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Posts posted by sweety

  1. I have Aspergers syndrome, and my older brother does. We both have problems controlling our temper. I shout very loudly when I lose my temper, I usually play some music to try to calm myself down.


    Sorry to hear that your family have had a stressful year, that is probably why it has been more frequent, I lost someone close a few years ago, and the stress made me lose my temper a lot more than usual.

  2. Reading stories like this make me wonder where the hell these teachers get trained! I am not suprised though, I had similar problems when I went to school (I left a year and a half ago) My mum wrote in a letter, and my PE teacher then asked what exactly my reason for not being able to do PE was in front of everyone in my class! I then told her I did not want to discuss it in front of everyone, and then she asked why!!! :angry:


    I really hope that it gets sorted out, and that your son gets all the help and understanding he needs >:D<<'>


    sweety :)

  3. Hello everyone,

    I am 17 and was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome when I was 14. I knew that I had aspergers when I was 12 because I did a bit of self-diagnoses. I also have hearing difficulties, epilepsy, M.E (chronic fatigue syndrome) and other medical problems.

    I have two brothers who are also on the autistic spectrum, so I know a lot about the condition.

    I went to a mainstream school which I HATED!!! I was refused a statement of special educational needs TWICE!!! and my school was very unhelpful, so I bunked off a lot. :devil: I was refused DLA TWICE!! but I now recieve it! My whole life my mum had to fight to get any help for me and my two brothers on the autistic spectrum.

    I have a very good memory. I remember things that happened before I was even one! I also remember dates and times very well. My communication is still quite bad, I am trying to improve it. I have no facial expression most of the time, I look quite sad a lot, and people think that I am unapprochable. I have very strange phobias. I am very repetitive, I like to sit at the same place wherever I go.

    I am now at college on a course for people with special needs and I am enjoying it. The teachers are much more helpful than the ones from school.

    I look foward to talking to some of you.

  4. I think that your son should definately be given some leeway here. These teachers at schools are so annoying, they make me so angry. :angry:

    Most of them are so unsympathetic towards Autism/Aspergers syndrome, it's unbelievable! It is a disability, and therefore in some cases there should be times when there is a bit of leeway! I doubt they would give children with Downs' syndrome or cerebal palsy a detention for forgetting a book or whatever!!

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