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Elaine Hack

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Everything posted by Elaine Hack

  1. Dont dismisss this offer too quickly. My experience, both as someone who 'sorts things' for complex and fascinating children and young people within a large LA, (as a LA employee) and as someone immersed in the world of autism in lots of ways for many (30) years, is that for some, probably many, CYP with asd, being 'in' school is often painful and probably counter productive. If you look at the histories of many of the people with asd currently talking about their expereinces, significant pain and time out of the system are recurrent themes e.g. Wendy Lawson and Claire Sainsbury) A year or two or three of home ed, supplemented by (probably your) creative efforts to appropriately expand your child's horizons, may be a much better preparation for successful and happy adulthood than whatever your LA can offer - dont forget that in the UK, all that LA's have to offer is what would be considered good enough at that point in history - (the Bolam test). If you can afford the time and energy, I suggest you critically assess what YOU can offer vs what the LA can offer - and go for what you think is best for your child. By all means continue to push your LA to make better provision - but be sure it is better! Some time spent with other CYP with ASD may be valuable, but too much may well be counter-productive.
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