and was due to be reviewed in july which wasnt, her annual report in july clearly displays reading and writing diffculties. i went to see the senco to discuss her iep on thursday, she said she had a meeting with her class teacher in july and dont think she needs an iep and claimed she met her 2 targets and are taking it away in october, i went through the targets with dd and she hasnt reached them the school are refusing for her to see education psy. i have requested 4 times. my dd had an o.t app on friday and she suspects she has sensory intergration disorder and something else i filled in a sensory quest. i said the school are taking away her iep she wasnt happy and is going into the school to observe her. iam also going to get a 2nd opion on her speech in a clinic setting but not sure how to do this? I have also got a gp app coming and will ask her to be reffered to a child psych. is this all to do with funding? and also because i reported the head teacher to education department?
  6. how do your children interact with peers and play? is there a clear difference from children who dont have asd or aspergers? my daughter seems to respond to words only and doesnt pick up clues on body lang and facial expressions she has diffculty telling wot is true and false leading to anxities i noticed when i throw a ball to her despite co-ordination delay she always looks at my face and has diffculty watching my body actions leading to the ball bouncing around her is this a clue?
  7. i sent info on asd to my daughter salt and thought she might be able to help my case. i asked her to assess my daughters level of understanding and social interaction at school. she did a checklist on communication covering; interaction,communication,social imagination and flexible thinking,motor and organisational skills her report stated no diffculties in the class room setting observered to interact with peers and has formed relationships within her peer group Because of her report the paed says no to asd, with just this sentence? is this the checklist used for asd? how can they tell in one visit? shouldnt her play been observed in play ground as she has co-ordination delay wouldnt she display motor and organisational diffculties. im not giving up i shall get her referred to a child psychologist this salt has also reported that in the space of 2 weeks between assessments for speech and lang. she now within the normal range despite yrs of being slightly delayed with gammatical errors,consonant clusters not established and indistinct word boundaries. her paed has stated she has a past history of speech delay??? But then again the school and salt been trying to cover up their mistakes and prob think they done well !!
  8. my daughter is 2.5 yrs is currently under speech therap. she has delayed speech and repetetive speech, she also displays repetetive behaviour e.g following the same pattern every day when i take my older one to school behaving in a repeated pattern when family visit she has diffculty with imagination play and prefers games like bubbles, books with flaps, cause and effect games she also has sensory issues clothes, food,and gets overstimulated just going into a shop, doesnt like her hair and teeth touched. she is being referred to a paed, this is not really new to me beause my older daughter has simular difficulties and has co-ordintion delay and her paed, isint really interested she has lots of fears and doesnt like change of routine. I feel a bit confused as to why they may be displaying autistic traits and why no one is that bothered esp the school i find every day a struggle to cope with but no one wants to give me an answer. any advice please?
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